Chapter 106 The boy in black in the video game store! (Subscribe)

Seeing that the two were about to argue again over a trivial matter, Xiao Chen couldn’t help interrupting them: “Let’s talk about it when we go out, and talk while walking.”

The two just gave up, but they also stood on the left and right sides of Xiao Chen, not talking to each other, and they were angry.

Xiao Chen didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, and walked down the hotel with the two of them. As he passed the press conference of the new violent sumo game, Tian Xiaoban also glanced at him from time to time.

Those eyes were full of longing.

“Wow, your violent sumo character is amazing!”

“You’re not bad! In this new game of Furious Sumo, the characters’ movements are very smooth, and the sense of attack is also very strong!

“And the picture quality is also much clearer, a true masterpiece of the next era!

The discussion among the group of internet-addicted teenagers made Tian Xiaoban almost unable to walk, and only drooled.

It was Xiao Chen who held him with his hands to carry him and walk all the way.

After coming to the door.

The hot sun shines on Xiao Chen and others.

Man 16 Chen Xu squinted his eyes and looked at the poisonous sun, then looked back at the two of them: “Okay, now it’s up to you to make a decision. Are we going shopping or playing an electric car?”

“My violent sumo… Tian Xiaoban still looks lost and keeps talking to himself.

See Tian Xiaoban like this.

Tian Xiaowen also sighed helplessly and said, “Forget it, let’s go play video games~ On such a hot day, even shopping will be very hot.

When Xiao Chen sees her sweating appearance, it will ruin her image.

“Yeah, great!

Tian Xiaoban looked at Tian Xiaowen in surprise, and praised with a smile: “Bookworm, I didn’t expect you to be so considerate.”

“Are you praising me or scolding me?

Tian Xiaowen was speechless.

The three of them stayed in this state and came to a video game city near the Grand Hotel.

Walking into the video game city, there are game consoles everywhere. Many teenagers are playing video games in front of the game consoles, including some bad teenagers. The sound is very noisy. Fortunately, no one smokes, and there is no unpleasant smell in the video game city.

“Boss, exchange thirty game coins.”

Xiao Chen took out a few bills, put them on the table, and said to the boss on tiptoe.

“Here you are.” The boss took the banknotes, took a few glances, and then handed the thirty game coins in a small bag to Xiao Chen.

“Xiaoban, Xiaowen, you can play whatever you want, let’s go!”

Holding the heavy bag of game coins, Xiao Chen spoke a lot harder, straightening his back.

“Let’s go, Xiao Chen, let’s try that first, the violent sumo game console!” Tian Xiaoban’s eyes lit up, he couldn’t wait to hold Xiao Chen, and walked towards the violent sumo game console.

It was a fighting game.

And many people are playing, it can be seen that this ip is very well-known.

Xiao Chen accompanied Tian Xiaoban to play fighting games for a while, and then switched to fps games, shooting machines, and even some role-playing games. During this period, Tian Xiaowen was watching quietly.

“Win the fight!!”

When Xiao Chen, who played the knight, controlled the character to win the final level, he leaned against the wall lazily, his arms spread out, and his body was indescribably happy!

The joy of playing games as a child, I’m back!!

It doesn’t matter if the game is happy or not, the important thing is to play with you!

“Okay, there are only three game coins left.

Tian Xiaowen looked relieved, stretched out his slender hand, and held the game coin bag.

“Well, play a few more games and go back.”

Counting the time, Xiao Chen has been playing for dozens of minutes, and Xiao Chen is also very relaxed.

“Uh… there is a good way, maybe we can win money!” Tian Xiaoban’s eyes slowly landed on a game machine in the distance.

That, is a coin pusher filled with a dizzying amount of game coins.

“Please, Xiaoban, anyone who is smarter knows that that is a scam.” Tian Xiaowen put his hands on his shoulders, posing as a little adult, and there was an unexpected contrast.

Forget it, “Xiaowen, let’s just let Xiaoban play once, they’re here anyway.” Xiao Chen winked at Tian Xiaowen.

Hurry up and let Xiaoban quickly lose these three game coins, let’s go back early!

“Xiao Chen, you are still the most supportive of me!” Tian Xiaoban embraced Xiao Chen’s shoulders full of enthusiasm, and walked to the coin machine with his shoulders hooked.

Come to the slot machine.

Tian Xiaoban spotted it, it seemed to have a great chance, and the coin pusher with the most game coins piled up, first took out a game coin from the bag and stuffed it into it.

The game coins fall into a pile of game coins. Under the push of the machine, it seems that a large amount of game coins will be pushed down, but it is still a little bit!

“so close!

Tian Xiaoban put in the second piece non-stop.

Still as terrifying!

His heart was pounding, and there seemed to be a voice in his heart saying: It’s almost, it’s almost!!

Out of nowhere, he dropped a third coin.

“This thing is actually a bit of a gambling thing, making full use of people’s greedy nature.” Xiao Chen saw through the coin slot machine at a glance, and he had already guessed Tian Xiaoban’s ending.

The ending was, of course, unexpected.

Tian Xiaoban lost the third game coin, his palms slipped from the machine, and his face was unwilling: “Damn it, this is a broken machine that cheats money!! Give me back!”

“Boy, willing to admit defeat, this is the rule.” The boss on the other side responded provocatively when he heard this.

“Cut! This shop is a black shop.” Tian Xiaoban muttered in a low voice.

“Xiao Ban, it’s just a game, forget it, let’s go.” Xiao Chen comforted him gently, knowing that he was angry and unreasonable.

“Yes, they are black shops. It’s not your bad luck, the machines in this shop have done tricks and no one can win.

While the three were chatting.

A rather gloomy voice suddenly came from the side!

Xiao Chen and the others turned their heads and looked around curiously.


It was a tall and thin boy with black hair and black clothes, leaning on the game console, with his hands on his shoulders, his eyes were full of depth, and there was an unknown darkness in the depths of his eyes.

He happened to be located in a dark corner of the entire video game store, and the darkness seemed to merge with his black clothes and set off each other.

What he said just now is naturally what he said.

“And that guy’s tone is also ugly, I really want to Haibian him.” Tian Xiaoban also responded jokingly.

“Yes! Me too.”

The tall and thin boy cast a look of approval. Unlike Tian Xiaoban, he seemed to have a bit of murderous aura in his bones!

Xiao Chen realized instantly.

This person is not the same as himself and others!

This “friend, thank you for helping us speak, but you have seen it, willing to admit defeat, we can’t do anything with this guy, let’s go first…” Xiao Chen didn’t finish his words.

The tall and thin boy on the opposite side turned strange, and said grimly: “You help me block it, I have a way, let us make a lot of money together.”

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