This resulted in a misjudgment by the Navy.

The information reported by the Eskimos was immediately returned to the ears of the naval admiral.


The naval admiral in charge of the battle in this garrison pondered this unexpected situation.

Part of the difference between the navy and the ship girl alliance is that the more powerful the admiral, the greater the power on the battlefield.

He is the strongest admiral in his area of the navy, and most of the other admirals in the navy are leeks harvested by him.

He was the commander-in-chief of this battle, and the fate of the entire fleet of more than 3,000 warships was in his hands.

As a consumable naval ship girl, the highest order is to obey the command. He has not given instructions yet, so of course the ship girls below do not dare to act casually.

And they are still following the previous instructions to attack the ship girl alliance.

The question he was thinking about now was how such a fleet slipped in. A fleet of thirty ships was not small at all.

If you want to enter the rear of the navy's leading fleet so quietly, you have to bypass the reconnaissance of warships stationed in nearby waters.

【Is there a mole in the navy? ]

He did not suspect that it was because Xuefeng and the others had the ability to bypass detection, but that there was an internal problem.

After all, he usually treats many of the admirals here very harshly.

For this reason, the resources he harvested allowed him to turn all 11 battleships within his contract limit into capital ships.

Moreover, they are all above 70 in training, and their ship equipment is not comparable to those poor admirals who can only use their original ship equipment.

But since he is the commander-in-chief, he cannot let those ship girls be consumed so easily.

"The vanguard fleet was divided into 60 destroyers to search the direction of the source of the attack."

At the same time, he waved to his aircraft carrier girl.

"Let Beyan strengthen the supervision of those admirals and deal with any abnormal behavior directly."



"I'll leave the rest to you. I'm going to rest first. Don't call me if it's not a particularly serious matter."

The navy admiral touched his fleshy belly and went back to the room to rest.

After receiving the order, the navy ship girls could finally fight back against the warships that sneaked behind.

But during this time, Yukikaze and the others launched The number of torpedoes has reached 1,500, the number of damaged warships has reached 200, and as many as 70 warships have been sunk.

"They took action! Shimakaze exclaimed

"Then act according to the original plan."

Their radar detection range exceeds 20 nautical miles and can confirm that no other warships are approaching from the rear of the navy.

This is the only vanguard fleet.


Shimakaze was a little excited after hearing Yukikaze's words.

"It's time to race! Let's see how fast you are!"

"Fantasy, sit still, didn't you say you are the fastest destroyer? Take a good look!"

Guo Gang, who is usually relatively silent, speaks a little hastily, mainly because Xuefeng's plan is too bold.


I was still in the fantasy of being shocked by the lightning strike capabilities of the three destroyers, and I subconsciously replied before I could recover.

I felt the battleships under my feet start to move.

"Xiao Wei, can you guys keep up?"

"no problem"

"That'll do."

Xuefeng, who entered the rear of the vanguard fleet, had already told Wei An through the ring of oath about the situation he discovered. So after confirming that the navy and other combined aircraft carriers were not deployed at night, Xuefeng had a bold idea.

The plan.

They were behind the vanguard fleet and in front of the large navy, using their speed to draw the navy's attention and let them mobilize their warships to deal with

Lexington and Saratoga. Collect information.

The premise of all this operation is to rely on night light, speed, and radar vision to maximize the results before dawn. The unprepared Utopia now feels the bumps of the battleship.

The plan was relatively risky, so Wei An allowed them to turn the power system to the maximum and overload it.

Although the fuel consumption was relatively high

, Xuefeng and the others could reach a terrifying speed of 47 knots. , a real speed that even torpedoes cannot catch up with.

Under such circumstances, Yukikaze and the others' fuel consumption reached 24 units of fuel per 100 nautical miles.

If the three ships sailed at this speed until dawn, it would be 7 hours. , he would have to burn nearly 240 units of resources.

For an admiral who is not very good at making money, the money they saved could be used for one month, but it would be burned by three battleships in a few hours. If she had doubted Feng's words, she was speechless now.

The sea breeze blowing on her face told her that all of this was true, and

60 of the 630 warships that could still fight were just broken. The battleships are heading towards Yukikaze's original position.

All this is within the observation of their radar, and Lexington and Saratoga are also preparing to move, which is equivalent to Yukiko crossing behind the navy's leading fleet. Feng and the others have not stopped attacking yet, because they want to attract the navy's attention, so when they face the navy, they will keep a very close distance of 4 nautical miles. Whoosh! Whoosh!

The torpedoes fired from the side of their warships were fired at the navy fleet before the warships searching Xuefeng arrived at the designated position.

"torpedo! torpedo!"

"There are a large number of enemy fleets attacking our rear!"

Different from the previous fixed-point torpedo launches, this time Yukikaze and the others drove the fastest boat and launched while sailing.

At a speed of 47 knots, a 20-second round of torpedoes, ten rounds at a time (one-sided launch).

The next launch The position was 500 meters away from the last time, and they could travel nearly a mile in one minute.

The explosion when the torpedoes came into contact with the battleships occurred in the entire vanguard fleet. Compared with the previous small area, this time Yukikaze and their torpedoes were evenly affected by rain and dew.

And this kind of movement from the navy finally attracted the attention of the ship girl alliance.

"Lord Dante, something is wrong with the Navy and the others. It seems that a large area of the battleship has been damaged."


Harrier will report the observed situation in a timely manner.


"Hmm? What's going on?"

Dante, who was dozing off, suddenly perked up, picked up the telescope on his chest and began to observe the position of the navy.

He found a continuous fire.

【Counting the time, it’s been almost four days. Faster support is about to arrive. Isn’t this support?】

【Don't miss this opportunity. 】

I thought for a moment

"The navy's frontal attack seemed to have weakened, so they quickly organized a fleet to attack and devour their fleet."

Dante immediately ordered.

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