This question made the originally relaxed atmosphere tense again.

Most ship girls have their missions planned from the moment they are built.

Take to the battlefield and fight the deep sea until the end of your life.

This is also a very heavy question

"I became an admiral because I was worried about Yukikaze's physical condition. I built Clemenceau because I felt that it would not be very safe to have only Yukikaze as a shipgirl."

"We do need more power. When I came to the academy, I was already prepared to fight the deep sea."

"As for victory and the safety of the ship girl, which one is more important?"

"I will pay more attention to their safety when there is a way out. I don’t know how other admirals view the ship girls around them. They are my family."

"I can't allow them to be hurt!"

"I will stand by their side and fight with them till the last moment."

"If the failure of the battle affects them, or affects others, then let me face it. After all, I am their admiral."

Weian clenched his fists and said seriously.

"What if the failure of the battle means that the garrison and the defense line are lost, which affects everyone? How will you face the strange looks and abuse from others at that time?"

Ellie recalled everything she had experienced, and tremblingly asked the question she had always wanted to ask.

She and other ship girls saw with their own eyes that their admiral collapsed and ended his life amidst endless abuse and condemnation..

A lot of ship girls are left, helpless and under the pressure that the admiral once had.

"Then let them do whatever they want. They go through life and death for my safety, so shouldn't I bear all this for them?"

"Whether you talk about me or hate me, it doesn't matter to me, but my girls, they shouldn't have to bear all this. The commands and decisions are all mine."

"So in order to prevent this from happening, I just need to make my girls and my fleet stronger."

Since Wei An entered the admiral's circle, the information he has come into contact with has become even greater.

After people who have experienced the dark ages finally regained the sea area, they regard the sense of honor as more important.

There are also people who are interested in whether the admiral can be captured by the ship. The jealousy that women love has given rise to the idea that if they can't become admirals, they will be destroyed if they don't get it.

They use the so-called honor and responsibility to kidnap some admirals with good intentions and wait until they die at sea.

The garrison is really weak, and it can't even defend its defenses. Look at what other admirals are doing. However, Wei An, who has experienced the era of information explosion in his previous life, will not be so called as long as he has a very flexible moral bottom line.

She was troubled by the moral kidnapping.

And compared with the opinions of these strangers, is it more important to have people around her?

Wei An's words made Ai Li a little emotional, but she still tried hard to restrain herself.

"Okay, Admiral Wei'an, your assessment has been completed. Next, when the assessment from the ship girl is completed, your results in class will be out tomorrow."

Ai Li, who was trying to control her emotions, waved her hand to Wei An.

After Wei An walked out of the classroom, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. He was not very difficult with the admiral's assessment. The next thing that was more important was the ship girl's side.

As a joint admiral academy, the opinions of the ship girls are very important. But when Wei An didn't expect it

, in Xuefeng's classroom, she was telling the two ship girls about her childhood. The glorious deeds.

For example, when Wei An was very young, he wet the bed when he didn't have enough control over his body, and the embarrassing incident of falling down again and again when he tried to walk, and later when Wei An grew up and became wiser. She has excellent qualities such as sharing the pressure with her sister.

Originally, Xuefeng's personality became much more cheerful after Wei An became the admiral, but now when it comes to the topic of Wei An, she talks as if she has opened up. The two assessment girls were dumbfounded.

They promised that they had never seen this scene before. This was just a simple assessment and asking a few questions about the admiral.

Now this heavyweight contestant has spoken for more than a dozen times. Minutes have passed, and now we are talking about Wei'an's glorious deeds when he was in elementary school.

Although they were a little excited when they heard it, their hands did not stop at all, and they kept recording Xuefeng's views on Wei'an. I also envy the relationship between Xuefeng and Wei An.

Such a close relationship between the admiral and the ship girl.

Just like the ship girl alliance, they all know that not everyone among the admirals is good, and not all admirals are so good.

But I still chose to establish an admiral academy and actively train admirals, because there is an upper limit to the ability of a ship girl, and the existence of an admiral's talent can raise this limit, and it may be yours in a close sea duel. If the hit rate is just a little higher, you will win.

Some admirals and ship girls live together, one treats each other with sincerity, and the other is playing tricks, so seeing Xuefeng smile from the heart makes me happy. How envious they were, it turned out that such an admiral actually existed, but it was just a bit time-consuming and needed to be cultivated by oneself.

However, Xuefeng still knew what to say and what not to say, this time around he was a Wei An wedding ship. She didn't reveal anything about it.

She even put the ring away quietly before entering. She didn't want to spoil other people.

Because Xuefeng was a destroyer, the two assessment ship girls arranged for her were also destroyers. Ship girls of the same type generally have more common topics.

As for Clemenceau, he recounted the events of the past ten days and his own changes, especially when it came to Wei An's initiative.

The unconfident look on her face when she was asked, and the feeling of being cherished, made the corners of her mouth rise unconsciously when she spoke, making the two elder sisters in the classroom nod with satisfaction from time to time, recording it until Xuefeng finally recognized Wei'an's glory.

It was already an hour after the story was told, and both Wei An and Clemenceau had been waiting at the door of the classroom for a long time.

However, when they were exchanging information about their assessments on the way back, they heard Xuefeng's words about the assessment, which made Wei An. An is a little ashamed

"So powerful that nothing can affect you. Is this your answer?"

Elizabeth and several other ship girls are gathering together to read the information and comments of the admirals after today's assessment.

Among them, Wei An's information was focused on by Elizabeth, and his every word was recorded.

Even Most of what Xuefeng said about Wei An was also recorded, allowing Elizabeth to read with gusto.

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