Shenhao’s Salted Fish Life

Chapter 388: Co-build, how about it?

The one carrying the incubator was a boy, the other two were girls, and the leader was a girl who looked to be in her thirties.

Lin Tianwen stood up and said to the three: "Three angels in white, sit down casually."

"Thank you, Mr. Lin, for letting us take the ride. Thank you very much." The leading girl said, "I'm Kong Xinru from the Xinhua Hospital of Modu. They are my colleagues, Song Yunyun and Chen Chen."

"Dr. Kong, you're very kind. Hurry up and get on the plane, the plane is about to take off." Lin Tianwen said.

By the time the three doctors sat down, the plane had begun to slowly taxi into the runway.

The three doctors took a seat far away from the three of Lin Tianwen and sat down.

"Sister Xinru, this is my first private jet. It's too luxurious!" Song Yunyun whispered in Kong Xinru's ear.

"It's your first time on a private jet, isn't it me?" Kong Xinru said.

"Sister Xinru, I know this Lin Tianwen." Chen Chen looked around and joined the discussion.

"Hurry up and talk." Song Yunyun said.

"The medicine of Cancer Killer is produced by Huashan Pharmaceutical under his name. There is also a foundation that just held a press conference a few days ago, and the foundation that provides free prosthetics for the disabled nationwide is also his, and the Watson company that produces prosthetics is also his. It's also his." Chen Chen introduced.

"Then didn't we take the boss's private jet?" Song Yunyun said.

"Everyone who owns a private jet is a big guy. This plane is a Gulfstream G650, which costs more than 400 million yuan, and it is estimated that the annual maintenance will cost more than 50 million yuan." Chen Chen said. Guys, you know a little bit about this. You may not be able to afford it, but it doesn't prevent everyone from having a look online.

"So rich." Song Yunyun said.

Although Kong Xinru didn't speak, her eyes still looked forward from time to time.

"It is said that Lin Tianwen will be the richest man in China this year." Chen Chen broke the news again.

"We took the richest man's private jet." Song Yunyun said in surprise.

Kong Xinru patted Song Yunyun's arm lightly to remind her to keep her voice low.

Lin Tianwen didn't pay attention to the three doctors in the back, they just did a good deed every day, so there was nothing to pay attention to, although the leader Kong Xinru was very good-looking.

He had been in contact with many doctors, and it was the first time he had seen such a beautiful female doctor, and she was also a chief surgeon, which was really rare.

He didn't pay attention, but Qiao Shanshan and Zhang Xiyu paid attention, and the two met head-to-head and chatted.

"Xiyu, do you think we will have another sister who is a doctor?"

"It shouldn't be possible. Brother Tianwen didn't look at her carefully."


"Yes. And you see Brother Tianwen is asleep."

"That's when he stayed up late last night to play games."

"As if you weren't involved."

"Then we must be different. Two of us, one of him."

"I'm a little sleepy too. I'll sleep."

"Go to sleep, I'll see what the three doctors need." Qiao Shanshan said.

Zhang Xiyu nodded, then flattened the leather seat.

Qiao Shanshan asked the flight attendant to prepare some fruit, which she then brought to the three doctors.

"Hello. You can ask the flight attendant anything you need." She said, placing the fruit on the coffee table in front of the three of you.

"Thank you." Kong Xinru said.

"Then I won't disturb your rest." Qiao Shanshan left the fruit and returned to her seat.

After Qiao Shanshan left, Song Yunyun and Chen Chen discussed again.

"Brother Chen, have you seen such a beautiful girl?"

"Isn't that our director?"

"Oh, the big straight man actually answered right."

"I'm straight, not stupid."

"It should be Lin Tianwen's secretary just now, right?"

"Then how do I know?"

"All right."

At eleven o'clock in the morning, the plane landed safely at the Magic Capital Hongqiao Airport.

Kong Xinru and the others rushed out as soon as the plane opened the door. The incubators in their hands contained life-saving organs.

Fortunately, I didn't forget to thank Lin Tianwen before leaving.

Back at Cuihu Tiandi, Xuan Xuan and the others were all there.

Now there are two pregnant women at home, and suddenly I feel that the big flat has become smaller again. Fortunately, only Ada lives at home now.

"Ten Tian, ​​you're back!" Xuan Xuan said, "Go to the bedroom to see Qing Ya."

"What's up with her?"

"I was anxious during pregnancy, I couldn't see you, I cried once a day. I said I would call you to come back, but she refused, saying that it would not affect your work." Xuan Xuan explained.

"I'll go see her." Lin Tianwen took off his coat and put it on the sofa, then walked towards the bedroom.

Zhang Xiyu and Qiao Shanshan sat on the sofa and chatted with Xuan Xuan.

Lin Tianwen came to the door of Zheng Qingya's bedroom, twisted the door handle, pushed the door and walked in.

Zheng Qingya was leaning against the head of the bed to wipe her tears, but fortunately she wasn't crying.

"What's the matter?" Lin Tianwen walked over and sat next to her, hugging her and asking.

"Woooooo, I miss you." Zheng Qingya burst into tears when she saw Lin Tianwen.

"I see. I didn't expect my Qingya to be a crying bag." Lin Tianwen took a tissue and wiped her eyes, then touched her head.

"I'm not crying, and I don't want to cry, but when I miss you, I want to cry." Zheng Qingya said choked up.

"Okay, okay, I get it." Lin Tianwen hugged her and patted her on the back to comfort him: "I'm not back here? Don't cry. If you cry again, the baby will have an opinion."

When Zheng Qingya heard this, she quickly stopped, she finally got pregnant, and she was an advanced pregnant woman again, so crying all the time is not good for the child.

"By the way, did you tell your father about your pregnancy?" Lin Tianwen asked for a topic.

"Not yet. I'd like to talk to him when it stabilizes."

"That's fine. Come, go out and chat with them." Lin Tianwen helped her up.

The two walked out of the room and saw three people on the sofa eating durian.

"Oh, you don't call me to eat durian!" Zheng Qingya rushed over after saying that.

Leaving Lin Tianwen standing there with black lines all over his head, wasn't he crying just now and sad.

"You two pregnant women eat less," he reminded.


Xuan Xuan ate a small piece to relieve her cravings and stopped eating. Zheng Qingya wanted to eat more, but seeing that Xuan Xuan didn't want to eat, she also put it down.

On the contrary, Zhang Xiyu and Qiao Shanshan ate the remaining durians one by two, while Ada hurried over to open the window to ventilate.

"Ada, are you okay!" Lin Tianwen asked.

"It's okay." Ada waved her hand to indicate that she was okay.

She couldn't stand the smell of durian, but if Xuan Xuan and the others wanted to eat it, she would go and buy it for her.

There are many people in this family, and everyone's living habits are somewhat different. Whether or not they can live together depends on each person's attitude towards things.

Zhang Xiyu and Qiao Shanshan went to the company after lunch, while Lin Tianwen wanted to talk to Hu Maoyuan about something.

The construction of the new district has already begun, which truly reflects the speed of the infrastructure madman. If you use a satellite to see it from the sky, it will definitely be the same every day.

It was also the first time that Lin Tianwen went to Hu Maoyuan's office, mainly because he had no business dealings and could not find any reason to come and sit.

This time it was also because the new district needed all kinds of vehicles, so he had to come to see if SAIC could take the order.

The construction period of the new district is four months, and there is not much time left for Lin Tianwen. It is estimated that it will only take about 20 days. Most of the required infrastructure will be built by several state-owned construction companies. The rest of the installation equipment can only be built by Lin Tianwen is in charge.

Unmanned vehicles need to be purchased, but there is no corresponding domestic car company that can mass-produce unmanned vehicles. Lin Tianwen has no choice but to come in person.

He intends to cooperate with SAIC to develop self-driving cars, he provides technology and modules, and SAIC is responsible for production.

However, he estimates that SAIC's investment in driverless vehicles in the past few years is at least five years behind BYD. Now the car companies that play driverless are rich, or they will study it because of the industry layout. Otherwise, few companies are willing to spend this money.

Hu Maoyuan stood at the door of the office waiting for Lin Tianwen.

As soon as he saw Lin Tianwen appear, he enthusiastically stepped forward and said, "Tenten, rare guest. It's the first time you've come to me after we've known each other for so long."

"President Hu, you are too polite. You are an elder standing at the door waiting for me, which is too frustrating for me."

"Yes, yes. Please come in." Hu Maoyuan quickly dragged Lin Tianwen into the office, and then said to his secretary, "Make two good cups of tea."

"President Hu, I'm here to discuss something."

"Oh. Tell me about it." Hu Maoyuan asked curiously.

"You should have heard about the recent events in the new district!"

"I heard. What? This is to take care of my business."

"The new area implements an unmanned intelligent transportation network, so a batch of vehicles is needed." Lin Tianwen took out a document from his bag and handed it to Hu Maoyuan.

After Hu Maoyuan took it, he looked at it carefully, and then said, "We haven't succeeded in developing driverless cars, so we may not be able to help for the time being. Besides, do you want other models besides passenger cars? "

"Yes, but President Hu, don't get me wrong, only passenger cars need driverless cars, and I have the technology for this. In addition, we will cooperate to build a factory. How about it?"

"Do you have technology? That's fine. I'm fine here."

"After the establishment of the new factory, a total of four electric series will be produced, the first is a 23-seat passenger car, which needs to be installed with an unmanned module, the second is a 6-seat SUV, and the third is a five-seat sedan. The fourth is a two-seater sports car."

"Is the number of seats so dead?" Hu Maoyuan asked curiously.

"That's not true. The design drawing can be changed, but I don't recommend it. I will place the order for the passenger car here, and then it will be produced according to the original design drawing, and other small changes can be made. In the future, it will mainly focus on SUVs and sedans, and sports cars will be limited. Production."

"You mean I'm out of the workshop and production line?" Hu Maoyuan asked with a smile.

"Yes, but I will find someone to upgrade the production line. The existing car structure is still very different from mine."

"What percentage of shares?"

"You are 49, I am 51."

"Okay. I will talk about this at the meeting tomorrow. I will strip off the required workshop and production line as soon as possible, and convert it to an amount."

"President Hu, then you will have to work hard. I will send you the information later. At that time, I will inject 5 billion, which is considered to be the insufficient subsidy."

"Ten Tian, ​​you're too kind. Although I haven't read your technical information, it's worth a lot of money if your battery technology can be used in the new factory."

"One yard owned by a yard."

"No wonder everyone likes to do business with you, Changliang. I will take care of your business as soon as possible, and it will not delay your business. A car company with an annual output of 1 million vehicles is equivalent to one-sixth of SAIC's production capacity. Now. I think Magic City ZF will also welcome it."

"I'll ask President Hu for this production issue in the future."

"Don't worry. Take care of it."

"Then many thanks to President Hu. There's nothing to do, then I'll go back first."

"Aren't you going to sit for a while?"

"I just came back from a business trip in There are a lot of things in the group. Next time I come to President Hu's place, take a seat."

"Okay, then don't waste your time, I will implement everything as soon as possible."


Hu Maoyuan sent Lin Tianwen downstairs, saw him get into the car, and then returned to the office.

"Xiaoyu, inform the bosses of the three branches of Chase, Volkswagen, and GM. I'll invite them to dinner tonight."

"Okay, Chairman Hu."

Hu Maoyuan took a sip of tea, closed his eyes, and began to figure out how to maximize the benefits of this matter.

With SAIC taking 49% of the shares, it would be better to let these three branches participate, and use the workshop and production line to buy shares, which can not only learn technology, but also help the industry upgrade, killing two birds with one stone.

And with what he knew about Lin Tianwen, as long as he didn't cheat on him, it wouldn't matter.

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