By embodying the two power systems, at least the battleships Saratoga and Shropshire can move.

The only thing missing is a little equipment.

Among them, Saratoga is okay. Her ship equipment is mainly carrier-based aircraft, and some of her previous ones can be used normally now.

Only Shropshire may need to be replaced slowly over the next period of time.

During the time when he was remodeling the hull of his ship's wife.

Under the attack of the navy, the ship girls alliance also responded quickly, summoning the ship girls from various joint headquarters in the central theater to quickly launch a counterattack.

Among them, the northern theater is responsible for two joint headquarters, F and S.

West: U and C joint headquarters.

South: J and G two liaison offices.

East: E, I two joint headquarters plus the academy's ship girl.

There are also other coalition headquarters, large and small, that are also supporting the four fighting areas.

Among them, the earliest fighting was in the southern theater.

The G Joint Headquarters, which has been stationed at the southern sea border, took the lead in a conflict with the navy.

As the second strongest alliance among the ship girls, their strength is very impressive.

In particular, they also had the largest batch of submarines in the Ship Girl Alliance. When the battle was intense, they caused a lot of trouble to the leading fleet of the southern navy.

It also gives the G-joint ship girls in the south time to pass the information to other areas.

After receiving the news, both G and J joint headquarters quickly rushed to the southern sea area to support the battle area.

The sea breeze at night in winter is a bit cool.

Bismarck stood solemnly on the front deck of his battleship. As the flagship of the G-altitude headquarters, she took the lead and drove at the front of the fleet.

In the same situation as her is Nagato from the J-Union Department.

Ever since Vian used real-life examples to tell them the importance of air control, the aircraft carriers of their two coalitions are no longer sailing at the back of the fleet.

Instead, they sailed in the center of the fleet and were firmly protected. Without air control, they would be constrained in naval battles. This was what they learned from Wei An.

Especially since the enemy we are facing now is the ship girl from the navy.

Their current air defense pressure will only be greater than when facing the deep sea.

"Ah~ I’m really tired."

Tirpitz yawned, weakly walked onto the deck, and shouted to Bismarck, who was sailing next to his warship.

"cheer...Tirpitz, now is not the time for you to play around."

Looking at her listless sister, Bismarck still had a serious expression on her face.

She was never timid in the face of battles, but she was helpless when facing her sister.

Her sister was good at everything, but she was a bit of a homebody. She also played with things all day long and was not serious about training.

Even if she kicked in the door and dragged her out for training, it would be useless. As long as she was not watching, Tirpitz would sneak away when he found Tirby. When she was young, she was either lying on the bed, staying in the game room, or reading comics in the bookstore. But in every internal assessment and exercise of the joint headquarters, Tilbey did nothing.

However, Ci was able to pass the examination with excellent results every time, which made her feel like she had seen a ghost as she knew Tirpitz

's training. It's less than one-tenth of the score of other normal girls, but why their scores are above 95 every time is not scientific at all.

Even Bismarck herself only scores 99 or 98 every time.

But she knows her score. Being able to pass the exam with such a result is not only the training of self-discipline, but also the study of various knowledge.

But what Tirpitz did every day was to play games and sleep. Many times he couldn't get up to eat. Come on.

Every time she enters the room, there are bags of snacks and a messy room.

What kind of concept is this for a shipgirl who spends her days entertaining herself to death? A person who skips classes, plays with you every day, doesn't do homework, and even sleeps in class.

When the monthly exam comes, he is the top three in the grade.

And this top student is really the kind of person who doesn't care about you behind your back, and only plays exams every day.

One more sentence after the test: Ah~ It’s so simple.

It’s really boring.

For this reason , Bismarck also specially observed Tirpitz’s life, which was really nothing but playing and sleeping.

She was like a pig, and she could still get high marks in this assessment.

She didn't dare to tell the other ship girls in G League about Tirpitz's real life situation, for fear of ruining the atmosphere of G League after that.

, Bismarck never mentioned asking Tirpitz to train again.

He only went to her room to arrest people when she had to go to training.

As for why Tirpitz's grades were so good.

After hearing the annoying scolding from her sister, she was very adaptable and took out the game console from her pocket.

Who said she didn't train at high intensity every day.

It's just that her sister didn't know about the training.

Even now on her way to the battlefield, she didn't forget"training.

"" Skillfully opened the game console in his hand, entered the interface of a shooting game, and controlled the characters inside to kill everyone.

In Tirpitz's view, no matter whether it is the deep sea or the ship girl, as long as it is an opponent, it is It's like playing a game.

It's accurate and you can hide quickly.

Especially, she feels like operating her ship is like playing a game.

She shoots wherever she wants.

For this reason, her shooting games are often ranked in the online rankings of the blue world.

At the top of the list.

She didn't want to go out to fight tonight, but she was a little worried about her sister.

Bismarck was good at everything, but he was a bit arrogant, and he also liked to lead by example.

She was afraid that she would not stay by her side.

Bismarck tends to get carried away in battles.

As a younger sister, you need to supervise this simple-minded sister and let her not be so hard.

She should eat, drink and enjoy the world every day.

It's so tiring to be like a machine.

I took out a beach chair from my ship's space and placed it on the front deck, lying on my back to control the game character.

At the same time, the battleship underneath me continued to sail without any impact..

Open up!

This is the kind of life Tirpitz should have!

Looking at his disobedient sister, Bismarck felt that his fists were really hard.

Discipline was always the first priority.

However, her sister was the one who violated this order the most.

After all, although Tirpitz did something outrageous, she never delayed getting down to business.

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