The fleet sailed out of the port area where the E headquarters was stationed, and Wei An embarked on the channel to the western theater.

Hood stood at the dock for a long time looking at the fleet gradually disappearing into the sea level, unwilling to leave.

For the rest of yesterday, Vian stayed at Hood's side.

She worked, and he assisted. It wasn't until later in the night that Hood finished handling the day's affairs, and Wei An helped Hood complete the modification of the ship's hull.

Hood, who has been traveling between Wei An's home and the port area for a long time, certainly understands that after this night, it will be unknown how long it will be before they see each other again.

She wanted to work more in the office so that he could spend more time with her, even if he didn't speak, just watching.

But looking at Wei An staying up late with her, her eyes feeling tired, she still felt heartbroken. Finishing the work quickly would allow Wei An to rest early.

She didn't pay much attention to what Wei An said about the transformation of the battleship. Nothing was as important as him.

She has seen the changes in Shropshire after becoming a Vian shipgirl. She also knows how terrifying the other shipgirls under Vian are because she often stays with them.

If Wei An hadn't forcefully asked her to express her concerns about her, she would have even pushed Wei An onto the bed to let him have a good rest.

In the end, when Wei An modified the battleship for her, she completed it as quickly as possible.

Battleship: Hood

Training Level: Level 102

Mental Core: 50,000 tons

Hull: 47,000 tons

Total length: 265 meters Width: 31 meters

Draft: 9 meters

Speed: 0-42 knots

Power system: Heavy-duty improved power system type II main gun : 3 381mm guns in 3 batteries

Secondary battery: 12 twin 128mm high-level dual-purpose guns Anti- aircraft guns: 14 German quadruple 20mm anti-aircraft guns

Torpedoes: None

Anti-submarine: 1 improved sonar

Radar: Anti-aircraft SC-2 pair Air search radar MK8 fire control radar

Considering that Hood will still be alone for a while, for her safety, Wei An made specializations in air defense.

It is better to rely on yourself than to rely on others, and even Wei An's decision was supported by Hood.

The damage caused to her by Wei An's aircraft carrier girls still affects her to this day.

Because of Clemenceau and Yixian's hull standards, Wei An was very fast when designing the Hood hull.

Moreover, there are currently no large-scale ship equipment upgrades, which further reduces the difficulty of ship body design.

In the end it was just consumed.

Fuel: 1000 Steel: 196900 Ammo: 6400 Aluminum: 0 and 33500 energy and a battleship core.

The hull modification of Hood is basically completed.

With Saratoga and the others taking the lead in their transformation, Hood's transformation was also very successful.

As expected, Wei An awakened another legendary skill.

【Glory of the Royal Navy]: When using this legendary skill, the firepower of the E country ship girl under the same admiral as the ship girl herself will be increased by 10%, and her own will be increased by 20%. If the ship girl is not contracted, the firepower of E will be eliminated. The strengthening effect of the national ship girl, in turn, doubles its own strengthening effect, and at the same time, the probability of being penetrated doubles.

If Hood could still look at it calmly when he completed the transformation of the battleship.

So when Wei An performed the operation and she simply awakened a legendary skill, she really couldn't control her emotions.

She had never heard of such a thing, that a ship girl could awaken two legendary skills.

And such a bizarre thing happened to her. Only the legendary ship girl knows the power of legendary skills.

Not to mention her excitement after seeing the effects of her new legendary skill.

What she has always been criticized for is that her firepower is not strong enough, and the new legendary skills make up for this.

Moreover, when using legendary skills, it can also help the E-country ship girls who are also under Wei An, which is equivalent to that as long as Hood is present, all E-country ship girls can exert 110% of their strength.

As for the effect without a contract, although it seems that doubling the strengthening effect is very good, you must know that the numerical value of Wei An's warships cannot be low.

The firepower improvement effect of multiple battleships must be greater than that of one battleship, and there is also the negative effect of doubling the penetration effect.

Think about it and know which one to choose.

When facing a melee, an easy-to-wear debuff should be added. Just think about that scene and it’s beautiful.

Finally, there is the overload effect that every legendary ship girl modified by the security hand has, which increases the performance of the warship by 20% for a period of time.

At this point, Wei An could finally go to the western theater with confidence.

Originally, Wei An wanted to try the effect of protecting Hood, but after feeling that it would take a long time to protect Hood, he could only give up temporarily.

When Hood comes to find him, slowly help Hood protect him.

At this time, the sky was already dark and it was time for the two of them to part ways.

"The night turns out to be so short, it's time for you to go."

Looking at the white light outside the dock, Hood sighed.

She really can't bear to leave now.

"When Elizabeth takes over the E-Union Headquarters, tell me and I will take you back to the garrison at that time."

Looking at the woman with red eyes, Wei An took her into his arms, stroked her hair and whispered softly

"Um....I'm waiting for you to pick me up."

Hood cried in Vian's arms and refused to raise his head until Lexington contacted Vian through the Ring of Oath.

The happy life between the two of them for a few months came to a short end.

She returned to E-Union for the time being. Continuing to work, Wei An returned to the Lexington ship and fell asleep, heading towards a new life.......

The waves crashed on the deck of the battleship, and the strong wind and gloomy weather all showed that the current sea conditions were not very good.

However, it did not have much impact on the security guard inside the Lexington battleship. It should be said that the bumps were not very obvious.

This is also the benefit of a larger ship. It has a much stronger ability to withstand wind and waves and will not disturb the security guard who is making plans.

After leaving the eastern war zone, Wei An became busy again, busier than when he stayed at home.

Because where they are going next, the only people living may be his fleet, and everything will have to be developed from scratch.

From the information obtained from the Ship Girl Alliance, we can know that the Whale Sea Guards House is now in tatters.

It had been rebuilt with great difficulty under the jurisdiction of the ship girl of the E joint headquarters. As a result, in this deep sea attack on the navy, the port area at the forefront was once again reduced to ruins.

If Wei An hadn't repeatedly confirmed that he wanted this island, the other flagships of the Ship Girl Alliance would have thought that Wei An was suffering from a brain disease.

Because now that the ship girls have united to defeat the navy, there are a lot of good unguarded islands. He doesn't want to fight but has to go to the most dangerous front line.

Just go to the front line, far away from the eastern theater where the E joint headquarters is located.

If he encounters an attack in the deep sea, the admirals who are all united by the ship girls will definitely come to his aid, but it will definitely not be as strong as the rescue efforts of the E-Union Headquarters.

Even Hood came to him for several heart-to-heart talks.

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