After all, according to the character she analyzed through Wei An, he would not enter the navy, nor was he suitable for it.

His favorite ship girl is treated like a weapon, and sometimes he may be forced to give orders to sacrifice his ship girl and use them as consumables. This is something he does not want to see.

She also heard about the difficulty of the joint ship girl exam.

All I can say is that it not only tests your xinxing, but also tests you on all kinds of other weird issues, some hardcore and some remote.

Every year, only one in a hundred people stays, as for things like fishing boats.

Looking at the shabby clothes and some patches on Wei An's body, it seemed that he was not a kid from a wealthy family, let alone a descendant of an admiral.

Normal matters such as boat fishing and construction through inheritance may not be Wei An's turn.

Therefore, in the view of the white-haired woman, Wei An is better off taking the ship girl union exam than gambling on his luck to catch a boat. At least his character is fine.


Hearing this question, Wei An touched his chin and began to think.

If he had to say it, he could actually directly enter the ship girl union through Yukikaze. After all, they were all wedding ships, so they must be ship girls.

However, Xuefeng probably didn't want him to be an admiral after some things he had experienced, so his only way was to pass the assessment and kill him first and report later.

"I'll try my best to pass the exam. Is it possible that some ship girl will fall in love with me?"

While speaking, Wei An's eyes did not leave the white-haired woman.

Since he already suspected that she was a ship girl, as a young man who loves a ship girl, would he not want to fish for the ship?

What's more, looking at the woman's proud and upright figure, You can tell at a glance that they are not weak at all.

They are most likely battleships, battle cruisers, or aircraft carriers. Even if you can't salvage the ship, it won't be a loss if you have a good relationship with them.

If he succeeds, he will have a capital ship when he becomes an admiral. It will not only protect him well, but also help him grow up quickly. Why not?

The most important thing is that the big sister in front of him is really good-looking. , really long and white, with an adult soul, his heart was violently moved.

As the woman has a keen perception of the deep sea, she immediately noticed the eyes staring at her, and the rapidly beating heart under the blazing gaze..

He is nervous and excited.

【I've been ignoring my sister for so long, but now I know what's going on in my heart? 】

Why can’t she understand the thoughts of the boy whom the ship girl likes so much?

And she only hid some of the special physical signs that could easily reveal her identity, while the rest had a more transcendent temperament, figure, and face than a normal girl.

Wei An was not the only one who was curious about her identity. During the time she entered the human world, there were countless people who wanted to get close to her.

But now, if he looked at her like this, she might still stare back coldly, and at the same time teach these ungrateful humans a lesson.

She is Deep Sea, something that an ordinary person and an admiral can care about?

But now that the boy is curious about her, he doesn't feel as disgusted as others. He even feels a little happy in his heart. He knows that his sister is like a ship girl. If he doesn't come to please her quickly, he might consider helping him.

As for herself, little brat, don’t think about it. Will her deep-sea flagship be like those nymphos at the deep-sea base?

Is it because I can't walk alone? She just wants to better understand human beings, and the current child is a good research subject.

But I never thought that she hadn't left a city for months because of a little brat.

"Maybe~ Little brother, sister, I think you have a good character. If you want to go fishing for a boat, maybe you can do it?"

"And the exam sister sees that you have a good chance if you work so hard. Even if it doesn't work, why don't you try to catch the boat again?"

"But if you become an admiral, you should choose Minato District. Will you go to a more dangerous place?"

The white-haired woman encouraged Wei An happily, but she didn't realize that the corners of her mouth were slightly raised when she spoke.

This beautiful charm was noticed by the young man. The beauty of a mature elder sister is indeed unparalleled.

"Then I'll borrow my sister's words of advice. If I become an admiral, I should go there. If you don't experience these dangers, you won't grow. And if you don't have strength, you can't protect the port area, and you can't protect the weak ship girls."

"Fighting with the deep sea is always the best way to grow, the fastest, and the most direct way to understand them, and then decide my future thoughts about the deep sea."

After thinking that the white-haired woman was a ship girl, he spoke more frankly. After all, it is difficult to deceive a ship girl, especially a powerful ship girl.

It would be bad if his cleverness backfired.

"That's it."

The white-haired woman nodded with satisfaction. At least this boy's goal is a bit small, and he became stronger just to live a good life with the ship girl, but at least he still has the spirit of struggle and is not afraid of fighting. He is not a complete worm.

We are chatting When it came to topics related to the admiral and the ship girl, the white-haired woman found that Wei An was talking endlessly, but when it came to other aspects of human affairs, she also lost interest in the process. , she understood more deeply what it meant to truly like the ship girl.

One day, two days, one month, six months, one year, until Wei An was eight years old

, they talked about the ship girl and the admiral. After many discussions, she understood the young man's thoughts, and Wei An also learned more about the ship girl from her.

However, the time they met each time was always very short. First, Wei An was often absent. Secondly, when he made an appointment with the white-haired woman, she would disappear inexplicably and disappear for a while.

The topic of her disappearance would always be over with a smile, which made Wei An even more convinced that she was.

The fact that he is a famous ship girl, but now that the relationship is finally getting better, he will not expose this issue foolishly.

After all, he is not 18 years old yet, and it will be a long time before a normal admiral can contract with a ship girl after he is 18 years old.

, he has enough mental strength to complete the contract, so he is not in a hurry at all.

He still has time to deepen his relationship with the white-haired woman.

More importantly, if he signs the contract, he will definitely take her home.

There will be a ship girl at home.

It was also a problem to explain to Xuefeng, but accidents always happened suddenly.

He and Xuefeng lived in the eastern war zone. The deep sea here was always prone to riots. This year, the deep sea seemed to be going crazy, and it once hit Wei'an. The coast near their residential area is not very safe this time.

The navy has issued a notice, and he can often see black fighters flying in the sky, coming from the deep sea. Fighter.

What surprised Wei An was that she came to say goodbye to him today.

The cherry blossoms in March were scattered all over the ground. Everything was so beautiful, and his heart felt so cold. Everything came so unexpectedly.

"Sister Bai, do you really want to leave?"

They are already familiar with each other. The white-haired woman is holding the child's hand and walking in the cherry blossom park.

"Um...I may be away for a long time, sorry."

"Is there still a chance for us to meet again?"

Wei An couldn't bear it.���Looking into her purple eyes, the two of them stopped at the same time.

After more than a year of getting along, she understood that she had different feelings for this unique young man. After being away for a long time, there was a bit of chaos behind the scenes. She had to go back and deal with it properly this time.

So she didn't know the return date.

His past views of the deep sea flashed before her eyes one by one, so now she didn't know how to speak.

Will we be enemies when we meet again? Or maybe he was wiped out by other deeps.

Will he be like this next time we meet?

But now she can feel the uneasiness, sadness and reluctance in his heart......

"Wait until you become an admiral and let me hear your name....Then...I'll see you again..."

The day she becomes famous, she will no longer have to worry about seeing bad news, and she will be able to find him......

"Sister, you really are..."

She squatted down gently in front of him, winked at him playfully, and used a finger to stop what he wanted to say next.

"Girls’ secrets will be revealed next time we meet. I hope you won’t be surprised then~"

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