After all, in Wei An's opinion, the difference between the ship types of his fleet is aircraft carriers and frigates.

No matter how big the gunboat is, it is just a follower of the aircraft carrier. Even if the missiles are released, the aircraft carrier cannot be replaced.

The real heart of the fleet.

As for the reason.

If an attacking fleet includes an aircraft carrier, it will have more time to prepare for unexpected problems.

At the same time, the aircraft carrier's carrier-based aircraft can be recovered and then attacked.

The missile is really just a resource when it flies out, and the consumption is more powerful.

In daily use, aircraft carriers are too irreplaceable.

Xuefeng and Clemenceau have known Vian for a long time, and they also understand that Vian loves the aircraft carrier in his heart.

Therefore, they have no objection to being a small follower frigate.

Only Saratoga, who joined later, Shropshire was very surprised.

Even Lexington often lamented how special Vian was after learning about aircraft carriers in the world.

Others use the aircraft carrier as an auxiliary ship, but he uses the aircraft carrier as the main force. Even the battleships that others value most are used as frigates for the aircraft carrier.

Who can be so luxurious?

So there was a scene of Saratoga hugging Vian's lap and crying late at night.

She had really never experienced this scene. She originally thought that after becoming Vian's ship girl, she could still fight with the deep-sea small planes and assist Clemenceau as before.

But the reality makes her flattered. Is there a day when she can be valued?

Even admirals tend to prefer battleships when given a choice.

After learning that the core of Vian's fleet was the aircraft carrier, Shropshire was also stunned, and very thoughtfully touched Vian's forehead to see if he had a fever or fainted.

But after getting confirmation from other ship girls, she calmly accepted the result.

However, after learning about Wei An's aircraft carrier plan for his subordinates, he was happiest than Saratoga.

Because the Lexington's ship body will also require a lot of resources, he needs timely combat power even more.

Saratoga is the best candidate for the main job.

She really didn't expect that one day she would be able to carry as many bombers as she could like the Bumblebee.

For this reason, she felt that Wei An was much more pleasing to the eye.

But in the end, Vian's relatively poor predicament temporarily calmed Saratoga's joyful mood.

However, what Wei An didn't expect was that he still underestimated the temptation of bombers to an aircraft carrier girl.

After explaining his arrangements and going back to each room, Saratoga tossed and turned on his bed and couldn't fall asleep.

Seeing the cute bomber right in front of her, but not being able to possess it made her feel like there were ants crawling on her body.

She was very uncomfortable.

But knowing that Clemenceau had manifested the ship's hull, she also understood that her sister needed a lot of resources.

At present, Wei'an does not have any channels to obtain more resources, which is very scarce.

But she wanted the cute little plane very much, so she thought of the reason why Shropshire and Wei An met.

So it was rare that Lexington, who had to take care of Wei An the next morning, was sleeping soundly without disturbing her. She quietly opened the door, groped for a room and walked in gently.

She couldn't wait for a moment, she wanted a small plane, so she decided to go directly to Wei An to ask for a small plane. Anyway, she still had a little private money.

She didn't use it for so many years.

Wei An woke up, out of breath and uncomfortable.

I vaguely turned on the light in the room and saw the Saratoga Duck sitting on his own quilt.

The golden hair hit him in the face, startling him

"What's wrong with Gaga? this late."

Wei An said and quietly lifted the quilt.

"Commander~ I want a small plane, okay? I want a bomber."

"Is that all about this? The Admiral doesn't have the extra energy to make ship equipment for you now. When the Admiral has the money, he will make it up for you as soon as possible."

"But can you get off the Admiral now? Out of breath."

Hearing Saratoga's words made Wei An breathe a sigh of relief.

He thought that Saratoga entered his room so late to attack at night. After all, it is really possible for a naughty ship girl like Saratoga to do this.

Saratoga, who was thinking about the bombers, sat down on the edge of the bed from the quilt covered by Wei An.

"Commander, it doesn't matter. If you don't have money, I will."

As Saratoga said, she couldn't wait to open her ship's installation space and took out a bank card from it.

"The 1000W Azure Coin is in this card. Is it enough to complete my ship upgrade? If that's not enough there's more."

As she said that, she photographed the bank card in Wei An's hand.

Like Shropshire, as a 100-level ship girl, Shropshire is only a heavy cruiser after all, and the resources she can obtain are also limited..

But as an aircraft carrier, Saratoga is still flying.

She can fly 75 carrier-based aircraft at one time, and her hangar can perfectly accommodate so many aircraft.

It is also because she is flying. Bin strengthened her skills in this way, and the results she could achieve on the battlefield were beyond the reach of ordinary light aircraft carrier girls.

As a result, her savings quickly accumulated, and as her wallet gradually became richer, she also wanted to. In the past, she looked for some powerful carrier-based aircraft to supplement her arsenal, but in the end reality gave her a slap in the face.

Compared with battleship equipment, aircraft carrier equipment is obviously more difficult to produce, and the number of aircraft carriers using the equipment is also very small. More than other ship girls.

If she wants to satisfy her 75 bombers, she needs at least 5 ship-based aircraft. If she needs other carrier-based aircraft, the price will be higher than other ship-based equipment.

Saratoga, who was no longer short of money at the time, was shopping for options in the market, and finally found that most of the carrier-based aircraft were not as useful as the ones that came with the ship when it was first built, so she was looking for Lexington. At that time, Saratoga was also working hard to collect ship equipment that she could use.

She found many carrier-based aircraft, but they were basically not as good as her own ship equipment. When she found out about better ones, It was snatched away by someone else.

In the end, Saratoga was completely ruined.

She even felt that the price of the carrier-based aircraft equipment was so high because of the high price of the aircraft carrier girls. Ship girls of other ship types are richer because they can participate in several battles at the same time, so now Wei An can give her a stronger carrier aircraft. How can she sleep on the small aircraft that she misses so much? It was right in front of her, and she couldn't let it go.

If Wei An couldn't do it, she had plenty of money!

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