Shenhao’s Salted Fish Life

Chapter 396: I'm Party A's father

Jinan Building has actually settled in nearly 140 companies, many of which are related to port business, such as customs declaration companies, shipping companies, logistics companies, trading companies and so on.

Only 45 of so many companies are member units.

On Saturday morning, these units received an invitation letter from Liu Wenqi in the name of Lin Tianwen.

Other units were notified by the property management company to move out. In addition to taking the initiative to pay the liquidated damages, Lin Tianwen also subsidized the rent for three months, and arranged for them to move in a new office building. In addition, they subsidized the decoration fee and allowed them to move within a week. Walk.

Originally, some companies thought it was great if you had money, but within the second or three days after the property notice, the actual owners of these units began to receive calls from different people, all to persuade them to move out.

There are administrative units, partners, and customer phone numbers.

When the smart one received the first call, he went to sign and immediately contacted the moving company to move out.

My mind turned a little slower, and when I received the second call, I also signed.

Even the most stubborn ones changed their minds after answering the customer's call.

On Saturday, Lin Tianwen rarely had anything to do, so he slept with Ada in his arms until the sun basked in the sun.

Ada wanted to get up. My sisters got up while pregnant, and she was still asleep. How embarrassed.

It's a pity that Lin Tianwen didn't let him. He said that it was rare that no one would disturb him and not take the opportunity to sleep more. I'm sorry for such a good weather.

"You two can really sleep, it's almost lunch time." Xuan Xuan said in the living room, looking at the two who had just come out of the bedroom.

"Sister Xuan Xuan, Brother Tianwen didn't let me get up." Ada explained.

"I know that he is just lazy, and he was like this before." Xuan Xuan said.

"It's a rare time, so I have to rest." Lin Tianwen said.

"Stop talking, come and eat." Zheng Qingya shouted in the restaurant.

"Let's go, let's eat." Lin Tianwen helped Xuan Xuan to the restaurant.

After lunch, Lin Tianwen went out again.

In the afternoon, Meng Zichen made an appointment with a professional medical outfit decoration company and asked Lin Tianwen to look at the design drawings.

When he arrived at Huashan Pharmaceutical, Lin Tianwen went straight to Meng Zichen's office.

"You really live in the company." He said with a smile when he saw Meng Zichen's appearance.

"Brother Tianwen, you are here, there is nothing you can do, the production task is heavy, I have to watch it every day." Meng Zichen said bitterly.

"Isn't your girlfriend with you? I heard that Meng Dong is not against the two of you."

"That's why I'm willing to stay in the company to watch production." Meng Zichen said with a smile.

"When will the decoration company send someone?"

"Arrived early. Waiting in the conference room."

"You move very fast, how did you get the blueprint of the Jin'an Building?" Lin Tianwen asked.

"My dad has a friend who works in the Modu Archives, and he helped me get it out."

"Okay. Let's hurry up then."

The two came to the conference room, and there were seven or eight people waiting inside.

The projections in the conference room were all turned on, and the project name was written on the screen.

As soon as the two of them entered, the decoration company immediately stood up, and the middle-aged man who was obviously the leader said with a smile, "Dong Lin, President Meng." The staff behind him also shouted.

"Sit down." Lin Tianwen did his part and sat on the main seat.

The people from the decoration company sat down.

Meng Zichen sat next to him, and his assistant brought in two cups of tea.

"Director Ma, let's start," he said.

It turned out that the team was led by the director of the decoration company.

Director Ma bowed slightly to the two of them, then stood in front of the curtain and began to talk about his design.

He babbled for more than half an hour, and Lin Tianwen also listened carefully.

The construction area of ​​Jin'an Building is 46,000 square meters, the four-story podium occupies about 6,000 square meters, and the rest are the 28-story building area.

According to the latest document issued by the National Health Commission, there are building area requirements for the setting of hospital beds.

According to the revised version of the "General Hospital Construction Standards" issued by the Health and Health Commission in October last year, the new standard stipulates that the construction area index of 400 to 599 beds is 115 square meters of beds.

As far as the construction area of ​​the Jinan Building is concerned, 400 beds can be set up even if it is held up.

But the hospital that Lin Tianwen is going to build has no outpatient department, only an inpatient department.

Moreover, the patients received do not require large examination equipment.

The system sells miniaturized inspection equipment, which is convenient and compact.

After listening to Director Ma's design, Lin Tianwen was generally satisfied and designed it according to his ideas.

It's just that the bed setting is not very reasonable. It is more than 46,000 square meters, and there are only 400 beds. Isn't that a joke?

115 square meters per bed? Ordinary people don't have such a big place to live.

"Director Ma, you designed the four-story podium very well." Lin Tianwen said with a smile.

This Director Ma is indeed very capable. He designed the first floor as an inpatient service center, which is specially responsible for handling admissions and discharges and payment.

On the second floor is a canteen, which is dedicated to providing meals for medical staff and patients.

The third floor is the inspection center, such as blood test, B-ultrasound and so on.

The fourth floor is the rehabilitation center. Some patients need rehabilitation training in the hospital after surgery, and Lin Tianwen can't help it. Even if he asks the system to buy a medical cabin, he has to do rehabilitation training.

When Jinan Building was originally designed as an office building, it was not designed to build a hospital at all. It is really amazing to be able to change the office building so reasonably without wasting any space.

"But in my hospital, you don't need to design it according to the requirements of a public hospital. The number of beds is changed to 1,600. According to the standard of four beds in a room, you can redesign it."

"Okay, Director Lin." Director Ma immediately recorded it in his notebook.

"In addition, the bathrooms in each ward are designed to be larger."


"I don't have any other questions, Zichen, do you have any questions?" Lin Tianwen turned his head and asked.

"I have no problem." Meng Zichen shook his head and said.

"Director Ma, then please redesign it according to the request I just mentioned."

Party A's father said a word, the design plan was changed to death.

"Okay, no problem, Director Lin."


Meng Zichen went downstairs to see Director Ma and the others.

And Lin Tianwen called Fan Siyuan.

"I said my Director Lin, I'll be here tomorrow, you can't wait a day if you have anything to do." Fan Siyuan said resentfully on the other end of the phone.

"No way, I don't feel comfortable if I don't finish things."

"Then tell me."

"Actually, it's not a big deal. According to the revised version of the "General Hospital Construction Standards", my hospital can only build 400 beds, but I asked for 1,600 beds. When the time comes to review, you have to help."

"Just this little thing?"


"Director Lin, I agree to this matter. All right. I still have a meeting. Let's meet tomorrow."


Lin Tianwen hung up the phone and smiled.

He has a few policy issues now, and he doesn't want to solve it by himself, so he goes to Fan Siyuan 100%, there is a right to not use it, and it will be voided when it expires.

After Mencius returned to his office, he saw Lin Tianwen sitting on the sofa drinking tea, with his assistant standing beside him.

"Are you back?" Lin Tianwen asked.

"Brother Tianwen, with so many beds, how many doctors and nurses do you know?" Mencius said worriedly after drinking a sip of tea poured by his assistant.

He can't help but worry, 1,600 beds are still receiving patients with severe and rare diseases.

Not to mention the doctor, the nurses in the inpatient department are only eight or nine hundred.

After all, they live in patients with severe and rare diseases. It is already very good that a nurse can take care of two patients.

Coupled with the nurses on the first floor, the third floor and the fourth floor, the hospital would have to have thousands of nurses alone.

Let's talk about doctors. There may be drugs and treatments provided by the system. There is definitely no need to worry about the cure rate, but this requires doctors to perform operations one by one, right? With 400 doctors is not too much.

Meng Zichen's worries are not unreasonable. It will take a long time to gather these doctors and nurses, unless they need those newly graduated interns.

Lin Tianwen smiled and waved his hand, signaling him not to worry.

"You don't need too many doctors. There are almost 200, and it is enough to have doctors from each tertiary hospital come one day a week. Nurses need a lot, and the old ones can bring new ones. 1 senior nurse with 3 practice nurses. Live The patients who enter my hospital will never encounter the opportunity to need first aid, didn't you see that I don't even have an ICU?"

"I said that it was strange to hear Director Ma's design just now. It turns out that there is no ICU!"

"So, you have to believe that if I can come up with a cancer killer, I can come up with other things. Are you interested in participating?"

"Of course I'm interested! I was just wondering if you did this hospital alone?"

"Of course I can do it alone. It's not to take care of you. Your father and son are also working very hard to find a place for me."

"It's nothing, it's just a little effort."

"However, the hospital is a place to treat and save people after all, and the profit will not be too high. My request is to only need 10% of the income, and the extra will be donated to the Chaoyang Foundation."

"I can agree to this."

"I will compensate you elsewhere."

"Don't say that, Brother Tianwen."

"Yes. This hospital should cooperate with the biomedical laboratory and the genetic engineering laboratory to study patients together."

"The medicine hasn't been researched yet?" Meng Zichen was stunned. He didn't have the medicine, and even opening the hospital wouldn't help. Is there any on-site research? This is not a joke.

"Don't worry. The medicine is available. I mean that cooperation with the laboratory can better analyze the cause of disease." Lin Tianwen said.

"Oh. Our group has it. Even if we don't have relevant experts, we can talk to other pharmaceutical groups."

"Then you can make an appointment with those experts during this time."

"Okay. So how do we price it."

"The fee is charged per person, and each person is about 500,000. I will see if I can enter the medical insurance list." Lin Tianwen said.

"500,000? Ordinary families can't afford so much cash!" Meng Zichen said.

"But compared to a healthy body, 500,000 is not much." Lin Tianwen said.

Only he has seen how powerful the products sold by the system are. The entire treatment process for rare diseases only takes about half a month.

It is worth spending 500,000 and half a month in exchange for a healthy body.

After listening to Meng Zichen, he nodded in agreement. It is indeed worthwhile to exchange 500,000 for a body. If rich people get these diseases, it is estimated that they would be willing to exchange most of their wealth for their own life.

"Brother Tianwen, is that still Magic Capital Medicine to vote with you?"

"No." Lin Tianwen raised his index finger and shook it, and said with a smile, "I'll be with you."

"Ah?" Meng Zichen couldn't believe it, his eyes widened, and he said, "Brother Tianwen, I don't have that much money."

"Let your wife help me manage this hospital. You invest 500 million, and I will give you 10% of the shares." Lin Tianwen said.

"Let Xiaoxiao manage? Can she do it?" Meng Zichen asked suspiciously.

"Why can't I!"

The door of the office was opened, and Yang Xiaoxiao walked in with a smile on her face.

Lin Tianwen is willing to bring his boyfriend to invest, which is a good thing that he can't find with a lantern.

"You don't have any experience in this area." Mencius stood up, stepped forward and grabbed Yang Xiaoxiao's hand.

"Why not? Aren't I in charge of my family's dozen or so restaurants in Modu?" Yang Xiaoxiao said.

"Can the restaurant be the same as the hospital?" Meng Zichen said.

"Management concepts are interoperable, okay? You haven't taken courses in business management, so why do you manage a company as big as Huashan Pharmaceutical?" Yang Xiaoxiao asked back.

"Is it really possible?" Meng Zichen asked Yang Xiaoxiao in a low voice.

"Trust me." Yang Xiaoxiao squeezed Meng Zichen's hand, and then said to Lin Tianwen, "Brother Tianwen, I took over this job."

"OK. Then you can take over the rest. I will buy the Jinan Building. You will follow up on the decoration. Next Monday, we will go to register the company."

"No problem." Yang Xiaoxiao said.

"After the matter is finished, I will not be a light bulb." After Lin Tianwen finished speaking, he stood up and prepared to leave.

Meng Zichen quickly got up to see him off.

After Lin Tianwen left, he returned to the office, and Yang Xiaoxiao was sitting in his chair playing on the computer.

"Zichen, I heard what Brother Tianwen told you just now. Five hundred million, how many do you have now?"

"What kind of money do I have? Putting together the New Year's money when I was a child and the pocket money I saved at ordinary times, it's only more than 30 Hey, you have more than 30 million? It's good, You are much stronger than my cousin." Yang Xiaoxiao's cousin is Liao Changbin.

Liao Changbin and Li Tianze used to hang out in nightclubs and clubs. The monthly pocket money was basically moonlight, and he did not participate in the management of his own company, so he had no additional income.

"Brother Bin, aren't you working seriously now?" Meng Zichen helped to explain.

"Why are you saying nice things to him?"

"We will get married in the future. Brother Bin is my uncle."

"What are you afraid of. With me here, he doesn't dare to do anything to you. To be honest, you have more than 30 million, and I have more than 20 million. Together, it's only 50 million. Not enough!"

"Let me call my dad." Meng Zichen took out his mobile phone and dialed Meng Kai's number.

Yang Xiaoxiao didn't stop her. When she couldn't do anything about it, it was the stupidest act to not look for someone at home and make a fat man with a swollen face.

Unfortunately, the phone rang for dozens of seconds, but no one answered. Meng Zichen could only keep an eye on his father and let him call back when he saw it.

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