The opponents he needs to face are not only the admirals of the J-Union Department, but also the G-Union Department, the U-Union Department, and a total of eight other coalition departments. They are all the opponents that Wei An needs to face this time.

Instead, all the pressure was on Wei An, a first-year student.

This is also the reason why Wei An came to observe the strength of these admirals in person. He had never thought of forming a team with other admirals.

For Wei An, a large-scale fleet also has a large target. At the same time, operating with other admirals will slow down the speed of his fleet.

Not conducive to his performance.

Looking at Wei An who was thinking silently, Song Lin spoke again.

"If you are really stubborn, we will be your opponents in this assessment. I also want to see what the strength of the admiral that the E-Union Department is optimistic about."

"After signing up, I have carefully understood the strength of most of the admirals. I don’t think an admiral who is so noticed like you is hiding his head and tail."

"You couldn't have gone in through the back door, right? The ship girl next to you is so protective of the E joint headquarters. It couldn't have been that the ship girl of the E joint headquarters was plundered by you and then used her to get in through the back door!"

"It's still a heavy cruiser, I can't wait to see her destroyed."

"What's wrong with joining our J-Union Department? You can easily win this assessment. You have to be right with us, right?"

Looking at Wei An's always gentle answers, Songlin also decided that he had become bolder in speaking.

The J-Union Department and his strength gave him deep confidence.

"You are talking nonsense!"

Seeing Song Lin provoking Wei An there, as his ship's wife, Shropshire yelled at him angrily

"You can’t really let me get it right! Otherwise, why are you in such a hurry?"

"I know that you are not strong enough to take the back door and be a good person with your tail between your legs, so why do you want to take part in this assessment? Nagato-sama and the others still think highly of you, but I can't stand it."

Because of Wei An's previous rejection, Nagato, who was a little angry in his heart, did not stop Song Lin from rubbing his nose on his face.

But compared to Shropshire's angry look, Wei An seemed calm.

"Sorry, Ms. Nagato, everyone in the E-Union Department is nice to me, and even other people are kinder to me. If this is the person from the J-Union Department, it really disappoints me."

"So you mean you refused?"


"Well, I hope you can understand later that the difference between E Department and our J Department in today's loss is not just a little bit."

"let's go."

After Nagato finished speaking, he led his people to turn the ship around, leaving an angry Shropshire and a calm Vian next to her.

"Boy, if you don’t have to drink wine as a penalty, let’s meet up for the assessment. Let me see what you are capable of. You won’t even come if you kindly invite me."

"I also want you to clean up all the girls on the ship. I also want to see if you can still be so calm when they are broken, huh."

Song Lin snorted coldly as he walked away, and at the same time looked at Shropshire's battleship with disdain.

Compared with several battleships under his command, Shropshire's petite hull seemed to him to be vulnerable.


Looking at Vian who was still standing on the bow of the boat, Shropshire looked at Vian with some worry.

"It's okay, let's go, just do your best for the assessment."

Vian smiled and stroked Shropshire's long hair to calm her down.

"Commander, we can definitely defeat them. It's really hateful."

"I believe you, let’s go in and rest first. We haven’t tasted your craftsmanship today."

"Okay~ Then wait and I will make tea for you. I have prepared new flowers today."

After confirming that Wei An was not angry, Shropshire went to prepare tea for Wei An with peace of mind.

After she turned around, Wei An's eyes, which were full of tenderness, also turned cold, and she looked back at the leaving pine forest.

【You want to see the big damage, right? I also want to see if your strength matches your words? 】

In order to test the strength of the admiral and the ship girl in the real battlefield, this kind of assessment is usually a live-fire exercise, and the ship girls of the ship girl alliance patrol and protect the exercise area throughout the whole process.

The big damage of the ship girl means leaving the battlefield.

Wei'an didn't care that others would target him. Even when Songlin said it to him, he didn't get angry.

But he mentioned the girls of Wei'an

【I originally wanted to just pass the assessment in a simple way and try not to offend anyone, but now...】

"Commander, your tea is ready. Come and try my snacks."


After rubbing her face to make her face look better, Wei An returned to the cabin.

After returning to the villa, Shropshire and the others saw Wei An locking herself up.

She could only describe what happened today. After briefly explaining the matter to Lexington and the others, they could only look at the doorkeeper's closed room with worried expressions on their faces before Wei An came out of the room in relief.

"Commander, are you okay?"



"brother-in-law. Lexington looked at Wei An with a worried look. She was worried that Wei An would keep his worries to himself.

"It's okay, but I have a few things to tell you."

Looking at the girls around him who were worried about him, Wei An felt warm in his heart.

With such a group of silly girls accompanying him, his life was already fulfilled. All he had to do was not let them get hurt or cry.

He had to protect them.

"The power system that you can use in Yixian has been completed. When the funds come back, you can realize the hull of the ship together with Guogan and the others."

"At the same time, Shropshire and Saratoga's power systems also need to be replaced together, in order to be able to keep up with the speed of the fleet."

"Shropshire, Saratoga, when you sell ship equipment, pay attention to whether there are 280mm or 300mm main guns for sale. If so, bring them back."

"Sister, don’t be busy during this period. Tomorrow we will start to partially modify the hull of the ship, and then you and Kokang will be assessed. Shimakaze is very important."

Weian's series of words made them unable to react, but Xuefeng, who knew best, knew

"Xiaowei, you are angry. Ever since you were angry, you have liked to shut yourself in your room and think about solutions."

"He bullies Xiaowei so much. This time, my sister will deal with them no matter what."

"Don't hold it in alone, now that you have us, everyone will be with you."

After Xuefeng finished speaking, he hugged Wei An into his arms while everyone was watching.

Yes, Wei An was very angry. Originally, Wei An just wanted to pass this assessment safely, but now he just feels Not enough.

He didn't want to let go of any of the J-Commanders.

After he came back, he quickly modified Xuefeng's previous drawings, and at the same time, he also prepared to replace the main gun that had not been replaced before. It will be replaced after the government, but now it is not enough to rely on only two aircraft carriers.

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