The aircraft carrier became the target of Yukikaze and the others, so Lexington and the others could focus on the newly built shipgirls.

And those damn admirals. The admirals were relieved that Lexington did not attack the port area.

Shipgirls were consumables, not as important as their lives.

And now the air raid has completely come to them.

Lexington and the others are targeting the places with the most people.

The fighter planes whizzing through the sky are like death warrants for them.


"I don't want to die!"

"Damn the alliance of ship girls, I *you*, I will not let you go even if I become a ghost!"

Many admirals of the navy who fled in all directions spoke beautiful words and looked at the gradually descending black shadows.

There were even many admirals who watched the bombs falling, their pants got wet and they couldn't move their feet at all.

But no matter what No matter how much they begged for mercy or yelled, the result would not change.

Boom! Boom! The noisy voices in the command area fell silent at this moment.

Many of them disappeared at once, and the eyes of the admirals who were hiding in the areas not affected by the bombing were full of fear. They saw other admirals chatting and laughing this morning, and their limbs were damaged by the explosion.

In front of them, there were traces of blood on the ruins.

The ship they had just built was completely useless.

One second it appeared, and the next second it was blown apart by Saratoga. Sinking.

Of course, the admirals who were stunned by Lexington's attack did not dare to speak, for fear that they would be the next target.

They could clearly see that only half of the fighters that launched the first wave of bombings had returned.

The lower half is still hovering above them.

But the construction room is indeed the most important place in every port area. It is extremely strong and even the bombs dropped by Lexington and the others are still standing.

Many admirals who were staying elsewhere rushed to escape inside when they saw that the fighter planes in the sky were unable to reach the construction room.

They were afraid that they would be bombed if they ran slower. As expected, they were really bombed if they ran slowly. They inflicted pain on the shipgirls, fearing that the shipgirls would endanger their lives.

Now that the shipgirls came to take their lives, all they could do was hope that the bomb would not fall on their heads.

, how could I have imagined that today would happen

"Commander, the building is so strong, the bombing efficiency is too low."

Lexington frowned and said

"Bypass the construction room, which is the last place to bomb, blow up all other buildings first, and drive everyone to the construction room."

"Don't fry them together, fry them one by one, and don't let them relax."


The next half hour was the half hour they were most afraid of.

During this half hour, every time there was an explosion, they knew that someone was dead, but there were no less bombers in the sky.

At the same time, there were constantly The navy admiral ran towards the construction room nervously, because the bombers seemed to have left that place alone for half an hour, venting their anger elsewhere.

The fat admiral who was staying in the same construction room was also frowning. He really didn't expect that the opponent's aircraft carrier had so many carrier-based aircraft. After bombing one after another, there were not many bombers in the sky for more than half an hour. He was originally planning to wait for these bombers to resupply and run away.

Now the first plan is about to be shattered, and he has lost the news from the front line. The longer it drags on, the higher his danger will be.

【Damn it, we can't put it off any longer. If we keep waiting, we'll die sooner or later.】

"Run as fast as you can. There are still ships in the port area and the goal is not that big if you reach the sea. If you stay here any longer, you will be waiting for death."

The round-bellied admiral was heartbroken and went straight to Tashkent. At the same time, he did not forget to shout.

The admiral who heard his words suddenly seemed to wake up, and some bold admirals began to rush towards the sea.

At the same time, they dispersed the target, allowing He and Tashkent were able to escape as quickly as possible. I have to say that his plan was really good. After listening to his words, there were at least 70 admirals who escaped.

The target for him and Tashkent was suddenly much smaller.

When Tun and the others dealt with part of the admiral, he had already been taken to the seaside by Tashkent.

"The hull calls!"

"High-speed evasion!"

【High-speed evasion]: 5 points of own speed, the probability of being hit is reduced by 25%.

As a legendary ship girl, Tashkent pulled her admiral onto the battleship and activated her legendary skills.

The battleship quickly moved into action.

The sudden movement suddenly attracted their attention in Lexington, and a large number of bombers flew over.

But Tashkent, which had been prepared for a long time, caught the bombers at the forefront by surprise with the dense anti-aircraft guns on the battleships.

【Damn it, I'll find my place sooner or later】

"High speed fleet!"

【[High-speed Fleet]: Increase the speed of all the shipgirls under your command by 5 knots.

The round-bellied admiral activated his talent.

He can get to where he is today thanks to this talent, and the high-speed fleet is invincible.

At this moment, Tashkent relied on the dual blessing of legendary skills and talents to reach a terrifying maximum speed of 53 knots!

Not scientific at all!

The majestic power drove the battleship to leave the port quickly, and the skills of the legendary shipgirl allowed her to skillfully operate the anti-aircraft guns.

For a time, many of Lexington's fighter planes were shot down, slowing down the speed of the attack.

At the same time, it also gave Tashkent a sigh of relief, and the battleship quickly increased its speed.

How could the other admirals who saw this scene not know that the boss had run away, and they were left behind like cannon fodder.

Also left behind was the Borg he had badly defeated and was sitting in the ruins gasping for breath, and the front line was fighting for him to death against other shipgirls.

"It really scares me to death. You are indeed the most useful person in Tashkent."

Tashkent silently operated his warships and sailed towards the eastern theater.

His escape route was very effective. The first wave destroyed at least 40 of the opponent's bombers. Then as long as he blocked most of the remaining bombers, he could escape. Got it

"Commander this..."

"Jia Jia, get away from Robin, madam, you are responsible for attracting firepower, can you still let him escape?"

【Robin: Every time Wei An contracts an aircraft carrier, light carrier, or armored carrier, he can provide a 2% bonus to Saratoga's carrier-based aircraft. Now it is 4%.


The bomber group that hesitated for a while roared towards Tashkent the next second.

Some of the bombers were flashing blue light!

240 bombers!

Among them, 120 were Saratoga!

Under the cover of Lexington, they came directly for dive bombing.

No matter how effective the anti-aircraft guns were, there was a height limit. At this moment, only 30 of the more than 200 bombers were destroyed as the remaining bombs were dropped on the Tashkent superstructure. Destroyed. The command room was blown through.

The keel was ripped apart from top to bottom. , the man was broken into pieces, and all that was left was the A-1 that roared away without finishing its bombing.

—— ps: Dear readers, you are no longer stuck today, please leave a good review QAQ

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