Thinking about people after seeing things is the first feeling in Wei An's heart now.

The streets are still the same as before, the cherry blossoms are still the same as before, and there is only one person who once walked the streets together.

He once expected to have two ship girls on the day he became admiral, but now he already has several ship girls, but he can never find the same person again.

At that age when he couldn't confess to Xuefeng, it was her chatting with him about the world that broadened his horizons a lot.

Sighing and stroking the trunk of the cherry tree, Wei An left his own footprints on the fallen cherry blossoms and walked away.

In ten years, he has lived more than half of his life as a new man. Even if he was once familiar with him, he is now just a familiar stranger.

How can we meet each other in the vast sea? Will she be able to recognize him when we really meet him?

There is even a question in Wei An's mind that she wants answered, whether she is a ship girl or not.

If it is a ship girl, which ship girl is it? There are too many white-haired ship girls.

His footsteps gradually disappeared into the street, a pair of brown boots stepped on the footprints left by him, and his eyes were fixed on the corner where he disappeared for a long time.....

"Commander, have you made up your mind?"

Lexington looked at Vian seriously.

"Yes, it has been decided that the final location of our port area will be in the Western Theater District, my parents' original garrison."

Weian's words made Saratoga, who had been full of regrets during this period, a little happy when she heard Wei An's decision.

After all, the Western Theater is the headquarters of the U-Union Department, and she still has many friends there.

"But Commander, isn't it the best choice for us to stay here and develop? The E-United Department and Hood are here and can give us the greatest help."

"I also thought about setting up a garrison here, but we are not familiar with most of the islands."

"Most importantly, I want to find out something from the U-Union Department."

Here in the Eastern Theater Command, the E Joint Headquarters is like a back garden. He is also planning to visit the I Joint Headquarters personally to open up the relationship with the I Joint Headquarters. Is n't all this just for influence?

Although it can stabilize development in the Eastern Theater Command , but there is obviously a better opportunity now, and he would be a fool not to fight for it.

As for the help from the E Joint Department, at most it will be help from some ship girls and resources, and he can also use the routes that the E Joint Department is responsible for for free..

In terms of maximizing profits, he would develop in the western theater and trade with the eastern theater, while Hood would continue to be stationed here in the E-altitude headquarters and in the southeast. The two theaters were too much. Dazzling, only the Northern War Zone and the Western War Zone knew very little about him.

Among them, the Northern War Zone already had a governor. It was impossible for him to compete for jobs with others, and having this governor was a good thing for him now.

Others thought he would stay in the Eastern Theater Command, but now he is directly away from home in the Western Theater Command and doing big things quietly.

His influence on some of the shipgirl alliances is subtle if he stays in the Eastern Theater Command. On the other hand, his reputation will only get higher and higher, and he is going to compete with Governor Yunhai.

Although he is strong, he is not strong enough to be arrogant.

Kindness belongs to ship girls, and humans are after all. It's complicated. As soon as we enter the era of open book, the battle among the admirals within the Kanji Alliance will also intensify, so gaining more support under the current circumstances is the right choice. The one who wins the favor of most shipgirls is the final winner

"In this case, what should we do with Miss Hood? If we go to the Western Theater, we will have very little time to see her."

Lexington asked worriedly.

This was also a big headache for Wei An, and it was also the reason why he didn't reply to Hood immediately.

He had just been here not long ago and was about to leave. He was afraid that he was not going to kill Hood. Forced into a watchful stone

"So we will stay here for a while, stay with her for a while, and we will come back to see her regularly in the future."

"And doesn’t the E-Union Department already have the idea of changing the flagship?"

In fact, after Hood became the security ship's mother, two voices emerged within the E Wing.

One hoped that Hood could continue to manage the E Wing, and the other hoped to recommend a new flagship as soon as possible.

As for the voices who want to nominate a new flagship, they come from other admirals of the E-Union Department.

The emergence of Wei An has already given them huge pressure, and Hood has become the Wei An ship's mother. If they continue to manage, Wei An will be in trouble. Isn't An just influencing the decision-making of the E Joint Department in a disguised manner?

Where will the E Joint Department have any chance in the future? It has completely become Wei An's talking point, and this part of the admiral has indeed put a lot of pressure on the E Joint Department. , many admirals are pretty good, and what they say is indeed reasonable.

Originally, the alliance of ship girls was dominated by ship girls, but now Hood has become biased, so there are many ship girls who have objections to this. She objected and decided on the new flagship candidate. It just so happened that Elizabeth had managed the Admiral Academy well in the central theater these years, and she would never be able to contract with others again after having an admiral..

This is also a good choice for the admirals who have been in the garrison for a long time and have little information. At least they can not let Hood continue to do it.

They can protest that Hood's current status is different, as the E-Union Headquarters. The ship girls who have the right to speak can also choose the right ship girl.

As for why he chose Elizabeth,

Hood also clearly told Wei An that the kindness shown to him by the other E-unit ship girls allowed her to continue. Wouldn't the ship girl union be in chaos, and she really wanted to leave.

In terms of resume, reputation, and interpersonal relationships, only Elizabeth was the most suitable. After Hood and him, the second best is Elizabeth.

Don’t other ship girls and admirals know the value of Wei An?

Now all the alliances are in the stage of competition, and other admirals can’t compare with Wei’s strength. Is that okay?

The reason why Hood is still in charge of the affairs of the E Joint Headquarters is because the Eastern War Zone has not yet stabilized and she needs to take charge of the overall situation.

Wei An's escape is also related to the reaction of the E Joint Headquarters Admiral. The admirals of the alliance are competing again. Outside, there are admirals of the navy who are eyeing it.

Now that the navy is gone, everyone in the ship girl alliance is a competitor.

Wei An always does not make the first move, but once he does, the dust will settle. He just considered going to the Western Theater.

Is he afraid that the ship girl will be unfavorable to him?

Is he afraid that he will put too much pressure on other admirals and target him?

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