When he was in the academy, he was always limited by the acquisition of resources, and he didn't dare to research and develop too many times, wasting energy.

But now he has certain resources. As long as he completes the transformation of the ship girl, the production of most of the ship equipment, and the construction of the garrison.

He can start to develop some equipment.

Missiles, rocket launchers, and some older fighters can be obtained by the transformation of the ship girl.

But the more modernized the armaments are, the only one he can rely on is himself. Most warships are World War II ships after all, and a small number can be modernized.

And those modernized warships are antiques after all, and they can't keep up with the times.

Although he is an aircraft carrier party, he can't treat his other surface warships badly.

After all, the reason why he chooses aircraft carriers now is that only this method is the most efficient, with the least investment and the greatest harvest. This is indeed the case.

Without Lexington and Saratoga, he would not be here today.

So to a certain extent, his surface warships can only be green leaves and serve as a foil for aircraft carriers.

After all, history is that missile aircraft carriers put a coffin on battleships.

But Wei'an has been trying to find a way to solve the dilemma of his surface warships.

Isn't the reason why battleships were eliminated because they had no countermeasures against aircraft carriers? They couldn't find others when they were attacked.

So if you want to alleviate this dilemma, you need to increase the enemy search range and attack range of the battleships.

According to the original plan to take the path of arsenal ships, compared with other options, missiles are the lowest R&D cost, the most compatible with other warships, and the most utilized ship equipment.

And he has another option.

Electromagnetic guns.

High hit rate, fast bullet speed, long range, no flames and smoke when fired, and no shock waves, which is much better than the main guns used by Clemenceau and others now.

The most important thing is that the range of up to 200KM can enable gunboats to have the ability to strike beyond visual range.

Now that he has resources, he can also think about the development of electromagnetic guns on the premise of completing the development of other ship equipment.

In his previous life, this technology was not particularly mature, and he had no idea whether it could be developed in this world.

After all, one is crossing the river by feeling the stones, and the other depends entirely on himself, and the difficulty is also different.

And the appearance of the deep sea this time also sounded a wake-up call for him.

Although the navy is now in decline, there is still a more terrifying deep sea lurking in the depths of the sea, and he is not strong enough.

Just like the number of deep sea warships that appeared this time, he can only feel powerless.

Even the reconnaissance aircraft carriers are countless, so how many are tens of thousands? Or hundreds of thousands? Or millions?

Although the strength of ordinary deep-sea warships is not very strong, when this number exceeds an order of magnitude, it can cause a qualitative change.

Even if Lexington and her can bomb and strike fiercely, they can only die on the spot in the face of a tsunami-like offensive.

So he urgently needs more powerful equipment.

The old man's propeller fighters are not enough.

The efficiency of fighters fighting with machine guns is too low. He needs missiles, rockets, and other means of combat.

Although deep-throw strike submarines are good, it is better to use anti-submarine missiles when facing torpedoes.

Even now, Clemenceau and her anti-aircraft guns seem to Vian to be nine out of ten.

He needs a close air defense circle, which is a restricted area for enemy fighters and artillery shells.

And now the radar's search range is only more than 20 nautical miles?

Too small, too small, he feels insecure now.

Because of the deep sea, Wei'an's fear of insufficient firepower came back.

But now Wei'an has a more important thing to do.

In this battle, his ship girls played a big role.

So their training levels have all improved to some extent.

Clemenceau → Level 32

Yukikaze → Level 66

Shimakaze → Level 63

Kogan → Level 74

Shropshire → Level 103

Yixian → Level 41

Saratoga → Level 106

Lexington → Level 82

Among them, Kogan and Lexington have improved the most.

One is because Wei'an specifically told him to give Kogan as many results as possible, and the other is simply because the fighter plane is too strong and the heads are too fast.

Other ship girls improve their training levels by exercises and fighting with the deep sea.

His ship girls improve their training levels by hitting the ship girls hard.

Shropshire and Saratoga have reached the legendary level, so the speed of improvement has declined.

But every improvement after the legendary level is very useful to them, just because the performance of the battleship itself is strong enough.

The performance is not obvious enough.

Let's take a simple example.

If Shropshire's training level was reflected in more accurate gunnery, faster reload speed, and faster reaction speed of operation, she had rich experience in combat.

Now she can feel that she can exert the performance of the battleship in a normalized super state.

Now she can exert 103% of the overall performance of the battleship in a permanent state. If the training level reaches level 110, she can exert 110% of the effect.

This is to train the mind core through training, and then the mind core is fed back to the battleship.

The legendary level can be initially awakened, allowing the ship girl to have a chance to obtain her own legendary skills, but that is only a short burst.

The ship girl with an admiral can break through the limitations of the legend, and then raise her own training level to permanently improve the performance of her battleship.

Even now Shropshire can make the battleship, which originally had a speed limit of only 40 knots, reach 49 knots when overloading. It completely violates physics and science.

Ordinary ship girls drive ordinary battleships, while the legendary ship girl Wei An thinks they are driving alien monster ships.

He has not forgotten that he still has a ship girl who can increase the speed of the entire fleet.

If you add them together, doesn't that mean Shropshire can sail at a speed of over 50 knots?

Why does this scene look so familiar to Wei An?

The mind body is there, the mind core is placed inside the battleship, and it can be separated from the battleship. Even when releasing legendary skills, it feels familiar.

It's a bit like a certain unscientific battleship he saw in his previous life, and now even the speed is almost over 50 knots.

So should he try to let his ship girl transform the battleship and then use a super gravity cannon?

Wei An pondered this.

He now felt a sense of déjà vu even under the constraints of the ship girl and the admiral's oath.

He didn't realize it just by looking at the battleship of the ship girl, but when he put his eyes on the deep-sea battleship, the hull of the battleship was cracked like a shark's mouth.

Can't you just open it and stuff a cannon inside?

The warships he saw now, apart from being unable to fly, seemed to be approaching alien monster ships everywhere.

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