Wei An's words surprised the white-haired woman.

"Little brother, why do you say that?"

Little Wei'an is still very excited.

He has been in this world for six years, and the only ship girl he has come into contact with in his daily life is his sister Xuefeng. It is too difficult to find other ship girls, because they live inside the Eastern Theater, except for ship girls like Xuefeng who escape from the deep sea.

Other ship girls don't want to stay inland far away from the sea.

And why is Wei'an so sure that the woman in front of him is a ship girl?

Among the people he has seen in his life, they are all black-haired people, at most the color of their pupils is slightly different.

So people with different-colored hairstyles like the one in front of him, and they are girls, can most likely be identified as ship girls.

And ship girls are all excellent in appearance without exception.

The appearance of the woman in front of him stunned Wei'an, who is an adult at heart.

"Because everyone said that the ship girl is very beautiful, and the elder sister is very beautiful."

Xiao Wei'an's mouth felt like honey.

How could a boy who likes ship girls be able to control himself when he actually faces these girls?

"My little brother is really good at saying nice things, but it’s a pity that my sister is not a ship girl.~"

"This hair is also dyed."

Of course she is not a ship girl, but a deep sea.

Because she is interested in the child in front of her, she is still very patient.

"All right."

After hearing that she was not a ship girl, Wei An's interest immediately dropped. It turned out that she was a normal person, so forget it.

"What does my sister want from me?"

Wei An said calmly, with a calm expression, and at the same time he opened the book he had just closed to read again.

He was not interested in the human woman in front of him at all.

What he focused on was reality.

Seeing the speed of the face change of the kid in front of him, the white-haired woman was shocked. She was stunned. It was so realistic.

It made her a little angry. Who dared to sneer at her in the deep sea, but now she was scorned by a human brat?

Did she lose face as the deep sea flagship?

At the same time, the temperature in the bookstore also dropped. There were so many that Wei An couldn't help but tremble.

"I just want to ask my little brother, why do you want to live in peace with the deep sea? I heard what you just said!"

"They are our enemies, how could you have such an idea!"

The white-haired woman held back her anger and said calmly.

Only then did Wei An turn his head again and look at the beautiful woman in front of him calmly.

"According to the history of the deep sea, they should be powerful enough to wipe out humans, but now I am still standing here"

"This makes me very confused. Everyone says that the deep sea is incommunicable and only exists for destruction."

"But this is contrary to the actions of the deep sea. If the deep sea is really born for destruction, even if we are inland, the deep sea will have the means to attack us."

"After all, there are powerful aircraft carriers and warships in the deep sea."

Air superiority is not only over the sea, it can also be over the land.

The overwhelming deep-sea warships that can be resurrected after death, no matter how Wei An thinks, there is no room for humans and ship girls to resist.

The main reason is the unequal strength, and The loss of battleships may be a blow to humans, but it is not painful to Deep Sea. What's more, Wei An saw the description of the battle with Deep Sea in the book, and it seemed that

Deep Sea's strength had dropped very obviously.

It seems to give humans and ship girls a chance of survival.

As for Wei An, isn't he afraid that this word will be spread?

He is just a little kid, a child who is innocent and childlike, doesn't he know anything about the deep sea and ship girls ? The most important thing to do every day is to ride the slide.

The white-haired woman was stunned by Wei An's question.

Why did the deep sea leave a chance for human beings to survive? Why did she give these orders in person ?

Of course she couldn't tell the boy in front of her why.

"So just because of this? Do you think the deep sea can communicate? As long as we have land and the earth is vast enough, the deep sea will wipe us out."

"Maybe they feel the cost outweighs the gain?"

"Moreover, the deep sea is very violent, and it is difficult to get close to them. Do you still want to communicate with the deep sea? too difficult."

The white-haired woman shook her head and sighed.

"As you said, the deep sea is very violent, but it is not irrational, right?"

"As long as there are creatures with their own reason, thinking, and emotions, there is the possibility of communication."

"The last resort of force should be used only after communication has failed."

"And we have never communicated with the deep sea, there has been hatred from the beginning"

"As for whose fault it was at first, between humans and the deep sea, there is no description in history."

Compared to the natives, Wei An came from outer space, and he looked at the entanglement between the deep sea and the ship girls from a different perspective.

Moreover, history can be modified, and you only see what they want you to see.

He believes that the ship girls are kind, but what about humans?

To paraphrase a sentence from Wei An's previous life.

Is it possible that humans are the virus of the planet?

So after knowing the strange actions of the deep sea, Wei An had more doubts in his heart.

In Wei An's view, the history of the resurgence of mankind is the history of the deep sea letting go.

Normally, the closer to the sea where humans live, the more deep seas are stationed, but the opposite is true.

The strength of the deep sea warships in the sea close to humans is the weakest, as if they were deliberately giving away their heads.

The result of this is that the number of ship girls has exploded directly.

Thus forming a positive cycle, there are more and more ship girls, and the sea areas that can be conquered are gradually increasing.

Until humans and ship girls take back 25% of the sea areas After that, it was like hitting a wall.

The strength of the deep sea outside the sea area also ushered in explosive growth, facing terrible war losses and very little profit.

In the end, humans and the ship girls were forced to stop their pace of development.

In this way, they have been in a stalemate with the deep sea for many years, until now.

The sea area where his parents sacrificed was originally in the dangerous waters of the deep sea.

Before taking office, they already knew the dangers near the Whale Sea, but they still went there without hesitation.

Because they are the admirals of the Ship Girls Union.

And the reason why the Whale Sea was included in the jurisdiction of the sea area at that time was not because there was a naval garrison behind it to support it?

But who would have thought that an accident would come like this?

The Navy betrayed the Ship Girls Union and directly allowed the deep sea to besiege the Whale Sea Garrison, causing the tragedy in his family.

So on the premise that he wants to be an admiral, he must ensure the safety of his ship girl.

He doesn't want another ship girl like his sister to be born.

To do this, he needs to use all the power he can.

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