Chapter 103 The light event ended (please subscribe)

“You don’t have to worry about me, just go all out.” The purple light impatiently urged the still hesitating lights.

They look at each other.

In the end, I couldn’t hold back the curiosity in my heart and released the current in my body!

Countless currents are like strips of electricity floating in the void, sweeping towards the purple light spectacularly!

The electric light that gathered together devoured his figure. In front of this large amount of electric current, his already small body became even smaller!


Until countless currents fell on his body, a large amount of current burst out, and even formed a ball-like lightning-like existence, completely submerging the body of the purple light!

“He, he won’t die…

Impossible “, impossible, he shouldn’t die, we all use electricity, how could we be electrocuted?”

“It’s all your fault for not showing mercy! I, I’m pulling my strength.

Those Lights are children who play the house and play the whole process. Seeing this situation, they are all panicked and fearful!

No, are they really killed by them??

Don’t let this happen…


The light from the sky suddenly dissipated!

The figure of the purple light suddenly appeared in the sight of all that light!

The electric current that had gathered on his body, as if it had vanished without a trace, had all disappeared without a trace!

no, it’s ok???

Seeing this miraculous picture, the lights were all stunned 650!

They all realized how powerful the purple light is!

“Don’t worry, I will release the electricity that I gathered just now, all at once.”

The purple light didn’t pretend, his face flushed red, and a terrifying energy was suppressed in his body. He raised his fingers tremblingly and aimed at a large forest in the distance.

Yep, that’s the main dish!

What’s the use of just absorbing current? No matter how much you absorb, it’s useless if you can’t release enough power!

He wants to show how strong he is!

“call out!!


A purple laser light jumped out of his fingertips, the light split the vast sky, and every place it passed was illuminated by light, like a thunder calamity prepared for the gods!

There is an unbelievable violent and terrifying energy suppressed in it!!


The laser light fell like a meteorite into a forest!

In an instant.

The tiny laser light suddenly burst, feeling swelled countless times, forming a storm-like current!

The violent current is like a purple wave, spreading overwhelmingly, covering a large area of ​​​​the mountains and forests, countless broken pieces, broken soil, and sand and gravel, rolling outwards rapidly, like flying sand in the sky!

It was also accompanied by a roar that resounded through the sky (bget)!

Even the boss of Happy Country, who fled far away, was so frightened that he held his head in his hands and looked shocked: “This, did these little guys absorb the power of the nuclear power plant… so fierce…

After a few seconds.

The smoke on the forest that bore the brunt slowly dissipated.

Only a bunch of flat ground remains!

Countless trees and rocks were destroyed by the lightning and only powder was left, and drifted away with a gust of wind.

That whole forest.

They were all wiped out under the finger-like finger of the purple light that was like a prisoner of heaven.

All that light, looking at the explosion area that seemed to be destroyed by an atomic bomb, were all icy cold, and at this moment, the emotion of fear enveloped their bodies.

In their hearts, there is a deep awe that begins with the awe of absolute strength!

“So, are you qualified to be your boss?”

The purple light and wind lightly fell from the door in the air, and asked calmly.

Naturally, there was an uproar in his heart, because he did not expect that the power of the current could be so terrifying!

Maybe the normal state is far inferior to the fire mage, the flame man, but the upper limit is very scary!

Maybe it can be like the pirate king Anilu!

“Boss!” The light of the champion was the first to call out the boss.

The strongest, it is also more aware of how far it is from the purple light, and it can feel how weak its own strength is!



The other light also said willingly.

“Hey, you shouldn’t be willing to go back to that rubber ball, right?” The purple light nodded with satisfaction, landed on the ground, and turned to ask.

Of course “No, boss! It’s so stuffy in there!

“Boss, we also count on you to help us find a new home.”

The answer, of course, was in denial, and everyone was in tacit denial, deeply tired of that damn place.


The purple light frowned slightly: “I’ll find a way to help you solve this problem! Who let me be your boss?”

Ahem, although there are systematic rewards that make him very excited, these little guys are indeed pitiful and need help!

He kept the gang of lights standing still, while he flew in front of Mark and asked if there were any abandoned power stations nearby.

For ordinary people, it may be difficult to answer this kind of question.

But as a plumber of the Tiangong Union, Mark, even if he doesn’t know, can easily investigate this kind of thing!

In this regard, we still have to rely on Mark.

“Xiao Chen, don’t worry, I’ll check it out for those little guys.” Mark naturally guessed what the purple light was thinking. He glanced at the purple light with approval, then took out the old man machine and turned around. Initiated a text message, which seemed very mysterious.

After a while, he turned around and smiled: “I found it, just a few kilometers to the southwest, there is an abandoned power station, and there is still some electricity.”

“Thank you grandpa, I understand!”

The purple light breathed a sigh of relief, then turned around and flew back to the group of light. With the aim of finding a new home, he led a group of that light to the southwest!

That light, as the name suggests, is the speed of light!

In the blink of an eye, a bunch of those lights flew out for several kilometers, and without any coordinates at all, they could keenly sense where the power station was in the southwestern suburbs!

The flow of electric current cannot escape the eyeball of that light!

When they arrived at the abandoned power station, there was no doubt that all but the purple light were ecstatic, not only because there was electricity, but because there were some magazines left by that kind of people. Stuff, everything seems so new!

And the boss of the purple light, the status in their hearts has changed from “the boss of fear” to a real boss!!

“From today, this is your new home~ But I said in advance that I will set two rules for you. First, you are not allowed to go out to disturb humans, just play here. Second, don’t destroy any facilities. , If you destroy, there will be bad guys coming to capture you at night!!”

The purple light looked at the lights playing everywhere, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. For the sake of safety, he still made some rules.

And in order to enhance the credibility, he also used the way that adults scare children to scare that light.


They all shrank their necks one by one, their faces full of fear, and answered in unison: “Yes, boss!”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for signing in successfully!”

The sound of the system sounded immediately, which also meant that the purple light had indeed handled this incident perfectly!

[The next chapter is Kevin’s, which will be longer. ].

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