"No wonder you have so many ship girls, and they still like you so much. I see, is this a kindness?"

"What a unique point of view. Originally, I thought you would answer as pedantic and dull."

Hearing Wei An's answer, Veneto was stunned for a moment, but his thoughts soon changed.

"But just like you said, as ship girls, we have our own persistence and kindness, even if I am very reckless in the eyes of others"

"But I will never forget the people who helped me and the promises I made to others"

"As the boss of the I-Union Department, I will not break my promise easily."

"I've already missed an appointment once because I didn't take good care of your mother. I won't break the appointment easily this time."

"What's more, not everyone in my I-Union Headquarters can be bullied. If you want to bully my I-Union Headquarters people, you must first have a taste of the gunfire from my battleships."

As he said that, Veneto was already standing on the chair, looking down at Wei An.

His barren chest did not block Wei An's sight.

"You, Wei An, even if you are a member of the E-Union, I, Vene, will protect you. I have left unfulfilled promises in the past. This time, I will not break the promise again."

"After all, who made me promise your grandma to take good care of her family? You said so, a good grandson of the empire."

Veneto's black high-heeled shoes were on the table in front of Wei An. With his upper body leaning forward, the distance between the tips of their noses was only a palm's width.

Wei An could feel Veneto's breath on his face. The atmosphere in the room suddenly became cold.

Because Wei An was here to do two things: one was to find out about his mother, and the other was to get the I-Union Department. support, and the current atmosphere of the I Union Department is hugely different from that of other Union Departments. This place is simply Veneto’s flagship. As the flagship of the I Union Department, she basically has a higher prestige than the flagships of the other Union Departments!

If the department supports him, the more important thing is to deal with Veneto, but now he is told that it seems that he does not need to do it.

Even before he comes, he is already covered by the head of the I-Union Sister, who is obviously very petite. But she exuded a strong aura.

This was the strong and protective elder sister in his memory.

The elder sister who had a bad temper and even a bit of a brash temper supported his hope of continuing to live in pain. He missed VV's 381 large torpedo, so

Veneto, who was very close to Wei An, immediately noticed Wei An's strange look.

She had seen this kind of look from other admirals in the I-Union Department. It was a look of interest in her, but Veneto could still feel something about him that other admirals didn't have.

It just made her feel a little irritated, but after all, he was different from other admirals, at least Wei. An just looked weird and didn't speak out rashly.

Sister Veneto certainly wouldn't punish Wei An like this. It could even be said that

Wei An didn't even dare to come to her I-Union Headquarters. If she really beats him away and never comes again, does her eldest sister have no face?

If she said it in such a big way, others will never come again. What will other people in the I-Union Department think of her in the future? ?

So Veneto’s punishment for Wei An was:


He hit Wei An’s head lightly and brought back his scattered thoughts.

"You are thinking of something particularly rude~ This is a little punishment for you."

After playing Veneto, he returned to his chair and said to Wei An rather helplessly.

"No no.."

When Wei An was exposed, he quickly waved his hands and said embarrassedly.

"Okay, don't I know what you admirals are thinking? It's normal, especially since you can even take down Hood, you are quite capable."

"And seeing that you have more and more ship girls, and there is no sign of stopping, how can I not understand that you are a restless boy? Just don't wear your body down like your grandfather did. Although ship girls are gentle, beautiful and obedient, your own health is more important."

Veneto just downplayed it, not caring at all, and admonished Wei An like an elder admonishing a younger generation. Wei An was sweating profusely after hearing this, and felt very uncomfortable.

After all, a little girl like a child in front of him, speaking in a delicate tone and old-fashioned words, it was awkward no matter how you looked at it.


"Well, is there anything else you want to talk to me about besides your mother? I see you have something to say.

Seeing Wei An's guilty look, Veneto laughed in his heart and helped him out.

"I hope to have a good relationship with the I Liaison Department. This is probably why I came to see my eldest sister this time."

"That's it?"

"That's it"

"Do you still need to ask for such a simple request? You are protected by me, Veneto. As long as you don't do bad things, tell me when you are in trouble and I will help you clean it up. Veneto just waved his hand lightly and said.

"Sister, apart from my mother, is there any other reason why you are making such a big show?"

The coffee cup that was picked up blocked Wei An's view, so he didn't see the corners of Veneto's mouth that slightly raised when he heard this question.

"Why do you ask that?

Veneto took a sip of coffee, lowered his mouth, and said calmly.

"I always feel something is wrong. Even if Big Sister wants to take care of me, there must be more than one admiral. But the ship girl of the I-Union told me that what Big Sister did this time was unprecedented."

"No one has ever seen the eldest sister like this. If it's just for this reason, I don't think it's enough."

Wei An looked up and saw the girl's elegant and cold face.

"Then you can think about why I do this? Little Weiwei~"

The red agate eyes glanced at Wei An lightly, and said in a somewhat pleasant tone.

Wei An shook his head very honestly.

"Don't you even want to take a guess?"

The charming voice came slowly. This time Veneto crossed his legs on the table and looked at Wei An lazily, waiting for his answer.

"Since the eldest sister has done this and is not afraid to tell me, then the eldest sister will tell me."

In Wei An's impression, if her personality has not changed much, compared to other ship girls, Veneto is more straightforward.

She is not a ship girl who likes to beat around the bush, nor is she as sinister as Lexington. the other side

"Since you don't want to guess, I'll tell you"

"Put your ears closer."

Veneto said, twitching his fingers at Vian, and at the same time she stood up.

"Why did you go looking for Veneto before? Did you want to see me so much?

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