At the same time, the strength is not as terrifying as the deep sea.

If we calculate it like this, everyone knows which of the two parties is better to be manipulated.

In this way, the ship girl alliance was targeted by the navy.

The reason is that their strength is not strong enough, not strong enough to be feared.

Because the navy already has similar strength to them, and it has been allowing the navy to develop wantonly.

This resulted in today's bitter consequences.

This is also Wei An's current desire for strength.

You don't have to provoke others, but you need to have the ability to protect yourself. For him who suffers from lack of firepower phobia, it is engraved on his soul.

Now Lexington and the others are very strong, but they are not without their weaknesses. As long as the air control can defeat Lexington and the others.

Most of the fleet's advantages will be drastically reduced.

And when faced with the thinking of bandits like the Navy, it is useless to reason with them.

They are true local aborigines who have lived in dire straits since birth, either facing the deep sea or facing ship girls.

But are there any essential differences between deep sea and ship girls?

Can they really completely believe that the ship girl is really a silly and sweet creature?

Except for people like Wei An who truly understand the ship girls deeply, love them, and want to protect them, how many humans are willing to hand over their backs to these species with supernatural abilities without any reservation?

Faced with such a situation, the Ship Girl Alliance has been a history of failure from its establishment to the present.

So how can we protect these silly girls in this malicious world?

Just like his original target, he was so powerful that no one could cause trouble to him.

So powerful that people in this world fear ship girls as much as they fear the deep sea, so fearful that they have no heart to resist at all.

Only in this way can they be pulled down to have a good conversation with the ship girl, and even the deep sea can have a good conversation.

The premise of all this is that creatures like ship girls are kind.

The current turmoil has also swept the old ship girl alliance into the trash can. Everyone will grow in the battle and sum up the failures of the past.

To become a new alliance of ship girls, the prerequisite is still strength.

His voice is too quiet now.

In the past, he thought about taking back his parents' garrison and making it stronger.

Don't worry about what the world is like, just live a life of your own.

But what is experienced in infinite space.

Hood became his ship girl, but Akagi's request for help gave him another kind of hope.

If the Ship Girl Alliance itself is regarded as a large garrison, would it be more reasonable?

It may be that the territory is slightly larger.

Hood would no longer have to leave E Joint Headquarters.

After all, even if you follow the previous path, you can build a fortress for so long.

According to the speed at which he makes money, the garrison will become very bloated and there will be a lot of ship girls.

So isn't the management of kshipun girls the same as in the kshipgirls union? Won't the kshipgirls in each country have their own unique living areas?

Isn't it corresponding to the ship girl uniting various alliances?

He knew that Hood loved E-Union and had fought for it all her life. It was her roots.

It would be too cruel to let her leave her favorite place like this.

Isn't it good to let her work in the E-Union Department all the time?

That is her life and her career.

While Wei An was worried about what to do, Akagi came to give him a pillow.

Not only can I escape from the misery of being squeezed by my wife, but I can also take this opportunity to build a good relationship with G and J.

Wei An has not forgotten that Elizabeth told him that the Ship Girl Alliance once wanted to elect a governor who belonged to the Ship Girl Alliance.

Aren’t the initiators in the southern war zone?

As long as he can become governor, won't most of the troubles disappear?

At that time, Hood will no longer have to leave the E headquarters because of him.

There is no need to worry about the issues of navy and deep sea anymore.

It is also the best way to protect his ship girl.

Now he is still the admiral under the joint command of the ship's wife, and a pawn on the chessboard.

If you become a chess player on the chessboard and the maker of rules, wouldn't it be easy to unite the ship girls and transform them?

As for the opposition he may sometimes face because his movements are too big, or people who don’t approve of him.

So what if he can make the entire shipgirl alliance inseparable from him?

Now that Hood is one of our own, how many more of our own will there be in the future?

Now the ship girl alliance can only passively accept the attack of the navy because of their kindness.

But what if the person in power the Navy is facing is also a human being?

Aren’t humans the best at internal fighting and intrigue?

Wouldn't such a union of ship girls take the initiative to attack the navy?

Do they still dare to be so unscrupulous?

This plan was hidden in Wei An's heart, and no one told it, including his wedding ship.

After all, he still took advantage of the ship girl's kindness and plotted against the ship girl.

Full of human evil.

But he is also afraid.

He is just an ordinary human being who will always experience birth, old age, illness and death. His wedding ship will go with him, but what about ordinary ship girls?

He can make them extremely powerful, but what happens after he is gone?

They still have a long life, and he can only protect them while he exists. What will happen after he is gone?

By then, these ordinary ship girls will be independent individuals, and will be integrated into the big family of ship girls, or retire, or follow him.

But in his opinion, the current alliance of ship girls cannot protect them.

So what if we defeat the navy now, the ship girl is always so kind, and the system and rules will not change.

There will be a steady stream of"navies" appearing.

The martyrs of the navy and the founders of the Ship Girl Alliance saved the world from doomsday.

A basic framework between humans and ship girls was established, but there was no time to perfect it.

Isn’t the current conflict between ship girls and humans just a wanton development without restraint?

For these lovely and kind ship girls, he wanted to do something.

Let the future world no longer have such tragic fights and battles between ship girls and ship girls.

He followed his girls in every battle. They actually didn't like fighting, let alone fighting with ship girls.

But now they have no choice. No matter how uncomfortable they feel, they have to keep fighting, because either you die or I die.

This deformed framework needs to be improved, and the deviated path needs to be corrected.

Rules also need to be formulated to restrain the admirals and ship girls.

In this way, we can try to prevent bad things from happening to the greatest extent possible.

The ship girl can definitely comply, the problem lies with the admiral.

But such problems are also very easy to solve.

Wouldn't it be great if the ship girl who follows the rules is stronger than the admiral?

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