Land that is not controlled by others, and you are not afraid of others discovering anything

"Then Sister Bai, will you leave again?"

This is the issue that Wei An is most concerned about.

Ten years ago, he didn't want the white-haired woman to leave, but she left anyway. Now that the reunion ten years later will be the next parting, will the white-haired woman hesitate


After a moment, she finally nodded.

As the flagship of Deep Sea, she couldn't stay with Wei An forever, otherwise the back of Deep Sea would be in chaos if it wasn't managed properly. , Staring, as time goes by, the impact on the deep sea fleet will be devastating.

This is also the reason why they have been driving the deep sea to the joint garrison area of human beings and ship girls to eliminate these troubles. In the deep sea, there are free thugs on the other side, so why not use them


"How long will it take for you to leave?"

Wei An didn't force him to stay, and he couldn't stay either.

"I will decide after completing what I want to do this time."

While talking���Her steps stopped.

Only then did Wei An see his surroundings clearly.

If his memory was correct, this was a shipyard that had been built before and had been abandoned for many years.

Later it was bought by a mysterious person, but it didn't attract much attention.

After all, there are warships now. The warships produced by ordinary shipyards are too cost-effective. At most, they can only produce ordinary merchant ships and cargo ships.

After all, Kanji's ships are basically battleships.

But now the dilapidated shipyard in Wei An's memory has taken on a new look, and people are still coming in and out of the shipyard area.

The shipyard is in normal manufacturing, ships

"Sister Bai, what are we doing here?"

Wei An looked at the woman with a puzzled look.

"Xiao Wei'an, don't you want to know about your sister? All your doubts will be answered here."

"let's go."

With that said, the woman took Wei An and walked in through the security.

As Wei An expected, the ships manufactured by the shipyard here are basically cargo ships, used for transportation.

But their progress did not stop. It wasn't until they walked inside the shipyard for nearly 20 minutes that they found a closed shipyard in front of them. The outside of the shipyard was protected by a circle of walls.

"Little Vian, we're here."

The two stopped in front of the wall, and the white-haired woman said seriously.

Wei An didn't speak, just looked at her quietly, waiting for her answer.

"As you can see, this shipyard belongs to my sister. When I am away, I am usually responsible for manufacturing some freighters to maintain the operation of the shipyard."

"The more important part of this shipyard is the shipyard with its outlet to the sea, which is also my sister’s most secret place."

"After thinking about it for a long time, I finally decided to bring you here."

"Xiao Wei'an, are you really ready to know about my past? Now you still have a chance to regret it."

The white-haired woman put her hand on the lock of the door in the center of the wall, and turned back to look at Wei An seriously. She bought this shipyard after she met Wei An. After all, they don't have much in the deep sea, only blue coins. There was so much that there was no place to spend it, so the shipyard was bought to recycle the waste, and also to allow her to be active in Wei'an for a long time.

For Wei'an, the woman in front of her was shrouded in mystery from the beginning. Of course, he was also curious about what kind of person she was.

Now the answer was behind this door, and everything he once wanted to know was right in front of him. But looking at the woman's serious expression , he hesitated.

There is no way to sneak in from top to bottom, except for the fence and the steel roof, which all show that the owner attaches great importance to this place and the importance of the things in the dock.

If he, an outsider, knows, what will happen.

"Hey, Xiao Wei'an, let's go back."

Looking at the thoughtful Wei An, the woman sighed and released the door lock on her hand. She felt both regretful and relieved.

She hoped that Wei An would recognize her, but was afraid that he would really let him know her true identity.

So she put the question to Wei An. Now that he didn't agree impulsively, she was secretly happy. She was really afraid that Wei An would want to go in and take a look.

"No, I want to go in and take a look. I want to get to know Sister Bai. You trust me so much, so I can't let you down."

Weian shook her head, stepped forward and put the door lock in her hand again.

Although the unknown things inside may cause some trouble, but now in the eastern theater, his fleet is here, and so is Hood.

No more trouble How big is Da Neng? Is it possible that Sister Bai, who has always been close to him, can hide Deep Sea? But Wei An thinks about it. There are so many ship girls here. Being close to the open sea is a problem. How can we hide in the deep sea? Impossible! Absolutely impossible! Even in Wei An's opinion, how many troubles can there be in this world for him? He wanted to go in and get to know this mysterious sister

"Are you sure?"

The woman looked at Wei An seriously.

"I am sure"

"Okay, then satisfy my curiosity. But if you know about my sister and cannot give her a satisfactory answer,"

"My sister won’t let you go, right?"

The woman stepped forward and lifted Wei An's chin with her fingertips, and said with a firm look.

"I don't want to be unclear to you, sister, and I want to get close to you but I have no way to do it."

"Even if you are facing the deep sea, I can help you now."

Weian said sincerely

"It's true, my sister has been thinking about you so much these years. Your answer makes her satisfied for the time being, so be mentally prepared for the next step."

After saying that, the door lock in her hand was unlocked.

They also successfully entered the dock.

If I could sum up Wei An's mood in one sentence, that would be

【I blanch. 】

You can't blame him for making a fuss, it's because he really has never seen this scene before.

Even after entering the dock, the first time he raised his head, he was like a wooden man who could no longer look away.

It's like installing a brace on your foot.

The most unreasonable thing in the world happened, and he seemed to be unable to solve the trouble caused by this thing.

The first sight was shock, but the second sight turned into horror.

Then cold sweat broke out on Wei An's forehead.

Wei An was sweating profusely.

Now he didn't even dare to look at the face of the woman next to him.

He was like sending a sheep into the tiger's mouth. Now the woman next to him is a ferocious beast that can devour him at any time.

"What's wrong, little Vian? Why don't you speak? Don’t you want to know about your sister’s past?"

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