The unexpected situation immediately stunned everyone, and none of the other plans Clemenceau had made were used.

Although it is a drill, the extent of damage to the hull will still be judged.

Clemenceau's bombardment this time was received by Shropshire on the rear deck.

Although the armor-piercing capability of the 381mm main gun is exhausted at a distance of 14 nautical miles.

But the Shropshire was just an ordinary heavy cruiser, and this shot penetrated it directly.

According to the simulated judgment, Clemenceau's shot was soul-stirring.

Shropshire is losing steam.

A target adrift on the sea, what would be the result if her bombardment range could not reach Clemenceau.

Unsurprisingly, Clemenceau found Shropshire quickly repositioning themselves after gradually losing steam.

With the last hit, her second bombardment was obviously much easier.

As two new shells were delivered to the Shropshire battleship, the end of this exercise was also announced.

No one expected that the battle would end so simply. Shropshire did not even use his superb artillery skills and skilled experience.

Clemenceau ended the suspense directly from the distance that she could not observe.

If the operating monster can make up for the lack of numerical values by relying on operations, then Clemenceau is not only a numerical monster but also cheating.

They really couldn't understand Clemenceau's battle. Battleship duels were usually at a distance of 10 nautical miles or closer.

And her combat power has completely exceeded that of ordinary battleships.

In this battle, Clemenceau's advantage of fast speed was not shown.

In particular, Hood and Elizabeth heard the exchange between Xuefeng and Wei An.

His warships have a longer range and faster speed than other warships.

What does this mean?

In the absence of aircraft carrier reconnaissance, his battleships will always have the upper hand over other battleships.

Faster speed allows them to reach a favorable position faster and at the same time take the initiative in the battle.

Even the choice of whether to fight or not is in the hands of the Vian Ship Girl. The only ones that can catch up with his battleship are destroyers.

But if the destroyers were to chase the battleships and Yukikaze, who was obviously no longer an ordinary destroyer, wouldn't it simply cost them their lives?

As for breaking through Clemenceau's air defense circle from the sky, it must be a powerful enough aircraft carrier.

Or it is an aircraft carrier carrying powerful carrier-based aircraft.

It is difficult to meet either condition.

The last tactic that flashed through their minds was to do it underwater. There would be a greater chance of relying on a submarine.

However, submarine girls are rarer than battleships and aircraft carriers. Even submarine girls combined with ship girls are very rare.

It can be said that Clemenceau really gave them an unparalleled shock in this battle.

It is also a battleship. Clemenceau's firepower is not inferior to most of the mainstay ships. Its speed is unique among battleships. Its air defense is good and other ships can also be modified.

But now that Clemenceau has discovered that the hull can guarantee such a hit rate, they dare not think how high her hit rate will be after she becomes more skilled.

Even at the peak of their strength, they barely reached the state where she started. If they waited for Clemenceau to reach the peak, they would not dare to think about it.

In their view, everyone else is a warrior with partial ability defects, but Clemenceau has directly transformed into a hexagon and can fight anything.

And the root of all this lies in her admiral, Wei An.

After what happened today, they felt that they had overestimated Vian enough, but now Clemenceau slapped them in the face again.

That is the upper limit of their thinking, but it is not the limit of Wei An and his shipgirl.

"Why can they see so far away?"

Hood still couldn't help but voice the questions in his heart.


Vian's simple two words blocked her next question.

Isn't the biggest difference between his ship girl and other ship girls the all-round transformation?

For Vian, the talents that can improve the mental limit of the ship girl are fine, these are only his ship girl can enjoy, and the security of ship equipment related matters is still too low.

Now his ship girl can only bully others, not the kind that can be all-round, cross-era crushing, to develop in a wretched way, don't waste.

But the hull of his ship girl is definitely not hidden, and there is no need to hide it too much.

That is his value as an admiral.

In the end, Hood did not continue to ask questions, but his eyes scanned Vian from time to time and thought, waiting for Clemenceau and the others to come back.

The mood of the two people who came back was so different, one was jubilant, and the other was depressed and aggrieved.

Shropshire, Vian's ship girl, also asked Clemenceau about the details of the previous exercise on the way back.

She also knew why she was discovered and hit in advance.

The reason was that she didn't know before The two golden ship equipments with the effect were put on.

At the same time, she felt more powerless.

Because she was Vian's ship girl, she knew that Clemenceau and the others were not in their complete form.

Even though she couldn't do anything to Clemenceau now, this was still Clemenceau's first generation ship equipment.

When she thought about how she had gone through so many battles to grow to what she is now, but was easily crushed by the ship girl transformed by Vian, how could she not feel sad?

So after coming back, Shropshire looked at Vian who was smiling at her, and her originally sad emotions could no longer be suppressed.

She walked to Vian's side, her eyes were red and moist, but her little pearl could not fall easily, there were others around, and she could not let her master, her own admiral, lose face.

Looking at Shropshire's aggrieved look, Vian felt bad.

This was the ship he had saved in the true sense, and they were all his ship girls.

The palms and backs of the hands are all flesh. Clemenceau's loss means that his transformation is not enough, and Shropshire's loss is what it is now.

"I have wronged you, and you will do the same in the future."

Because of the presence of other people and knowing what Wei An was talking about, Shropshire nodded and wiped the moisture from her eyes, then stayed behind him silently.

Even her own battleship did not return.

He The ship girls all know the importance of the ship equipment installed by Wei An, so they never discuss the topic of ship equipment outside.

Their return also represents the end of this exercise. Everyone has different opinions on the way back. Some people are happy and some are sad, but this time Clemenceau's performance will eventually change Wei An's life a little differently.

But now Wei An wants to comfort Shrop who is hiding in the cabin and crying. County.

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