Just on the battlefield where these 30 garrison buildings are located, there are 2,000 to 3,000 battleships.

2000 for the combined ship girl and 3000 for the navy.

Moreover, ship girls in the navy are blessed with their own admiral's talents. Although their training may not be as good as that of the combined ship girls, their talents can make up for some of the deficiencies.

Now the two sides are just grinding to see who can empty the battleship first.

After all, the difference with the ship-girl alliance is that for the navy, the ship-girl is a consumable, and they can continue to build it if it is sunk.

It just consumes some resources and battleship cores.

The ship girls in the ship girl alliance are all ship girls who woke up in the sea in the past and were unwilling to retire after the joint admiral terminated the contract.

Once it's empty, it's really gone.

Victory in the war of attrition must belong to the navy.

Because each of the ship girls in the ship girl union is a unique life.

There are now at least 30 warships docked near each garrison. At the same time, Wei An can also see the transport ships transporting resources from within the warship union, which are replenishing the warehouse of the garrison.

"Commander, are we going to join the battle next?"

Lexington, who was 60 nautical miles away from the battle zone, asked Vian. Of the 30 islands in the battle zone, the garrisons on the first six islands had been completely destroyed, and now they were all tents that had been simply built.

It was obvious that they were destroyed in the initial raid by the navy, and then were snatched back bit by bit by the warship girls, and the battle zone was pushed outside the island.

"How is the naval air defense in this area?"

"The gunboat's air defense is relatively weak, and the aircraft carrier and the ship girl are equally matched"

"The KanColle Alliance has about 60 aircraft carriers, and the navy is unknown."

"Check again. My wife can prepare more fighter jets. We need to find out the Navy's aircraft carrier. It doesn't matter if it is destroyed."

"Let Jia Jia dispatch some bombers to support the ship girls in the war zone."

At least there is good news in this battle. The flags of the navy and the ship girl are different. There is no need to worry about attacking the wrong opponent.

"Let’s temporarily stop our fleet from moving forward here."

"Shropshire and Snow Wind stay, other warships can intervene in the battlefield, pay attention to your own safety"


There are still 60 nautical miles away from the battle zone, and the nearest port area is about 20 nautical miles away.

If the front line is lost, he still has enough depth.

The reason for sending his own ship girls forward to fight , the training level of the ship girls can be improved in the assessment, let alone in such a high-intensity battle.

Before Clemenceau and the others intervened in the battlefield, they hung up the flag of the ship girls union. At the same time, Yukikaze and Shi. Rope County tightens around two aircraft carriers

"Madam, you and Jia Jia will continue the investigation. I'll go to my sister's place first."

After Wei An finished speaking, he slipped out of the command room, got out of the rubber boat and approached Xuefeng's battleship.

"Xiaowei, why are you here?"

Looking at Wei An walking into the command room, Xuefeng smiled happily.

"Sister, this battle is not like an assessment. There will really be life-threatening dangers. I'm afraid that my wife and their carrier-based aircraft may not be able to follow you at any time."

"What should I do then?

Xuefeng looked at Wei'an worriedly.

Wei'an had already prepared for this and took out a diamond ring from his trouser pocket.

"ring? Don’t I already have it?"

"This is the ring of oath. Sister, you can understand it as a kind of ship uniform. After I put it on you, we can contact you directly through this ring."

"There is no need to rely on my wife's carrier-based aircraft for relay command. If an accident occurs, I will directly command the fleet. The leading fleet will be led by you, sister."

Not only are they siblings, but they are also an old married couple. Xuefeng accepted the ring from Wei An without any hesitation.

She liked it very much when she put it on her ring finger.

"Leave it to my sister, I will bring victory to Xiaowei"

"Sister, be careful not to escort Clemenceau and the others. If you are under great pressure, let them escort you."

Before leaving, Wei An, who was a little worried, told Xuefeng

"Got it, Xiao Wei is worrying so much, just stay at the back with peace of mind."

Compared with Xuefeng who doesn't know how powerful he is, Wei An is very aware of Prince Snow's mysterious power.

He is really afraid that Xuefeng's escort will cause trouble for other ship girls.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the worst, especially in this critical situation. When possible, avoid it.

After Xuefeng put on the oath ring, Wei An found that the connection between him and Xuefeng's oath was very obvious.

As long as he closed his eyes, he could sense where the other ring was. At the same time, the words in his heart can also be conveyed to Xuefeng through the ring, but he does not need to use it for the time being.

After leaving the Xuefeng battleship, Xuefeng quickly pulled up the power and gradually moved away from Lexington and the others. The stage for dancing is night. Now that the sun has set, his front fleet sets off again.

This time the opponent is no longer 200, but 3000.

He is no longer fighting alone, and he has a large number of teammates.

【You like to treat ship girls as consumables, right? Let me see which one is faster, you build it or I explode it faster. Don’t let me find any trace of you. 】

Wei An was heartbroken.

From Wei An's perspective, there was only one way to break the navy's naked conspiracy.

There are only two ways for an ordinary person to become an admiral. One is to get approval from the ship girl and sign a contract to become an admiral and then awaken his talent.

The other is to build a ship girl after awakening your talent at the age of 18.

The number of admirals is limited, and it is not possible to become an admiral just casually.

Admirals without talents can only use the power of the contract to awaken their talents.

Therefore, an admiral can be said to be a person selected from a thousand, one from a thousand. There are so many admirals in the navy because they are selected through massive screening.

But after decapitating these admirals, it will be difficult to replenish them.

Moreover, it is not without hidden dangers that this group of navy treats ship girls as consumables.

The ship girls they are willing to use as consumables must be relatively weak warships. After all, they also have an upper limit on the number of contracts and the number of ship girls they have at the same time is limited.

When they build powerful battleships and necessary aircraft carriers, are they willing to give them away as cannon fodder?

There are more than 3,000 battleships, and the number of admirals may be between 300-600.

Whether the Eastern Navy has 2,000 naval admirals is a question.

As long as enough navies are decapitated, it can very effectively slow down the navy's advancement.

It can even be pushed back.

They can build ship girls, but wouldn't it be better to cut off their ability to build ship girls directly from the source?

After all, a ship girl who wakes up naturally will not join the navy, which is also the advantage of the ship girl alliance.

Now he just needs to wait for Lexington to find out the details of the Navy before he can take action.


Ah~ It’s a new year tomorrow. Sleeping, staying up late is impossible

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