but now!

In just two or three days, Wei An had a new ship girl, Saratoga, whom she didn't see often.

Lexington's home was burgled before hers was burgled, and Sarah deserved to be the thief.

For some reason, Shropshire felt a little sad inside.

Hood, who was used to parting, saw Shropshire's expression and didn't know what she was thinking.

This girl cannot be saved and will become someone else's.

Thinking of this, Hood sorted out the documents in his hand and put them away.

"Let's go, you are all interested in this admiral, and we really should meet him after being here for so long."

Hood said and exchanged a look with the Prince of Wales.

Then the mighty E-joint ship girl briefly asked Elizabeth and found out about today's Wei An arrangements.

This made her even more interested.

Because Vian was preparing to build a ship girl today.

When Hood told Shropshire about this, she was even more depressed. She was thinking about Vian, but he was looking forward to a new girl.

Devon reluctantly pulled his lost sister and followed Hood and the others.

What was Wei An doing now?

He was bathing in incense, dancing to the gods, and worshiping Snow Wind. The wind has become accustomed to it, while Lexington and Saratoga are a little curious.

"The admiral was praying for good luck. He said that Xuefeng was a symbol of luck. His good luck was brought by Xuefeng. I was built by Xuefeng's hands."

"You were built after he paid homage to Xuefeng, and both times you were a large battleship."

But this time Wei An's prayer was a little different from the previous one.

"Destroyer, destroyer, little sister, little sister, come to the bowl."

Wei'an recited silently, and then jumped back and forth around Xuefeng until the three incense sticks were burned out.

""Let's go, I think we can do it today!"

After that, the group headed to the construction room in a mighty manner.

It was a sunny day outside, a good day for construction.

Even the ship girl on duty today was a destroyer girl.

It was a pity that Elizabeth was too busy today and had no time to come and watch Vian's construction.

But Hood and the others just happened to catch up with Vian entering the construction room.

His ship girl was waiting outside, so she also discovered the arrival of Shropshire and his group.

Shropshire set his sights on Saratoga, who was chatting and laughing with several other ship girls.

Indeed, Saratoga is a little different now than when she saw her before.

Her relationship with Vian is too close and familiar now, even more familiar than her.

"Please say hello to the ship girls from E Joint Department, the admiral may have to work with them in the future."

Lexington patted the playful Saratoga on the shoulder to remind the other ship girls.

But Vian who entered the construction room didn't know anything about it.

Because with Clemenceau and the two aircraft carrier girls, Under the circumstances, what he needs now is a frigate , a destroyer, or a submarine.

Usually other admirals have a bunch of small ships waiting for a big ship to be the mainstay of the garrison. It’s not that big ships can’t be built, but small ships are more cost-effective. Although he earns considerable resources now, the consumption of more than 200,000 at a time is still a bit overwhelming, so he skillfully places the battleship core and resources at the designated location. , he began to pray in his heart.

This time he chose the formula of

120 fuel, 30 ammunition, 120 steel, 30 aluminum.

After taking a deep breath, Wei An put in a battleship core and pressed the build button. The appearance of

0:20:00 made Wei An relieved. After all, he would probably be able to come out in 20 minutes. After he finished using the wrench, a short figure appeared in the construction cabin and looked at him. The white-haired girl in the top hat opened and opened Wei'an's mouth. He felt that his mouth was open, but the girl in front of him looked at Wei'an with curiosity.

"Destroyer, bold reporting. Those who are lazy will be sent to dig potatoes in Siberia~"

This brought Wei An back to reality.

"You are welcome to be brave, but now we need to wait for the Admiral~ The Admiral will build three ship girls this time." Changchun. Who is


? Wei An knows even with his eyes closed. After the transformation, it is called Changchun.

It carries missiles that may make him drool.

Just like Xuefeng later, after the transformation, they are all warships of the C Navy.

(Qing Dynasty) , the Republic of China, the modern navy, collectively referred to as C here. After all, there are not many C country ship girls in ship R. If we count them separately, how many of them each will account for, so as to prevent conflicts.)

""Okay, Admiral."

Guogan walked to Wei'an obediently and watched his next operation.

He was happy that a destroyer had been built, and it was a ship girl who was closely related to his previous life, double the happiness.

So he quickly put the second battleship core into it.


This time made Wei'an a little unsure. A destroyer was possible, and the probability of a light cruiser was not small.

But he chose to believe in the power of Xuefeng. With a wrench, the graceful figure of the girl in the smoke appeared in front of Wei'an. She was a head taller than Xuefeng and Guogan, so he knew it was not a destroyer. Sure enough

, when she came out, Wei'an knew who she was.

Because he couldn't close his mouth again.

"The Xia Yixian is a warship designed by country C. If you need it, please feel free to give it."

Yixian" is different from the ship girls of foreign origin like Changchun and Chongqing, Yixian is a true descendant of Country C. In the 1930s, Country C designed and built a cruiser that unfortunately sank during the Anti-Japanese War and was salvaged and repaired by Country R until the victory of the Anti-Japanese War. Later, she returned to the embrace of country C.

Although she is not very powerful compared to other ship girls in the game, her intimacy is not comparable to that of the long-legged Yixian

Bi. Starting from the way royal ship girls look up at the stars, as well as the different eating habits of ship girls from other countries, Yixian is more suitable for the physique of the admiral of country C.

The most important thing is that Yixian cooks really well!

In this case, Yixian was also one of the Weian wedding ships in his previous life.


Looking at Wei An who was in a daze about him, Yixian frowned.

"Ah, sorry Yixian, I was just too surprised. You are welcome to join."

Wei An was a little embarrassed and scratched the back of his head.


"I thought it would be difficult to build a country C ship girl, but I didn’t expect you to appear in front of me."

The number of ship girls in country C is completely incomparable with other countries, so there is really no hope of building a probabilistic Wei'an.

Therefore, the appearance of Yixian and Guogan is a real surprise to him.

He can have Opportunity to redeem those regrets.

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