The war is about to begin

"He actually dared to challenge a fleet with just one warship. Wasn't he afraid of causing the J-Union Headquarters to pursue and intercept him?"

"It seems that this is already the case, and he should have expected this scene."

Now the admiral of the J Joint Department is very angry.

They were actually made so embarrassed by a heavy cruiser.

"Damn it, this heavy cruiser that likes to fire torpedoes must pay the price"

"What kind of son-of-a-bitch admiral conducts a sneak attack and doesn't let anyone get a good night's sleep?"

"Don't let me catch this Lao Liu, or I will skin him alive, he's so mean"


There are more beautiful words filling the sea.

But the battleship they stared at fiercely is now moving away without looking back, and is slowing down from time to time, for fear that the battleship behind it will not be able to catch up with her.

Provocation, A naked provocation!

They were even more angry when they saw this scene.

But when they were angry again, they saw that the first group of destroyers chasing Shimakaze had been bombed by

20 scattered battleships. Multiple bombers destroyed four on the spot, and the last one lost power and stagnated on the sea.

This scene was immediately discovered by the admirals who followed, and they also understood that the battleship in front was. bait

"Brother Lin, that heavy cruiser is running too fast! Even if we activate the talent Admiral and bring their destroyers, they can't catch up. If this continues, we will be walked!"

"There are bombers flying from nowhere, which will support her. If we cannot destroy her in time, we will definitely be eaten up by the bombers in the sky."

The admirals looked at the several destroyers being towed away with a serious look on their faces.

At the same time, they talked anxiously.

"The latest bombing of J-Union Headquarters eliminated five battleships and one admiral, but from the chase just now, we have accurate information about Admiral Wei'an's heavy patrol."

"The attack range of the main gun is about 8 nautical miles, and it is equipped with a launch tube for 50-60 torpedoes per minute. The speed is currently stable at 45 knots."

York City reported the information received from the J-Union referee.



"Is this a heavy patrol?"

"45 knots on heavy patrol? And even the talents of other admirals can’t catch up with their speed? You tell me this is the speed a heavy cruiser should have?"

"Wasn’t it Section 40 when reporting the news before? Why is it now 45 knots!"

Nagato slapped the table and said in astonishment.

There were other ship girls with the same expression as hers, even Hood.

They had the deepest contact with Wei An, but the speed Yukikaze had shown before was still It was about 40 knots, but he didn't expect that his warship had already exceeded 45 knots in just a short time.

"With such a fast speed, does that mean that all the other warships in the J-Union Headquarters cannot catch up with her?"

Bismarck said in a deep voice.

Bismarck's words made everyone react. Isn't it that the J-Union Department can't catch up with Shimakaze now?

Then they immediately thought of the price.

As long as they are not restrained and delayed, then Shimakaze will always have the advantage of being the first, not to mention the carrier-based aircraft in the sky that can provide support to Shimakaze at any time. With the existence of the aircraft carrier, as long as it lasts through the night, she will not be afraid of being surrounded at all.

It's a slow death process unless the warships holding them back are eliminated.

"Hood, what is your background as an admiral? A heavy cruiser can run very fast, its torpedoes are powerful, and even the power of its main gun is almost comparable to that of a weaker battle line."

"Can you please stop hiding it? They are fighting among themselves now and we can only watch from the outside."

"Everyone is yours, what are you afraid of?"

Washington, who felt like he was being tickled by a cat, couldn't help it anymore.

He looked at the eyes that were all staring at him.

"I didn't expect that she could run so fast. He told us before that she could only run 40 knots. As for the other data, I was also surprised."

"But to correct him, he said it was a destroyer, a destroyer in his fleet."

Hood said softly, fearing that he would not be able to control his inner joy and shock if he spoke loudly.

"Hood, see for yourself, how does this look like expulsion? It's over 1,000 tons, and what about the main gun? You tell me this is a destroyer with your eyes open?"

"Is this reasonable?"

"Torpedoes are faster than normal torpedoes, and the speed of their generation is also outrageous. One battleship is almost equivalent to 10 normal destroyers."

"No, the combat power of 10 normal destroyers may not be comparable to that of one such warship."

"Hood, I hate you! Little Weiwei was cut off halfway by you guys, why don’t you give me the I-Union Department!"

Watching the performances of Shimakaze and the aircraft carrier, Veneto feels more and more regretful now.

She was just a little late. She originally planned to recruit him into the I-Union Department when he graduated from the academy.

But she didn't expect that she wouldn't be able to wait for him. After graduating normally, she was intercepted by the E-Union. Now that Wei An was stronger, she felt more and more heartbroken.

Although only Veneto was yelling, the other flagships present also had various complicated feelings. It's the J Joint Headquarters.

We don't know what the final result will be yet, but now Wei An's abilities have exceeded that of a normal admiral.

The aircraft carrier is powerful, the destroyers are powerful, and there are still many surprises waiting for the remaining battleships. Looking at them.

Even Akagi, who had always been nonchalant, now looks nervous.

Doesn't being nonchalant mean he has confidence in the admirals of their joint headquarters?

But now the remaining 41 admirals of the joint headquarters are here. Assessing the most powerful force, the number of battleships was as high as 212.

However, a sneak attack by Vian bombers caused 56 battleships to be destroyed, and 5 more destroyers were lost in the pursuit.

In one fell swoop, nearly a quarter of the fleet was lost.

This was just the beginning of the chase. Although the bombers were unable to attack the J-Union Headquarters at night, they still could n't catch up with the destroyer lurking in the darkness.

That kind of thing.

She gets dizzy when she thinks about it.

This is all because of the lack of air superiority, and it is also understandable that Song Lin is stronger than most admirals, after all, his battleship is bigger. Most of them are battleships.

But Wei'an is different. There are

8 battleships, 1 heavy cruiser, 1 light cruiser, 3 destroyers, and 2 aircraft carriers.

In addition to being strong, aircraft carriers can only form combat capabilities in the later stages.

The other battleships are all slightly lacking in combat capabilities.

However, this lineup, which should obviously be based on battle, was turned around by Wei An. Become stronger starting from level 1, and become twice as strong.

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