Wei An's words made Hood immediately confused.

She didn't come back to her senses until Lexington's battleships arrived beside her battleship.

For this reason, Wei An stood on the deck of Lexington to talk to Hood.

"Where did your confidence in me go? This time, instead of worrying about my safety, can't you trust me again?"

Weian looked at the dull Hood and shouted


The confused Hood raised his head and said subconsciously.

"Trust me, there will be no surprises."

He is no longer the admiral who had no ability to protect himself before.

He now has eight modified warships, although they are still very small in front of the navy and ship girls.

But sometimes a large number does not necessarily mean absolute victory. Victory.

Especially now that E Wing was fighting with him. Looking at Wei

An smiling at herself on the deck of Lexington, it was like a beam of light shining into her heart.

Wei An looked a little worried.

Why did he catch up? Isn't it because he was afraid that something might happen to Hood?

【Did I say something too harsh and make him stupid? 】

Thinking about the relationship between himself and Hood, Wei An gritted his teeth.

"Madam, let me go down, I'll go check on Hood."

The helpless Lexington could only let his carrier-based aircraft fly to Hood's deck with Vian.

His action finally woke up Hood.

"Why! be careful...Don't fall."

Fortunately, Wei An landed safely on Hood's deck in the end.

Looking at the young man in front of him who was a head taller than him, Hood was stunned.

This is the deck of her battleship, and people with no connections are generally not allowed to board it casually..

Now that he's on her battleship, isn't it just to tell others that there is a relationship between them?

But the relationship between them is indeed extraordinary?

"Why, if you want to get on my boat, it’s not good for others to see you..."

"I'm worried about you, am I speaking too harshly?"

Wei An's words made Hu De blush.

"Why are you worried about me?...You're right, I shouldn't have been controlled by my emotions and made bad decisions"

【he...He cares about me. 】

Hood, with a calm face and bubbling heart, whispered

"So, minister, cheer up, we will rely on you to direct everyone on the front line to fight! I won't stay here any longer. Others may see it and it will affect you."

After confirming that Hood was okay, he turned around and wanted to go back to the plane.

But just as he was taking steps to leave, he felt the power coming from the corner of his clothes.

The corner of his clothes was grabbed by Hood's little hand.

"You’re here, come up and sit down...Anyway, it’s all seen now."

When Wei An turned around, Hood's lonely heart and body subconsciously didn't want Wei An to leave.

He could only bite the bullet and say the next words, then turned and walked towards the inside of the battleship.

Hood lowered his head, not daring to Looking back at Wei An, Wei An turned around and waved to Lexington, then pointed to Hood's command room and followed him.

Even before Wei An's fleet caught up, it had already attracted a lot of E headquarters. With their eyes, they all knew that this was the new admiral of E Wing.

But when Wei An stepped onto the Hood deck, they were shocked that their flagship master actually allowed a human admiral to board his deck. They also talked and laughed with him.

Looking at Hood's timid appearance when facing Wei An, they couldn't help hiding their faces.

The flagship of the E-Union Department was like a little daughter-in-law, and his majesty had long been destroyed. They left it aside.

They originally thought that the matter was over here, but they saw Hood leading Wei An into his cabin.

If Wei An was allowed to stand on the deck, they could discuss important matters in an emergency. , then the matter of entering the cabin is serious.

Although they know about Hood and Wei An, the other ship girls in the E branch do not know!

The matter is serious!

Their flagship master has been kidnapped. , without their knowledge, their Lord Hood was going to be someone else's ship girl. For this reason, many girls who liked Hood fainted and couldn't accept it!

His favor was snatched away by an unknown boy, not to mention the surprise of Lexington and the others.

He had not mentioned the matter of Wei An and Hood to his wife, so they also They just thought that Wei An and Hood had a better relationship.

But unexpectedly, their admiral silently added another sister to them, and Wei An, who had just entered Hood's cabin, had not yet adapted to the light in her passage. Feeling that his waist was tightly held,

Hood threw himself into his arms and hugged his waist tightly, burying his head in his chest without saying a word.

He also knew that she was feeling a little wrong now.

"Are you okay?"

"woo woo woo woo.."

Wei An knew she was crying, after all, the clothes on her chest were wet.

Even when Wei An didn't ask, Hood felt that she could still hold it in. Her soft words of concern made her completely unable to control her tear ducts.

The eldest sister crying in his arms made Wei An feel a little distressed. In the end, his dazed hand still put it on her golden hair and stroked it gently.

"I personally brought Orion into the E-Unit. I didn't expect she was a navy ship girl.. I've ruined everyone."

"Why do ship girls kill each other like this?"

"Why does the Navy have to kill us all? What have we done wrong? How many of our admirals and ship girls died because of them?"

"It is clear that the deep sea is our enemy."

Surrounded by Wei An's warm embrace and gentle comfort, Hood's emotions were completely unbearable.

Wei An just waited for Master Flagship to vent until her emotions stabilized.

"Kanji is kind, and human beings are complex. There are good people and bad people, but the bad people stand on the commanding heights of power."

"It's not your fault. We can't blame ourselves for what bad people do."

"But everyone in the E-Union Department.."

"They died because of the navy. You just took in a helpless ship girl, and the navy took advantage of your kindness!"

Weian held her head, and the two pairs of eyes looked straight at each other.

"They have been enemies from the beginning, and this battle is doomed. Someone will always die, either them or you and me."

"Their sacrifice is worth it. You are the flagship of E Wing. We must take this hatred to avenge the Navy, the source of this mistake."

"However, the Eastern Navy has tens of thousands of warships, while we and the I headquarters have only 7,000 warships combined."

Hood looked at Wei An in confusion.

"They have admirals, this is their weakness, have you forgotten that I am best at beheading?"


It's time to teach the navy about eating and pooping.

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