Chapter 109 Confrontation with Kevin! (Subscribe)

After leaving, the flash star didn’t go anywhere, he squatted in a corner near the video game store, and returned to the video game store as if nothing had happened until the omnitrix’s transformation time came and returned to a human state.

“That guy was so handsome just now, he knocked everyone down at once! He looks like a cartoon superhero!”

“Hahaha, who believes what you are saying, like the aliens, bragging?

The video game city is full of discussions about flash stars, people are eagerly discussing, and the newcomers express their disbelief, and it is very lively for a while.

“Xiao Chen!” Looking at Xiao Chen who came back, Tian Xiaoban’s expression was suppressed and eager, and he said in a low voice: “The move you just made was the one that instantly knocked everyone down. What’s your name?”


Looking at the small class who was still in the second year of middle school, Xiao Chen was speechless, holding his forehead, and said with tears in his eyes, “What’s the name, it’s just a casual trick.”

You must know that even without strengthening, sufficient physical coordination ability, coupled with the foundation of martial arts, can enable him to transform into an alien hero and exert stronger strength!

This is the power of the Transformers themselves!

“By the way, with that money, do we want to buy a new version of the violent sumo machine?” Tian Xiaoban asked cautiously, like a thief.

“Xiao Ban, I’m going to donate this money. If I really want to give it back to the victims, I can’t find so many people, so I have to donate it.”

Xiao Chen said with a nonchalant expression.

“Did you see it?”

At this time.

Kevin suddenly walked to the side of the crowd again, his expression full of excitement and excitement: “The guy who was very fast just now is so cool!”

“Yeah, I think so too!”

Tian Xiaoban also responded with a smile.

Only Xiao Chen greeted with a smile on the surface, but his heart was full of vigilance. He wore omnitrix’s hands and put it into his pockets as if nothing had happened.

He clearly knew that Kevin could absorb alien DNA and temporarily strengthen himself!

So he won’t let Kevin have a chance!

“In the future, I will also be as powerful as him. We all have superpowers, and I can be that strong!” Kevin obviously thought that the flash star was also a superpower. He slowly opened his palm and jumped with electric lights. , expression, full of ambition, gloomy!

That way, Xiao Chen felt a little bit of vigilance.

“Kevin, it’s almost time for us to eat, we have to go back.” Xiao Chen looked for the perfect excuse, his face filled with regret, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, but unfortunately we can only come in the afternoon, then you will still be there. in or not.

“It doesn’t matter, I’m in the vicinity of this area. What alleys, warehouses, under bridges, anyway, the places where the sun can’t shine are all places where people like me live!”

For Kevin, these are commonplace meals.


Invisibly, Xiao Chen set out Kevin’s address, remembered it in his heart, and nodded: “Kevin, I’ll come back to you when I have time.”

“See you later!”

Kevin also readily agreed, hiding his anti-social personality deep in his heart.

Xiao Chen and Tian Xiaoban said goodbye to Kevin, came to the front desk, and exchanged some game coins for coins, carrying coins and US dollar bills, and walked towards the hotel.

On the way, it seemed like a coincidence, Xiao Chen came across a charity organization that was collecting donations, and he donated the money without thinking. Because the amount was too large, he explained it for a long time before returning to the hotel with Xiaoban and the others.

When returning to the hotel lobby.

It was exactly eleven o’clock in the afternoon.

Xiao Chen touched his dry and sore belly, and grunted in his throat: “I’m so hungry, I don’t know what lunch I can have.”

A burst of aroma diffused from the kitchen to the hall, with the smell of seafood, as well as cooked food, main dishes,

What’s more terrible is that there is a restaurant next to the hall. Nuoda’s restaurant is full of people, and they all eat in buffet style.

This almost made Xiao Chen unable to walk.

“Why don’t we stay and go up after dinner.” Tian Xiaoban also grunted and said eagerly.

Forget it”, let’s talk to grandpa first, and then come down to eat together, so that he won’t be in a hurry.

Xiao Chen still resisted the urge in his heart and brought the two to the hotel elevator.

Coincidentally, the elevator was going down.

The elevator came to the first floor and opened the door.

An old man dressed in floral red clothes, with a strong figure and a radiant expression, appeared in front of the three of them.

“Grandpa” Xiao Chen was stunned, and after reacting, he let out a cry.

“Xiao Chen, Xiaoban, you guys, you’ve really ordered lunch. Well, don’t tell me, let’s go straight to the buffet!” Mark smiled understandingly and wrapped Xiao Chen with his right hand. , grabbed Xiaoban with his left hand and walked towards the restaurant.

…for flowers…

Of course, he also wanted to hold Tian Xiaowen, but Tian Xiaowen embarrassedly refused.

After taste.

It’s a pleasant meal time.

Xiao Chen can be said to eat very comfortably.

After about ten minutes.

Xiao Chen, who was seventy percent full, stood up, took out a tissue and wiped his mouth: “Grandpa, eat slowly, I remember that there is still something to do, let’s go first.”

I have something to do with Kevin later.

Don’t eat too much!!

“Xiao Chen, you have to be careful outside, pay attention.” Mark said with concern, and then agreed. In his eyes, Xiao Chen is actually no different from a child who is about to grow up.


“Xiao Chen, I want to go too!”

Although Tian Xiaoban didn’t know what Xiao Chen was going to do, he still stood up happily.

“Xiaoban, Xiaowen, I can’t take you there this time, sorry~ But I’ll be back soon, I promise you, I will definitely play with you all afternoon!

After Xiao Chen comforted the two, he hurried out the door.

Tian Xiaowen looked at his back and remembered what he had said before. He seemed to have figured out something, but he didn’t break it. Instead, he helped Xiao Chen keep a secret.

After going out.

Xiao Chen borrowed a small bicycle and quickly rode through the nearby video game store, corners, and alleys.

until you reach an alley.

He just saw Kevin’s back in the alley.


At this time, Kevin is doing despicable things.

He turned his back to the entrance of the alley, blocking the only sunlight, and put a few children one or two years younger than him inside, with a vicious expression: “Hand over all the money on your body, hand it over now, otherwise, don’t blame me for taking it. After you, take money from your pocket!!”

He is forcing these people in the same way!


Seeing this scene, Xiao Chen’s expression became colder, and his voice became a lot colder.


Kevin noticed the voice behind him, turned his head, and saw Xiao Chen with a hostile face.

His eyes jumped up, his expression was very subtle, and he put on a fake smile: “It’s you, Xiao Chen, my good friend”! How about it? Would you like to help me? “100 million,

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