Compared with when I left the academy, there have been some changes.

Because Wei An's fleet was the last to leave the assessment, when he returned to the academy, many admirals looked at him with different eyes.

There was a lot of commotion between the E-Union Department and the J-Union Department, and there were many admirals waiting to see the jokes of the E-Union Department.

But what they didn't expect was that on the third day, Pine Forest, which they had high hopes for, would come back.

Following him back were a large number of admirals who wanted to go to the J-Union Headquarters.

When they came forward to inquire, they found out that a big devil who pretended to be a pig and ate the tiger appeared in this assessment.

He usually doesn't show off his skills, but in the assessment, he single-handedly defeated the entire J-Union Department.

They didn't believe it the first time they heard the news.

After all, everyone knows that Wei An is only a first-year admiral, how can he defeat a third-year admiral, let alone so many people.

But then when the G Joint Headquarters came back with most of the other admirals, more and more admirals confirmed the matter.

The admirals who stayed in the academy had to believe that a monster appeared in the academy this year. He eliminated half of the admirals who took part in the assessment this time.

And he did not rely on the power of the E headquarters, but relied entirely on the strength of his own fleet.

So now when Wei An comes back, they stare at him like a rare animal, with a little fear at the same time.

It's hard for them to imagine how strong an admiral is who can beat most of the academy's admirals until they can't fight back.

And those admirals who came back from taking the assessment looked at him with complicated eyes.

He taught all the admirals a lesson about the importance of air control.

After being eliminated, many admirals still had nightmares on their way back, dreaming that their battleships were bombed by dense bombers.

There are also many admirals with financial strength who immediately installed anti-aircraft guns on their ships as soon as they came back.

What they encountered in this assessment was something they never wanted to experience again in their lives. It was too terrifying.

There is no room for fighting back at all, so I can only accept the affection of the aircraft carrier lady without any resistance.

There are even many admirals who have started to build an aircraft carrier after they came back.

If they choose to join if they can't beat them, they also want to become villains in the sky and bring happiness to others.

Therefore, after this assessment, it was difficult for Wei An to keep a low profile.

The first person to come to him was Dean Elizabeth.

Although she did not attend the assessment site in person, she knew Wei An's strength relatively well, and she was not too worried about Wei An's performance.

But she also learned some information from the admiral who came back from the assessment, and learned that Wei An killed everyone during the assessment.

From the initial surprise, shock, to numbness.

She knew that Wei An was very strong and could face many legendary ship girls, but she didn't expect that Wei An would be so bold this time.

He actually fought 41 against one, and two-thirds of the entire third-year admiral's battleships were taken care of by him alone.

Doesn't this mean that the admiral who has worked hard to teach for three years is not as good as others who have only been in school for one year?

It also made her once again deeply understand the power of Wei An's talent.

She was both relieved and helpless.

What is gratifying is that Wei An is the admiral of their E-alliance department and the former child of his admiral. Sooner or later, he will become a towering tree.

Unfortunately, he was too strong, making other admirals look eclipsed, and many admirals returned from the assessment.

I entered the psychological treatment room just after returning to the academy, and many of them have not come out until now.

It also damaged the self-confidence of many admirals.

The gap is too big.

They can be defeated and crushed, but they cannot be crushed when they already have an absolute advantage.

They were sick and were beaten sick by Wei An.

As the dean, she can only try her best to enlighten these children who doubt life.

"Fortunately, you are leaving the academy soon, so they don't have to study with you for a few more years, otherwise I'm afraid it will cause a large number of admirals to drop out."

Elizabeth complained to Wei An with a wry smile.

"Something unexpected happened. Dean, you didn’t tell me that there would be airdrops for the assessment, and there were still so many resources."

"You also know that I am poor."

Weian smiled awkwardly.

"Well, since you have such strength, I don't have to worry about you building a garrison by yourself."

"It's time to give you the things she asked me to keep."

Elizabeth said, taking out a golden ship suit from her ship suit space.

"【G.55S], after your mother retired, she left the ship uniform she left behind to me as a souvenir, but now I think it should be handed over to you for safekeeping."

Weian quickly took over the torpedo plane's ship uniform. This was proof of his mother's existence as a ship's mother.

"That's it, the eaglet will eventually grow up, and you don't need our protection anymore. Remember to write to me in the future."

Elizabeth patted the hem of her skirt and left quietly.

Only Wei An was left sitting alone on the sofa in the villa.

His wife had already gone into the ditch. This scene was due to the live ammunition assessment, so for His resource consumption is also quite large.

Fuel consumption: 1244

Ammunition consumption: 1744

Steel consumption: 697

Aluminum consumption: 5412

The two Lexington sisters, although blowing up the ship is a pleasure, their aluminum consumption is also terrible.

Although more than 5,000 aluminum materials are no longer a problem for him now that he has a lot of resources, for most admirals, it is equivalent to nearly 2W of resources and more than 200W of blue coins for assessment. It's equivalent to restoring their health. Who would have thought that it would all be cheap in the end.

He would definitely not just collect the ship equipment left by his mother. Although the G.55S torpedo machine is still useful to him now. Yes.

But it is not necessary when there are bombers, and it is sufficient in most cases.

The purpose of this torpedo plane is more commemorative than practical.

And isn't it that he has worked hard for so long to get his parents' garrison back? In memory of his parents.

Although the time from birth to the accident in the town house was short, their love for their children was true.

They had the strength to leave on their own, but in the end they left the hope of life to Wei An.

In this second life, he has grown up steadily.

At the same time, he also wants to find out what is going on in the deep sea of this world.

According to his collection of information about this world, the powerful riot in the deep sea occurred when humans took back the hundred. Appeared after 25% of the sea area.

Humanity and ship girls destroyed and purified the sea area and reached a critical point. At the forefront of the human sea area, the four war zones in the east, west, north and south were attacked by the deep sea without exception.

The sea area returned to 24%, and the deep sea stopped its offensive.

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