Now as the core of his fleet, he cannot be where he is today without Lexington and Saratoga.

There will definitely be light carriers for escort in the future. As for the light carriers, they will be merged with Lexington and others to upgrade the current hull plan.

Therefore, during the next maintenance period, he planned to devote all his time to the design of complete battleships of all ship types.

These frames will not be modified, only necessary ship equipment replacement will be carried out.

So the thought of such a heavy workload gave him a headache.

Especially the submarine hull of the Big Mackerel is completely different from the battleship on the water.

The only flaw in her current battleship data is that her speed is too slow, making it difficult to keep up with his fleet.

Not to mention the weapons and torpedoes she uses also need to be redesigned and developed separately.

Everything is starting from scratch, and we have to upgrade directly to the final plan, which is the largest workload.

So seeing Wei An working so hard, his wife let him go for a while and did not let him continue to pay for food.

Then there is the design and modification of the ship's equipment. After the modification of St. George's ship's equipment, it can be directly arranged on her and Clemenceau's battleships.

It wasn't until the 8th that Vian's fleet finally arrived at the port where Hood and the others were stationed.

A large number of warships blocked all the sea exits in the eastern theater, leaving the remaining navy with no chance to escape.

When he went to Hood, she was making arrangements for the garrison in the Eastern Theater Command.

"Why are you here?"

Hood, who was giving instructions to his subordinate ship girl from the E-United Department, heard footsteps coming from behind him and saw that it was the person he had been thinking about day and night. He couldn't help but said excitedly

"I'm busy over there, sorry for coming back late."

Weian looked at Hood a little apologetically. When he went to support G Alliance, he often received messages from Hood and knew her worries.

"I'm glad you're okay. I'll finish the things here soon."

After that, she told the E-United Fleet's shipgirl all the things that needed attention, and then threw the map back into the ship's space, hugging Wei'an's arm with a look of joy.

"Let's go and look at my living area over here."

As he said that, he pulled Wei An away, leaving only the petrified ship girls on the dock.

Lord Hood, who worked hard, actually left his work and left with a man today?

But fortunately, there are still many former E The ship girls in the joint department were already used to it.

They knew that Lord Hood no longer belonged to them, and he was someone else's ship girl, so they could only pat their companions on the shoulders with mixed emotions, trying to comfort them.

"Why do you feel like there are so many ship girls here?"

Wei An asked as he stroked the blond hair of the smiling Hood.

After arriving here, Wei An discovered something special.

There are too many E Wing ship girls here, it's like putting the rear The ship girl has also been transferred here.

"I haven't heard from you in the past two days. You must be in a hurry."

"While you are on your way, in order to solve internal problems as soon as possible, several major coalition headquarters have decided to directly conduct station management in the corresponding war zones."

"So now there is not only us, but also the I Joint Headquarters. However, considering that I will leave the E Joint Headquarters next, I have chosen the safe sea area closer to the inside."

"When the E Joint Department selects the new flagship, I can drop everything to accompany you."

While speaking, Hood only had eyes for her admiral.

She couldn't help but feel happy and sweet when she was around him. She liked and enjoyed it very much.

This was the first time in her long life.

"It must be hard, the Navy left such a mess."

Having lived in an area under the rule of the navy since he was a child, he certainly knows how serious the prejudice against ship girls is here.

Even now he is revisiting his old place. After approaching the port here and confirming that he is here to find Hood, Xuefeng She took the other ship girls and left.

This is also the continent where she has lived for a long time.

"No, it's not hard at all now that you're here."

If you want to say what is the most difficult thing for Hood now, it is not being able to see Wei An.

During the time when Wei An left, she once again tasted the taste of suffering. After becoming his ship girl, this This feeling was really uncomfortable, so after Wei An left the southern war zone, she had begun to wait for Wei An's arrival.

Especially during these two days, she did not go to work in a busy place, but stayed at the port for inspection. , also in order to know his traces as soon as possible when Wei An comes back.

So if it was normal, she would say it indifferently.

She is not working hard because of Wei An. She only has him in her eyes. The confident Mr. Hood is now just a little girl in love.

He tells his grievances and sorrows to the person he likes, while holding Wei An's arms tightly. tight


Wei An looked at the well-behaved Hu De and was about to touch her pretty face when she heard a cat's meow from her chest. The originally warm and sweet atmosphere suddenly took a sharp turn for the worse. Hu De, who was smiling at Wei An, suddenly became extremely flustered and her pretty face quickly turned red.

In order to greet Wei An in her best condition in the past two days, she still stuffed ginger and fish cakes into her after hesitating for a long time.



Maybe because Hood wasn't embarrassed enough now, the ginger fish cake moved in her arms, and even Wei An could feel it in her arms held by Hood.


Lord Hood, who had always been calm in dealing with things, now looked like an embarrassed girl. He wanted to explain but couldn't utter a complete sentence.

In the end, he could only blush and run into Wei An's arms, not daring to raise his head at all, just wanting to escape from such a painful thing.

When the person she liked saw her like this, she wanted to die.

Embarrassed by this, Wei An looked around and saw that no one else was paying attention. He put one hand on Hood's back and patted her gently, while the other hand kept stroking her blonde hair to calm her down.

"It's okay, no one else is watching, this hood looks good"

"It has a cute feel to it, I like it very much."

He whispered in Hood's ear, and the warm breath slapped on her earlobe, making her feel a little bit of heat.

So she, who was already very embarrassed, didn't dare to reply, and could only hold her tightly. Wei An's waist breathes his scent

"Then shall we go back first?" After a long standoff with Hood, Wei An, who did not see Hood getting better, felt the increasing number of pedestrians around him and asked softly.


Hood nodded softly in Wei'an's arms, and Wei'an breathed a sigh of relief.

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