The admiral of J-Union already knew they couldn't win.

How did they get here in these two hours?

I tried masturbating in a group.

When you want to get close to the Wei'an ship girl quickly, it's hard to avoid the torpedoes heading your way.

But as soon as they shrink the fleet, Wei'an's shipgirl has to turn around and turn around to wash her face with torpedoes.

They also tried torpedo bombardment, but the number of launches and the speed of torpedoes were not as good as Shimakaze's torpedoes.

Not to mention, when Xuefeng and Guogan join the battle.

One Shimakaze already left them exhausted, let alone three ships.

The response of the J fleet to the command was also relatively slow because they had much more time to transmit information than Wei An and the others.

By the time they completed the next round of formation changes and command, Xuefeng and the others had already started a new attack method.

They had not attacked Xuefeng and the others in the past three hours, and had been beaten the whole time. Among them were the light carriers and aircraft carriers that had just been repaired near the island and wanted to join the battle.

Wei An discovered it and blew it up immediately.

Their idea of seizing air superiority could only come to nothing.

7 o'clock.

There are only 6 warships left at sea.

Pine Forest's Atago had been severely damaged in Lexington's last round of bombing.

Now waiting for the rescue of the ship girls.

After taking control of the situation, Lexington and the others had deliberately avoided his battleships in their attacks.

Until all the warships traveling with him were dismembered, leaving only him

"Commander, do you want to bomb him?"

"Just let Jia Jia carry out the bombing. Madam, please fly the fighter jets first to see the situation near islands 5 and 7."

"Don't let other admirals sneak in"

"Feel free to leave islands No. 6 and No. 3 to Yukikaze and the others. Now our attention is on Island No. 4."


Watching the fighter planes taking off from Lexington, Wei An's eyes gradually became distracted.

Originally, he had been prepared to fight hard for a few days, but he didn't expect that Xuefeng and the others gave him a big surprise.

After all, the ones he had faced before were all small ones. Before this kind of fleet battle, he was not confident enough.

He felt that this battle was very risky, but he did not expect that even the battleship driven by the ship girl could not escape the advantage of the fleet in his memory. In such a situation, in a vast sea area, if air superiority is lost, even if the aircraft carrier is not sunk, even if it is shot down , the bombing will never end.

The world's aircraft carrier girls are more difficult to train, but he has trained them, and his suppression of surface gunboats is even more obvious.

When facing ordinary ship girls, he has almost closed the coffin board of the battleship before even using missiles..

10 o'clock.

Xuefeng stood on the front deck and looked at Songlin's battleship.

The three destroyers owned by the opponent's admiral were all Kagero-class destroyers.

Their weakness and powerlessness were what

Songlin was now. There is only one operational battleship.

During the bombardment of Saratoga, Shimakaze and their torpedoes were hit, and so far the other battleships have been completely damaged, with thick smoke billowing from the battleships.

The battleship was named Xuefeng, just like her.

So in the end, Wei An chose to believe in metaphysics and let Xuefeng deal with it.

Saratoga was responsible for finishing the attack, and Guogan was responsible for picking up today's airdrop. Shimakaze was to stop the warships approaching the island, while

Vian Lexington and the others were responsible for the attack on the 4th island.

Looking at the petite warships on the opposite side, Yukikaze activated the

300mm main gun. Aim steadily and fire. At the same time, the torpedoes are fired to block the opponent's range of action. The 127mm main gun also hits the armor on the side of the ship, leaving a mark. But she didn't wear it. After 5 nautical miles, 4 nautical miles, and 1 nautical mile, until the opponent had lost the ability to fight, the referees of the ship girl alliance began to tug the ship. She sailed to the side of the battleship and looked at the admiral sitting on the deck coldly.

"My brother, not everyone can bully him!"

"You made him unhappy. As a wedding ship, I will end your assessment."

After saying that, Xuefeng turned the ship and headed towards Island No. 6, where she was responsible for the airdrop.

In order to ensure the safety of her girls, Wei An did not let them get involved while maximizing their interests. Because of the danger, they were not asked to focus on taking care of Pine Forest.

However, Shropshire told them everything that happened that day.

Not only was Wei An filled with anger, so even though Lexington and Sara did not give the order. Toga deliberately avoided the pine forest bombardment and left him until the end. He wanted to destroy his battleships one by one in front of him, so that he was forced to change battleships again and again until he was finally on Yukikaze's battleship..

The other warships have nothing to do with Xuefeng, so Xuefeng can only appear in person.

The good-luck Xuefeng is also terminated by the ship girl. There was a deathly silence. Nagato

's expression was extremely gloomy.

From 3 o'clock to 11 o'clock, for 8 hours, new battle conditions were reported from York City.

One J-Union battleship was eliminated.

She felt that she had paid enough attention to the admiral Wei An, but reality slapped her and told her that it was not enough.

Until now, this time, J-Union had high hopes. He was eliminated, all the admirals were eliminated, and he was eliminated by one admiral.

With 1 against 41 admirals, 5 warships fought against 212 warships. There was a huge disparity. He even had a few warships that did not contribute at all. They had already won a great victory.

The entire J-Union was beaten to the point of losing their temper.

"This is really like fighting against a joint headquarters by oneself! More than 40 and close to 50 admirals were eliminated by him!"

"I am in so much pain!"

In the long-silent tent, Veneto finally couldn't help it.

How could they express the shock in their hearts?

"Is there such a battle in our joint department assessment for so many years?"

"More than 200 battleships! More than 200 ships! If you ask me to go shelling in person, I will have to fight for days and nights!"

"In 8 hours, he eliminated such a huge fleet in just 8 hours. Where did this monster come from?"

"Which year's assessment is like this year's? It's only the third day and everything is over. There's no suspense anymore."

"If this continues, all the islands will be under his control."

They all understood what Washington said, everything was over.

Yorktown's report was not over yet, and Vian continued to capture the islands. Without the obstruction of the J-United Department, he faced other admirals like a dimensionality reduction attack.

And eliminated one battleship after another, although no one could shake his first place.

After seeing the abilities of Lexington and the others, Vian felt that the goal he set before was too small and he was too conservative.

Now he wants it all!


The assessment is about to end, Wei An is about to start a new life, and a new ship girl is about to join the big family.

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