Form a virtuous cycle and make money.

Even Wei An was not worried that those admirals would resist.

After all, from the moment the construction of the ship began, all the admirals had already embarked on the road of dog gambling.

Coupled with the plan to make the admiral roll up inside.

The admiral who was lucky enough to build a powerful ship girl could be overtaken by a warrior with powerful abilities and overtake him in a corner.

At the same time, it remains possible for the European Emperor to win by opening the loot box and getting powerful ship equipment.

Coupled with very generous exercises and competition bonuses, the nerves of these admirals were further stimulated.

Let everyone enter an environment where competition starts from the moment they enter the academy and build a ship girl.

Expensive and rare ship equipment harvests rich ship girls and admirals.

Various types of loot boxes to harvest the remaining common admirals.

In this way, in the end, the ship equipment that Wei An did not need to make at all could not be sold.

He doesn't even have to do anything except purple and gold ship uniforms every day.

As for how much money he can make, it all depends on how many high-end ship equipment Wei An can stuff into the loot box.

So his future plans for using physical strength have been completely planned.

The first step is to make a small amount of A-1 attack aircraft and Clemenceau's improved cannon to earn a fortune for ship girls and admirals. At the same time, in the ship girl alliance, all types of gold and above ships will be sold at high prices..

Further complete his collection of data on ship equipment.

At the same time, it will pave the way for the subsequent loot plan.

On the other side, a quarter of the money he earned was exchanged for various resources and battleship cores for him to develop ship equipment.

A quarter is used for his ship's daily needs and emergency use.

One-quarter gives his own ship the hull.

A quarter is invested in the next round of ship equipment production, and bonuses for holding exercises and competitions are also generated here.

As for investing only a quarter into ship equipment, would it be too little?

A triple 380mm main gun improved by Clemenceau, Wei An used to sell it at 200W, but now he wants to directly raise the price to 300W, and the cost is only 30W.

Earn 10 times the profit directly.

After all, the admirals and ship girls who are really anxious to improve their strength can only pinch their noses and admit it when they can't buy better ship uniforms.

At the same time, it will further increase the difficulty of obtaining rare ship equipment to prevent other admirals from growing too fast.

Let the blind boxes that can obtain rare ship equipment with lower difficulty be better launched in the future.

As for whether I'm worried about the shipgirl and the admiral not having so much money in their pockets.

So why is he planning to spread terror in the deep sea?

Isn't it just to let these admirals go to the deep sea?

Can’t the money just come?

What's more, the navy has now been completely dismembered.

Under the joint leadership of ship girls, the number of admirals and ship girls fighting among themselves will drop sharply, and there is no need to worry about teammates stabbing each other in the back.

They can fight the deep sea with more peace of mind.

The further enrichment of his wallet will have a positive impact on his plan to make money.

Therefore, Wei An's physical strength for more than a month was basically used to make ship equipment.

There are only three models.

Trial production of 30cm main gun, 50 pieces.

240mm triple main gun, 50 pieces.

There are 50 triple 380mm main guns, all of which are gold-colored.

For this reason, Wei An directly spent 60 battleship cores.

He planned to let Lexington and the others sell it after most of the construction in the port area was completed.

Also because his resources are not as scarce as before, so he has increased the price of ship equipment now.

It is conservatively estimated that when this batch of ship equipment is sold out, he will be able to recover 200 million blue coins.

If it were replaced with a battleship core, there would be 400 of them. This would only be his one-month production of ship equipment, and it would be a pure huge profit.

But that’s what happened later.

But today, Wei An was busy moving into the dormitory and dealing with one thing.

A dormitory building that can accommodate hundreds of ship girls actually only has 52 rooms. A total of two ship girls live in one dormitory.

Ship girls who like to live alone need to apply separately.

As for why Wei An arranged it this way.

As a salty fish admiral, of course I know that the most numerous ones in the port area must be destroyer girls.

This group of elementary school students, if two of them share a room, have a friend who can talk and take care of each other.

So the dormitory he designed and planned was a two-person room from the beginning.

As for himself, it is a single room.

As a wedding ship, Yukikaze and Lexington were of course in the same room alone, as for the reason.

Of course, it is to facilitate the security guard's visit.

Saratoga, who had only seen her sister before, was very hurt by this.

Why did she join Wei An's garrison?

Isn’t it just for Lexington?

For her dear sister.

The results of it?

It was only after she became the ship's wife that she realized how deeply her sister loved the commander, and she didn't want her sister to be unhappy.

He could only give up some of his sister to Wei An, but at least Lexington still lived with her every day.

She can also hold her sister's body close to her.

But who knew that Wei An and Lexington got married so quickly, and she hadn't fully enjoyed Lexington's pampering yet.

Lexington was already married to another man, and Wei An occupied the position next to Lexington.

But as a ship's wife and sister-in-law, she endured it. At least her sister still loved her, and her brother-in-law was also kind to her.

The results of it?

Because of some accidents, there was some confusion between her and her brother-in-law.

Sometimes she started to have random thoughts.

Even more so when she learned that her sister had used her appearance when she made the oath to the commander, she couldn't even sleep.

I couldn't calm down all day long. I was scared and frightened. At the same time, my heart was so confused that I didn't know how to deal with my relationship with Wei An.

He even pushed Wei An away in a panic.

Only Saratoga who understands her own heart is left, quietly weeping every day and regretting silently.

She has always been tough-talking, proud and timid. She will not put down her face and go to Wei An to ask for peace. At worst, she will be sad.

At least she still has her sister who can talk to her every day, which can make her feel a little better.

What's the result now?

It’s time to move into the dormitory!

She was finally going to end the days of resting alone on her own battleship for so long.

Tell her now?

Lexington decided to have a room to herself instead of sharing a room with her dear sister.

Then how could she hide in the same bed with her sister and whisper at night?

How could she tell her sister about her happiness and depression?

The brother-in-law she liked now is gone, which already makes her very sad.

As a result, she was now told that her only remaining sister was gone.

Gaga, who was obviously loved by both her sister and brother-in-law before, now no one loves her.

So Saratoga, who had been wronged for a long time, finally lost her temper and broke her guard.

Wei An has to deal with Jia Jia's affairs today.

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