Shenhao’s Salted Fish Life

Chapter 926: large fluctuations


November 4th, Lin Tianwen's fourth day in Yaocheng.

The matter of the juice factory has been resolved, and after investigation by Uncle JC, only the general manager has a problem, and no one else is involved.

Under Lin Tianwen's instructions, Xiao Lingfei sent the deputy director of the Agriculture Department of Huayuan Network to Yaocheng to take over the juice factory.

Liu Chang knew that Lin Tianwen was in a bad mood these days, so he didn't bother him.

It's just that everything is ready for the Shuitianpai man-made scenic spot project, and it has also been negotiated with the local Yaocheng, and it is waiting for the bidding.

He had no choice but to ask Lin Tianwen for instructions.

"Boss, the three plazas have already started to be closed for renovation. Mr. Qiao said that they will definitely finish ahead of schedule. The Yang'ering man-made scenic spot project is almost finished, and we can invite bids soon."

"The bidding matter is postponed. You can contact the China Construction Eighth Bureau and ask if they want to accept this project?"

"Okay, boss."

Liu Chang originally planned to say no bidding, the cost would definitely increase, but he immediately realized that the boss didn't seem to be short of the money, he said no bidding, so let's not invite bidding.

Lin Tianwen took care of his matter, but it was not easy to solve a certain person's matter.

Nineteen Chinese medical hospitals have launched physical examination programs since November 1.

Wu Ruonan, who runs a high-end chain medical examination institution, had a hard time.

The physical examination items at Huayi Hospital only cost 500 yuan, and this price directly fooled Wu Ruonan.

His medical examination institution did a full-body examination, and it didn't cost 10,000 yuan, so it couldn't even cover the cost.

Not only was he deceived, but other chain medical examination institutions were also deceived.

No medical examination institution can afford the price of 500 yuan.

Even the physical examination departments of the cities where the 19 Chinese medical hospitals are located lost their business in an instant.

Fortunately, Lin Tianwen returned part of the benefits to the hospital in a disguised form, otherwise the hospital would probably suffer from heartache for a long time.

Wu Ruonan was sitting in the office of the Pengcheng headquarters at the moment, looking at the data reported from below, his eyes glazed over.

The medical examination agency is one of his most profitable departments.

Of course, there are only two of his most profitable departments, one is medical examination institutions, and the other is high-end medical care.

High-end medical care had already existed in name only at the beginning of the year, and it was nearly closed down by the cancer killer. At present, there is only one private hospital left in Pengcheng in the whole country, and the rest are either closed or sold.

He didn't expect that even the medical examination institution was on the verge of bankruptcy so soon.

What's even more outrageous is that he was a billionaire a few days ago, but in the blink of an eye he has nothing left but a little money.

In the process of painfully deciding whether to continue supporting the medical examination department, his girlfriend Wen Shan called.

He thought for a while and answered the phone.

"Ruonan, I've been calling you for several days, why did you answer the phone, what happened?"

"Wen Shan, my medical examination hospital is about to close down." Wu Ruonan said painfully.

This is a heartache for everyone. I have worked hard for several years to start a business, and the country I finally built was closed down overnight by others. No one will believe it when I tell it.

"How could this be?" Wen Shan asked anxiously.

Some time ago, she had been filming on the set and had no time to pay attention to outside affairs. It just so happened that her filming had finished in the past two days, and she wanted to find a boyfriend on a date, but no one answered the phone calls for a few days.

"Lin Tianwen's Huayi Hospital also launched a physical examination program, the price is very cheap, and the physical examination program is very comprehensive."

Wu Ruonan didn't say anything, not only the price is cheap, the project is comprehensive, and the speed is very fast.

"Ruo Nan, since the medical examination institution can no longer persist, then close it. I believe that with your ability, you can make a comeback in other industries." Wen Shan said.

"You said it lightly. The medical examination hospital is a project that I have painstakingly managed for six years. It is hard to get the current results. In other words, this is my child. How could I give up my child."

"Then what can you do to save it now?"

"No." Wu Ruonan said in a low tone.

"As a professional investor, you should look at the problem rationally. Since you have nothing to do now, you should stop the loss in time." Wen Shan said calmly.

Although she is an artist, she is not a vase, otherwise Wu Ruonan would not have pursued her back then.

"I'm not reconciled." Wu Ruonan said.

"When you meet Lin Tianwen, there is nothing you can do if you are unwilling. Where are you now? I'll come and find you."

"You don't have to come and find me."

"What's the matter? Ruonan. I think I should be by your side at this time." Wen Shan said.

"let's break up."

"What did you say? Are you serious?" Wen Shan was very surprised, but immediately asked calmly.

"Yes. I'm serious. I've thought a lot these days. You're just an entertainer, and you can't help me with business matters at all, so let's break up."

"You really think so?" Wen Shan was already shocked. She didn't expect such words to come from her boyfriend, no, it was her ex-boyfriend.

"Yes, don't look for me in the future." Wu Ruonan hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Wen Shan looked at the phone that was hung up, and couldn't get angry. Who pursued who was who was looking for who.

Wu Ruonan's actions made her very sad.

When she was sad, a phone call from her agent gave her another idea. She wanted Wu Ruonan to know that she, an artist, could make him a poor man.

"Brother Tao."

"Wen Shan, Yuelong Group came to ask you if you want to sign with them again."

"Brother Tao, I can sign to Yuelong Group, but I have a request, I want to see Lin Tianwen."

"Why did you see Lin Tianwen?" Sun Tao asked suspiciously.

"I want Lin Tianwen to help me with some things."

"Okay, then I'll reply to them."

"Thank you Tao."

"Thank you. The two of us are grasshoppers on the same rope. I will be well when you are well. Wait for my news."


Wen Shan hung up the phone and immediately bought a plane ticket. She wanted to go abroad to relax.

Lin Tianwen stayed in Yaocheng until November 5 before returning to the manor.

The construction of the Yangerling artificial scenic spot project was finally taken over by the China Construction Eighth Bureau.

Of course, in order to catch up with the progress, Li Yongming also brought in Xu Zheng from Modu Construction Engineering.

After the completion of the project of Tiandihui Center, Li Yongming's performance this year has almost been completed. Except for the projects specified above, he has to carry out other projects.

Unexpectedly, after resting for more than a month, Tiandihui came to ask again.

He was very excited when he thought of what Lin Tianwen said.

Finish the work one day earlier and get an extra day's bonus.

This is the only one in the country, and you can't find such a good thing anywhere.

Therefore, after Li Yongming received the inquiry call from Tiandihui, he immediately dragged Xu Zheng to Yaocheng.

The construction contract was signed on the same day.

Although the contract amount this time is only 6 billion, they are confident that it will be 8 billion.

The extra 2 billion is the bonus.

After Lin Tianwen returned to the manor, he started raising the baby again.

Take Lin Yuxuan to travel around the mountains and rivers every day.

Until the afternoon of a certain working day, Su Xiao called him.


"President Su, what's the matter?"

"Boss, there is indeed something trivial, and I want to ask you for help."


"I want to sign Wenshan, but she has a request, she wants to see you."

"Who is Wen Shan?"

"The one who played the female lawyer in Chill."

"Oh. Why does she want to see me?" Lin Tianwen asked while teasing his daughter, without any thought of who Wen Shan was?

"Wen Shan's manager said that she seems to want your help with something."

"Oh, Zeng Jia isn't in charge of the artist manager? Why did you come out to speak?"

"Wen Shan is an artist I decided to sign at the beginning of the year. Mr. Zeng notified me in the morning, so I took the time to call you."

"It turns out that President Su is so busy. It's hard work. How about I arrange someone for you to help you share some work?"

"Boss, no need, I'm fine."

"You make an appointment with Su Ziyan, and then bring her to see me."

"Okay, boss."

Lin Tianwen threw the phone aside and continued to play with his daughter, without remembering that this Wen Shan was Wu Ruonan's girlfriend, oh, ex-girlfriend.

Su Xiao hung up the phone, turned to Zeng Jia who was sitting opposite, and said with a smile: "Mr. Zeng, I called for you, and the boss agreed. It's just that this Wen Shan is really nice?"

"President Su, Wen Shan's acting skills are definitely among the best among her generation." Zeng Jia said confidently, "By signing her in, we can make up for our actress' shortcomings. You can find it from your own home."

"Mr. Zeng, looking at the overall situation, the boss will definitely not agree to only choose his own artists for the group's movies." Su Xiao said with a smile.

"Be prepared."

"Just as long as you're happy. By the way, remember to make an appointment with Su Ziyan for the boss. He is taking care of the children in the manor every day, and President Xuan is in charge of the company's affairs."

"I'll be going upstairs right now."

"Then go quickly."


Zeng Jia took the elevator to the 76th floor, and saw Su Ziyan as soon as she got out of the elevator.

"Secretary Su."

"Mr. Zeng. Are you looking for me?"

"Yes, I want to make an appointment with the boss."

"President Zeng, let me check."

"Okay. UU Reading"

Su Ziyan turned on the tablet in her hand, checked Lin Tianwen's itinerary, and said, "Mr. Zeng, the boss is free on the afternoon of the 11th."

"The 11th?" Zeng Jia calculated the time. Today is Thursday the 7th, which means next Monday.


"Okay, thank you Secretary Su. Then I will make an appointment at this time."

"You're welcome."

Su Ziyan looked at Zeng Jia who was leaving, and was a little puzzled. Zeng Jia wanted to see Lin Tianwen without making an appointment, and could just make a phone call.

Today I came here to make an appointment, which only shows that Zeng Jia is going to take someone to see Lin Tianwen.

It made her curious.

In the evening, Xuan Xuan came back from the company and brought a piece of news.

"Husband, the opening of the hospital's physical examination department has had a big impact. Since the 1st, the number of people attending several major chain medical examination institutions across the country has decreased by 30% compared to usual. Their stock prices have dropped by 15%."

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