After all, she has not forgotten that Wei An also has an aircraft carrier girl, a legendary ship girl.

Before seeing Lexington, they were very relaxed when facing this exercise.

But now, the security measures have begun to put pressure on them even before they start.

Originally, Guanghui didn't want to come. If she had that time, she might as well read more books and study knowledge.

It was Hood who told her that there was Saratoga and a new aircraft carrier girl. If she didn't come, the pressure on the air defense would be too great, so she came.

As a result, she may have suffered the worst this time.

Now it is no longer a question of whether the air defense pressure is high or not.

With the propaganda from Hood and Elizabeth, they, the important ship girls in the E branch, all know that the ship girls will undergo earth-shaking changes after Wei An's transformation.

The most intuitive thing is that the performance of the battleship has been greatly improved. She had already overestimated the performance of Wei'an's new aircraft carrier before.

Now she is still conservative.

She didn't even know what would fly out of Lexington's currently empty flight deck, and whether she could still maintain air superiority.

According to the previous exercise ideas, they were originally prepared to try their best to maintain air superiority when the Glory faced Saratoga. Then they relied on the stronger strength of the legendary ship girl to win the decisive battle in the artillery battle.

Trying to help Wei An, who has deviated from the normal trajectory of an admiral, correct it.

Until they reached the target sea area, they were still asking for information about Lexington.

"You still gave us a big surprise, I shouldn't say it was a shock."

After explaining the rules of today's exercise and the two sides were about to separate, Hood turned back and said to Wei An

"To live up to the expectations of Miss Hood and the dean"

"Be good, I also want to see the aircraft carrier you put a lot of effort into."

They have roughly obtained some information about Lexington along the way, so they will not treat her as an ordinary aircraft carrier that has just appeared.

Perhaps her only shortcoming is that she has no actual combat experience.

But Wei An arranged this time Isn't the purpose of the exercise to test the strength of one's own ship and to find shortcomings?

Because this is a confrontational exercise, the designated area for the exercise is already far away from the academy, which is 50 nautical miles in total, which is beyond the normal range. The gunboat engagement distance is relatively small, but it is easier to enter the attack range.

During the process of going to their own destinations, Vian had already transferred from Clemenceau's battleship to Lexington's battleship.

"Commander, what should we do next?"

Lexington gently massaged Vian's shoulders while Saratoga and Shropshire were in the command room.

"This time, the task of contacting everyone and seizing air supremacy with Glory will be left to you, my wife. Jiajia, you are responsible for attacking surface ships and taking Glory out first."

"Although the range of 50 nautical miles is not very large, we still have the advantage of the first move. We cannot directly confront their gunboats. If we gain air superiority, we can suppress their gunboats from the air."

Just as Hood and the others understood that Vian's combat center was not on the gunboat at all, Vian also knew that

"However, Commander, I am afraid that the gap between me and Guanghui is still too big. She has been a legendary ship girl for so many years, and her proficiency in operating carrier-based aircraft must be higher than mine."

Lexington is a little worried about Wei An's arrangements.

"That's right, Commander, why don't I face Guanghui, and I will definitely deal with her easily."

Saratoga also quickly agreed.

"Madam, winning or losing is not important. What is important is to help you get familiar with fighting with other aircraft carrier girls. Even if the operation is not good, madam, you can choose to fight more and less, one to contain the other to attack, or even directly suicide attack to exchange aircraft."

"Empty the carrier-based aircraft stored in the first wave of Glory, and she will only generate 4 carrier-based aircraft every ten minutes, while you can generate 15 at once."

"We don’t fight for a wave of assault, we fight for attrition, persistence, and containment. It’s never too much to be careful when facing these legendary ship girls."

"Okay, Commander."

Lexington took over his task seriously.

"Shropshire, you and Yixian work together to stop you at the front. Contact them and engage them. Xuefeng and the others will use torpedoes to cover you."

"Be careful not to be too aggressive, just drag yourself slowly so that you don’t get hurt."

"Whether you can win this time depends on how long you and Yixian can hold them off."

"What we have to do is to extract teeth one by one. Without air control, they will be living targets."

As he spoke, the fleet sailing at high speed had arrived at the sea area that Wei An had decided on from the beginning.

"Start fighting!"

After saying that, Saratoga and Shropshire rushed out of the command room, leaving only Lexington and Vian.

For this exercise, Vian had exhausted all his last energy. Now Lexington's mental limit has reached 81,000.

At the same time, the aluminum resources have been allocated to Lexington and Saratoga on a three-to-two basis.

The mental limit is 10,000 higher than their normal displacement. Now the number of carrier-based aircraft taking off from Lexington at the same time is 100, which is almost twice that of the Glory.

"We are traveling at the fastest speed of the fleet, so there is a high probability that they have not reached the target location. Let's start reconnaissance. Only by grasping the opponent's information can we fight better."

While Wei An was talking, Lexington closed his eyes and started his own operation.

He controlled his warship to turn in the direction of the headwind and increase speed, directly pulling it to 40 knots.

One after another, the [Gale Wind Modification J] passed The lifting platform was transported to the flight deck.

As Lexington opened his eyes, [Gale Wind Kai J] directly entered the predetermined position and began to take off by riding the reverse deck wind.

"Commander, how much are you going to release?"

"15 frames, sector search."

Because carrier-based aircraft are also the eyes of aircraft carriers, their normal methods are simpler and cruder, using attack aircraft directly. They can both conduct reconnaissance and fight enemy carrier-based aircraft.

Seeing Lexington start to take off The carrier-based aircraft and other ship girls also took action because the opponents they faced this time were only surface ships, and they were not afraid of sneak attacks.

Therefore, except Clemenceau, they did not quickly move away from Lexington. They all moved out in the direction of the carrier-based aircraft launched by Lexington.

They wanted to gain enough space for Lexington and Saratoga, and at the same time, they compressed the area where Hood and the others moved. Guanghui discovered it.

Everyone knew that Wei An's ship girls were fast, which meant that he would definitely be the first to get there.

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