So we can know Veneto's attitude towards these admirals who have thoughts about her.

If you dare to be interested in her, first think about whether you can accept the result of breaking your leg.

But even the disastrous result of the failure to salvage the boat did not make these admirals flinch.

It even completely ignited the enthusiasm of the admirals of the I-Union Department for fishing, and the number of admirals who expressed their love for Veneto reached its peak.

I just want to see Veneto's disgusted and helpless expression after being confessed, and I also want to see if any admiral can break through this loli's defense and successfully rescue the boat.

To this end, the Admiral of the I-Union Department has also formed several things that must be done.

The first check-in point after entering the I Joint Headquarters is the gendarmerie cell, and the second check-in point is the big tree with bare bark outside the bathhouse.

The third check-in point is Veneto's office and the medical room next to the office building.

When you come to the I-Union Headquarters, the life of an I-Union Headquarters admiral is not perfect if you don’t visit the cell, get caught peeping by the ship’s wife, and don’t have Veneto break his leg.

The admirals of the I-Union Department are all complete talents and perverts.

So now their fun is about to end, Veneto, who looks disgusted with them but is extremely cute, actually has a crush on the human admiral!

How can I make them feel better!

They would rather have their legs broken a few more times than Veneto falls in love with someone else.

So how could they not be envious of Wei An? There was even a hint of pity for Vian being targeted by Veneto.

Therefore, the admiral team of the I-Union Headquarters specially sent people to stand guard at the door to see who the admiral was.

Now every detail of the interaction between Wei An and Pompeii was seen by them and reported to them.

"You said that this guy is so skinny that he looks like a thin dog at first glance. Would the eldest sister like this one?"

"According to everyone's previous analysis, the ones who get beaten lighter every time should be the stronger ones, right? A thin dog lady like this is very ruthless."

An admiral holding a telescope asked next to him.

"It's not easy to draw a conclusion now. Maybe we are overthinking it. Can the eldest sister with such a skinny figure withstand the abuse?"

"And doesn’t he have the flagship of the E-Union Headquarters? Can the eldest sister get along well with other ship girls?"

The two of them thought of the scene of Veneto and other ship girls being hugged from left to right and couldn't help but shook their heads.

"Do you feel that the air is a bit cold today?"

One of the admirals couldn't help shaking his body.

"When you say that, it really makes sense."

Another admiral said with considerable approval.

"Are you so impatient to read my gossip? You have so much free time."

Veneto's gnashing teeth came from behind the two of them, and at the same time, his fists were clenched.

It was really hard. She was in a very good mood when she heard that Wei'an was coming to find her, but she encountered something along the way.

A bunch of useless people, and some of them were mentally abnormal.

She didn't know what sin she had committed. Among all the admirals of the joint departments, the I Joint Department had the most perverts, and they kept drilling into the I Joint Department. What made her most helpless was that every time they were clearly punished for their behavior, even if their legs were broken, they could still excitedly say,"Thank you, big sister."

And they also had bad ideas about those immature little sisters. Every day they were either going to the gendarmerie prison to reflect or on the way to reflect.

Let them out Afterwards, they refused to repent, and because of this, many small destroyers have suffered from their evil hands.

How could there be such people who would actually like small destroyers.

Is the big sister not good enough?

Strong and elegant.

In short, she couldn’t understand what these admirals were thinking. What was so good about the small one. She was born to be inferior to others. Every time someone opened their mouth, they would say that you are a destroyer.

She is the flagship of the I-United Forces, but she has to be called a destroyer every time. Who can stand this!

And she is also interested in this kid Vian?

She is Vian’s grandmother, so how can she be interested in this little brat?

Vian’s mother was raised by her personally.

When Veneto thought of the bad ideas of these perverted admirals under her command, she could no longer hold back her anger.

"ah! my leg!"

"it hurts!"

Only two screams were heard, and Veneto walked around their bodies with a gloomy face and walked towards Wei An.

She was already very skilled in how to deal with these admirals. She could stop them by just breaking their legs. It's been a few months.

After watching Veneto walk away, the two screaming admirals fought back the cold sweat on their heads.

"Hiss, this is indeed the big sister. This familiar feeling, quickly ask someone to send us to the medical room!"

"Although the eldest sister is very strong, at least if you don't mess with her, your legs won't be broken. Now this guy is being targeted by the eldest sister. I wish him good luck."

"Don't sigh, our legs are broken and we will have to lie down for another two months. It's not going to be a good time now!"

"Help, the eldest sister hit someone on the head again!"

This shout also attracted Wei An's eyes. At the same time, the white-haired woman who was walking quietly over there was also exposed to Wei An's eyes.

"Okay, Pompeii, go do your thing, I'll do it here."

After Veneto approached, he waved his hand indifferently and sat upright opposite Wei An.

The two people in the rest area immediately attracted the attention of other people. In the end, Veneto glanced around coldly. The others dispersed in a noisy manner.

But there was still a small group of people who stayed. Without exception, they were all admirals from the I-Union Department. They were brave and were not afraid of having their legs broken.

The girl with a cold face in front of her, Wei. An could only look at it with a complicated expression.

Originally he just wanted to talk to her quietly about his mother, but now he became a target of public criticism, so he wanted to know why Netto did this.

"Don't you ask why I do this?"

Veneto sat on the stool with his legs crossed, his toes still a long way from the ground, shaking the coffee in his hand dignifiedly and elegantly, and said in a calm tone.

"Since you did this, there must be a reason for you to do it with such a big fanfare."

Feeling the curious eyes from around, Wei An said helplessly.

"I need the other admirals and ship girls in the I-Union to know you. I owe your mother this."

"I didn't find you when you needed me most, but Hood and Elizabeth got you there first."

"Now that you have stepped into the door of the I-Union Department, I can't let you leave so quietly."

As he spoke, Veneto's cold face finally relaxed.

"This is not the place to talk, come to my office."

Veneto threw the coffee cup in his hand directly into the ship's equipment space, jumped off the stool and walked in one direction.

"Tell you about what happened between me and your mother."

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