"I also learned the specific information through the E headquarters. Wei An led his fleet to launch a surprise attack on the navy at dusk the day before yesterday."

"It caused major turmoil and damage to the navy, and single-handedly disrupted the rear of the entire navy. According to the ship girls present, they clearly discovered the lack of combat power of the navy's aircraft carriers when they fought against them."

"It can also be judged by inference that after this young admiral joined the battlefield, he greatly helped the two coalition headquarters in seizing air supremacy. It’s not like you don’t know about his aircraft carrier."

"The number of aircraft carriers taking off at the same time is more than mine. As long as this ship girl comes, I can't say that she can deal with more aircraft carriers than me, but it should be no problem to be on par with her. And he also has that guy Saratoga."

"Although I am not very strong and admit that she is very strong, Saratoga is indeed a legendary ship girl. With their joining, we can share at least one-sixth to one-fifth of the navy's carrier-based aircraft, so that we can be more capable. Easily seize air superiority"

"The most important thing is, it seems that his battleships are very capable of night combat. Coupled with the surface battleships you lead, we are very likely to complete the battle against the navy. As long as we fight fast enough, the navy cannot build up."

"And once we gain air superiority, we will have more opportunities to explore the situation behind the navy, and the search time will be reduced."

"If it's a little more extreme, your G headquarters will bear a little more pressure from the sky, and all our aircraft carriers will be pressed up, and Wei'an's aircraft carrier will be allowed to carry out the bombing? After all, this is what he seems to be best at."

Akagi told Bismarck about Wei An's previous record in detail.

In Akagi's opinion, this admiral's record is really strong.

Doesn't she understand the strength of the navy?

Their two strongest joint headquarters are here. The battle with the Navy was back and forth, but the other side only wore it in one night.

Although there is no more detailed information, it is just because the ship girls who provided follow-up support from the E Wing and the I Wing did not participate in the battle. You can tell.

It turned out that the enemy that was originally invincible was completely defeated in one night.

It was obvious how much role Wei An played in it.

After hearing Akagi's words, Bismarck's eyes flickered, and she looked carefully. Think about this matter.

Her understanding of Wei An is limited to her amazing performance in the previous joint assessment. The usual battles have consumed a lot of her energy, so Akagi is doing all the information gathering.

But now she is indeed doing it. Unintentional.

She originally didn't want to fight in such a frustrating way, and wanted to fight to the death with the navy in an upright manner, so as to prevent further casualties. But now

Akagi had put this hope in front of her.

Will E Joint Headquarters really let him come?

After all, he is nominally the admiral of E Joint Headquarters, and the arrangements are also based on Hood's and the others' arrangements.

Moreover, the Eastern Theater Department is now facing a large number of threats from the deep sea, and it has lost such a person. Big help, are they really willing?

So when Bismarck was thinking, his expression was constantly changing, full of complexity.

Seeing Bismarck like this, Akagi decided to increase his firepower and dropped a bombshell.

"Bismarck, think about it, if he comes, his entire fleet will come together. In addition to the two powerful aircraft carriers, you also know how powerful his other warships are."

"How many navies can I involve for you by then?"

"If you have any worries, I can communicate for you. I believe he will be very willing to come and help."

"So what can you do? Hood is not easy to fool. She is so shrewd that she can be put on our side to provide support so easily? Bismarck shook his head and said

"Hood is not a problem. I have heard what they said. It seems that Hood is also the little admiral's ship girl now. Most of the ship girls present can testify."

"Now as long as we get rid of the little admiral, Hood's side won't be a problem at all."



Two astonished voices sounded in the conference room.

One was Bismarck, and the other was Tirpitz, who had been sitting under the table reading comics.

What did they hear?

A flagship of the joint headquarters ran away with an admiral?

Or was it Hu? Germany is an iron tree.

Has this ever happened in the history of the ship girl alliance?

No! There has never been a successful rescue of the flagship.

Now Hood is only 18 years old. , What special charm does he have?

For Tirpitz, who likes to read comic novels, this is too exaggerated.

What does a flagship mean?

They have never experienced any big storms. How could she be easily impressed by a human admiral?

Although Wei An is indeed very talented, which is a bit outrageous, becoming an admiral's ship girl also means that she will gradually distance herself from these rights that she once established little by little. What a loss for the E-Union Department! Can she really accept it?

So Tirpitz and Bismarck's first reaction was not to believe it.

"Akagi, are you lying to me, that guy Hood? Did you really follow someone else?"

Bismarck asked Akagi with doubts, while Tirpitz looked at Akagi with interest and gossip.

She also wanted to know some of the details.

This is big news, and it is big news for the ship girl alliance.

"Of course it's true. According to my ship girl friend in E-Command, Admiral Wei An directly entered the interior of the Hood battleship."

"What is this concept? If you are not a close friend, would you let the other person enter your warship? This is our body."

"The interior of a battleship is the most private place for a shipgirl. How can you let people enter it casually? You say yes."

Bismarck and Tirpitz nodded in agreement.

They already believed Akagi

's words. But Akagi didn't stop talking yet!

"The most exciting news is what happened after Admiral Wei An and the others defeated the Eastern Navy."

"At that time, everyone was paying attention! That guy Hood didn't even care about his own battleship. After getting close, he jumped on the battleship of Admiral Wei An."

"She examined him carefully with extreme worry, fearing that Wei An might be injured. Who would believe it if you said she wasn't his ship's wife?"

"The flagship of a joint headquarters would not pay attention to the other ship girls in the joint headquarters at that time, nor would she pay attention to the injured ship girls. She didn't even care about the navy's affairs."

"But for him, the legendary skill was activated for several hours without turning off, just to rush to the admiral's side. This should not be called an ordinary relationship between a ship girl and an admiral!"

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