The empty hall was filled with only the voice of the Governor of the South.

He propped up his shaking body and looked around, but he was the only one there.

He recalled what had happened before.

His battleship had been bombed, and was badly damaged, losing the ability to move.

Now he was the only one left.

Needless to say, he understood that they were probably sunk.

The Governor of the South, who had experienced many things, hurried out of the hall to observe the current situation.

As a result, he heard the approaching fighter planes, and he was so scared that he quickly hid back in the room.

The situation was very bad, and now the command area was full of carrier-based aircraft.

"Damn it!"

The angry southern governor pushed down the vases in the room.

He couldn't leave the garrison without his wife, and he was in extremely bad physical condition.

He had never been in such a bad state, even if he hadn't. He didn't even care about passing the assessment of the Ship Girl Alliance, but he was a little angry. If he didn't become the admiral of the Alliance, his reputation would not be very good.

���If a weapon with a certain factor is riding on his head, isn't it just handing his life over to them?

The Ship Girls Union didn't want him, that was their loss, and in the end he could only choose a backup plan, using the resources at home to go to the navy to build his first ship girl.

At the same time, he was determined not to look at the face of the ship girl, he also wanted to become the strongest admiral, and from then on he would stand in the sun and be admired.

Now he is the strongest admiral in the navy, admired, and he is only one step away from joining other navies to overthrow the Ship Girls Union and stand in the sun from now on.

Why has it become like this now?

His ship girl is gone! So many years of hard work have come to nothing! Even if he can survive, the fate of other admirals facing jackals and tigers will not be too good.

And how did the always weak Ship Girls Union change, becoming the same as the worst result they expected.

Uncontrollable weapons, as long as the ship girls can't be controlled, they are the biggest threat to mankind.

After all, ordinary deep seas don't have the consciousness of thinking, and it's much easier to target than ship girls.

So he was angry. He was already at an advantage against the Ship Girls Union, but everything changed in just one day.

Moreover, the front line of the southern theater is still under attack from the Deep Sea. Without the protection of the Ship Girls, is he still the Governor?

Even if he wins, what will he do against the Deep Sea?

He has lost everything, and it is all caused by those damned Ship Girls.

Rage blinded his eyes, and he looked at the fighter planes circling in the sky outside the door.

【Just a little bit closer! 】


Anger attacked his heart, his body was already exhausted to the limit, coupled with continuous mood swings.

His body couldn't hold on anymore.

A large mouthful of blood was vomited out.

He fell to the ground with blurred eyes, and his beating pulse disappeared along with his consciousness.

The most powerful admiral in the southern war zone was angered to death because of the huge gap between him and the ship girl.

In the entire fighting area, with the bombardment of Lexington and the others, only the vanguard fleet fighting Bismarck and the others in front was left.

The admiral in the command area also completely lost the consciousness of resistance due to the attack by the J-Union fighter jets.

Trapped in the construction room, not daring to step out.

Akagi breathed a sigh of relief at the large number of battleships that were sunk in the command area.

Until now, her tense heart could finally let go.

From the beginning of the battle to now, although I have heard about Wei An's strength, what I heard is what I heard, and what I saw with my own eyes is what I saw with my own eyes.

Very strong, but this battle is also full of twists and turns.

She was even beaten into a stick. If Wei An hadn't been there, they would have been in danger today.

But now the uncertainty of the Navy's aircraft carrier has been completely eliminated.

Only Bismarck and the others were left fighting anxiously on the sea.

"Some of the fighter planes were left to cruise, and the other fighter planes returned together to support Bismarck and the others."

"Okay, sister."

Most of the fighter planes began to return directly to the original route, preparing to enter the next battle.

It is already afternoon time, and it will be night in a while.

Although the navy has lost the complement of warships, the impact of the night on the aircraft carrier The impact is too great, and there are still a lot of mines in the sea, which may also affect Bismarck and the others. Akagi wants to reduce the pressure on Bismarck and the others as much as possible before the night.

An didn't say anything, but silently arranged for Lexington and the others to carry out the bombing.

Six hours later,

Wei An still misjudged the impact of the mines on the fleet's navigation.

After knowing that the navy's rear was completely controlled, Bismarck and others. In order to further reduce the losses of the battleships, the speed of the destroyers in the front was also slowed down, which further affected the sailing speed of the Bismarck fleet, but the result was also very obvious that the navy ships were completely helpless and could not defeat them. Even if they can't reach it, the mines can only hinder the speed of Bismarck and others.

The sky has been bombarded by Lexington and others.

Since the beginning of 4 hours, the navy has been in chaos.

But now the sky has turned dark. , the purge of the navy ship girls has not been completed.

And it is bad news that the ship girls of the J Joint Department are completely unable to help in the dark night. Their goal is to have a bright place.

The solution they came up with was to turn off all the lights, and the J-Union temporarily lost control of the command area.

Some admirals wanted to sneak out of this place of trouble and trouble in the dark, but they happened to be intercepted by Clemenceau and the others who had been waiting for a long time. Seize it. At the same time, Lexington and the others are mainly focusing on controlling the command area.

"Sister, get ready to join the battle, be careful of mines"

"Xiaowei, don't worry. Should we let Xiaoguo dare to sink more warships as planned?"

"Yes, try to give the opportunity to Guo Gan. The most important thing is to ensure everyone's safety."


Vian communicated with the distant Xuefeng through the Ring of Oath and asked her to command the fleet.

The command area in the dark night.

Clemenceau completely controlled the sea area where he could retreat.

Now the navy admiral must drive if he wants to leave. After the ship left, even if there was no light, there was still no place to hide in Clemenceau's radar. As long as she told Lexington and the others the coordinates of the target, they would see no fireworks blooming in the dark night.

People can leave this command area.

If the navy hadn't raided the ship girl union, would he still be fighting now?

He should have gone to build his own garrison and live a happy life with the beautiful girls.

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