"Commander, are you going to start?"

Lexington looked at Wei An expectantly.


After Wei An completed the battleship drawings of the cruiser, he had to start preparing for the next step.

The most important of which was the physical appearance of Lexington's hull.

So in Wei An's room at night, he called Lexington. Come here.

Because she has had several experiences, Wei An is familiar with it this time. Even

Lexington is a little shy.

She has some vague thoughts about Wei An, let alone now that she and Wei An are in the same room. And she also understands Wei An's thoughts.

At least Wei An hasn't been in close contact with her for so long, so now Wei An is sitting on the chair with her, which makes her face feel a little hot.

"do not worry."

Weian said, caressing Lexington's pretty face with one hand, and started to click on his own talents.

Every time he helps his ship girl to increase the upper limit of her mental core, she needs to leave enough margin.

But now the resources In case of shortage, he needs to try his best to help Lexington improve while ensuring that it can form combat effectiveness.

The displacement of the hull frame is constant, and the changes in the displacement of the aircraft carrier are basically concentrated on the carrier-based aircraft and other weapons and equipment.

Compared with most other freighter-modified aircraft carriers, Lexington's hull utilization rate will be higher, so Vian set the displacement of Lexington at 70,000 tons, so Vian will need to spend 34,000 energy to supplement it this time. In order to have a margin,

Lexington's reaction was more sensitive than that of other ship girls.

Lexington felt that her thinking speed was much faster. After all, she was still thinking faster. Without the physical body, there was no burden.

At the same time, she looked at Wei'an's skin more clearly and carefully.

As for the feeling of improvement, she felt a cold energy penetrate into her mind, which was very comfortable.

She couldn't help but relax her body, and just leaned on Wei An's shoulder so gently, feeling extremely at ease.

"Commander, are you done?"

Feeling the breath in his body disappear, Lexington whispered softly.

"It’s done, the next step is to realize the hull and equipment of your ship."

"Thank you, Commander, you have worked hard during this time."

"What I do for you is nothing compared to what you do for me."

Weian said softly, looking at the pretty face leaning on his shoulder with eyes closed.

"As a secretary, it's my duty to share your worries. You haven't had a good rest during this period and have lost weight."

Opening his eyes and looking at Wei An's heavy dark circles, Lexington felt a little distressed, and Qianqian's thin fingers caressed Wei An's face in an unexpected way.

"It's worth being tired now. I don't want to regret it in the future because I didn't work hard enough, especially at this critical moment."

The cold and delicate little hand made him look at Lexington in a daze.

After such a long time together, his unnatural feeling towards Lexington has disappeared.

Every day, he is used to Lexington doing things in an orderly manner, helping him share some of the things, and taking care of his daily life with Shropshire.

He has been silently behind him to support him.

"So after this busy period, Commander, can you take a good rest? I didn’t have much fun at the beach last time"

"Everyone is worried about your health"

"Then after the assessment is over, take a good rest."

Lexington rarely made demands on Vian, so Vian, who felt she was indebted to her, did not reject Lexington.

The feeling of dependence made Lexington a little greedy, and the warmth on the boy's broad shoulders made her eyelids a little heavy. It was a rare moment of peace at the end of the day.

Her commander was with her, but she knew she couldn't be greedy for this feeling. She was still the commander's ship girl, unlike Xuefeng, who was his wedding ship.

She thought of this. She felt a little sad in her heart. She knew what Wei An was thinking, but usually Wei An tried his best to cover up his thoughts, which made her a little distressed.

After all, he had lost his temper in front of her before.

Lexington opened his eyes and thought clearly. When he was about to leave Wei An's shoulder, he found that he had been staring at her in a daze.

Lexington's actions finally interrupted Wei An's random thoughts.

His relationship with Lexington had always been very strange, just because of his subconscious. Calling out Mrs.

Lexington's attitude towards him is a bit strange.

She wants to get close but is afraid to be frank for this reason, but she usually does most of the things for him like a wife. She can do everything, even though Shropshire can do it, she still wants to take part in taking care of Wei An. And no matter what she says, the most she talks about is about work and daily life.

Not intimate.

Just like an ordinary old married couple.

So he was stunned when he saw her defenseless face leaning against him.

She quietly invaded his heart like a virus. Not to mention that he already liked Lexington, so the first thing he did when he woke up was that he shook his head and didn't dare to look into Lexington's eyes.

At the same time, his ears turned red and he was attracted by Lexington. Watching the whole process

【Really, a dishonest commander】

"Commander, what's wrong with you?"

Looking at Wei An who was so cautious and not frank, Lexington felt like teasing her.

"No, nothing, just thinking about something."

Wei An, who was always talkative with other girls, faced Lexington like a mouse meeting a cat.

"Then, why doesn't the commander dare to look at me? You can look at me if you want. I'm your ship girl."

Lexington looked at Wei An's face that was starting to turn red, and pursued the victory.

Wei An, as if Lexington had revealed her feelings, took a peek at Lexington, found that she was looking at him, and quickly turned around. He was so confused. Kessington's eyes were full of helplessness, and at the same time he was secretly happy.

What was helpless was Wei An's timidity. He could face other girls and Xuefeng boldly, but he always avoided her, even when facing Sarah. Toga is normal.

She is the only exception.

Fortunately, Wei An is not completely courageous, at least he is still looking at her secretly, but when he thinks about it, he will also invite her in the future. When Wei An got on the boat, she was afraid that Wei An would avoid her, so Lexington thought about something.

She put her hands on Wei An's face and turned his head to face her, her dark blue eyes looking straight at him. look at each other

"What, what's wrong, Lexington?"

Lexington's sudden attack made Wei An panic.

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