Shenhao’s Salted Fish Life

Chapter 337: Year of the dog is over

Lin Tianwen hugged Xuan Xuan and returned to the room.

"Son, don't forget the etiquette of your uncles." Mother Lin reminded them when they came back.

"Mom, when are you going to go back to your hometown? Xuan Xuan is ready, just take it with you when you go back."

"Go back after lunch on the first day of the new year. In the afternoon, you have to go to the graves of your grandparents, grandparents, and grandparents," said Mother Lin.

"Then I'll go back with Xuan Xuan on the second and fourth day of the first year."

"My dad and I will stay in your hometown for a while longer. It's been a long time since we went back, and many relatives are leaving."

"Well. Then I'll send you a driver. Drive my Cullinan away." Lin Tianwen said.

"I was just about to tell you about this."

"I figured it out. Who told my dad not to drive."

"It's too late for him to learn now. Your dad can't read." Mother Lin said.

Lin's father, who was drinking tea in the tea room, rolled his eyes when he heard it. He couldn't blame him for being illiterate. He was forced to drop out of school when he was in the first grade of elementary school and was forced to return home to take Lin Tianwen's uncle, what could he do.

After dinner, Mother Lin accompanied Xuan Xuan for a walk in the community. Pregnant women need a moderate amount of exercise, which is good for the fetus.

Lin Tianwen sat in the study alone and read the report. Although it was a holiday, the company's business still had to be concerned. The production lines of several companies did not stop.

The pre-sale of the new mobile phone was suspended when it reached 6 million. The first batch of 500,000 mobile phones has been couriered out through SF, and netizens who are close to the magic capital have already received the mobile phones.

This also makes Douyin not only online celebrity bloggers playing the evaluation, but even ordinary netizens also joined the evaluation ranks.

The netizens who did not grab the pre-sale, leave a message under the official Weibo of Huaxin Technology every day.

Perhaps seeing the voices of netizens, Huaxin Technology's official Weibo announced the next sales plan. When half of the previously pre-sold mobile phones are delivered, a new round of pre-sale will start, and the pre-sale volume will always be 6 million.

The pre-sale of mobile phones has come to an end, but the mobile phone system is still in full swing, especially the replacement volume of the IOS system has risen by 90 degrees, which is due to the tap water behavior of the majority of netizens.

Currently in the preparatory stage is Watson Intelligent Auxiliary Equipment Company, which is the company in which Qian Hao has become a shareholder. It can be established after the new year.

The factory building was bought from Modu Pharmaceutical Group.

For some reasons, Modu Pharmaceutical Group had idle factories in the outer suburbs of Modu, which was just right for Watson Intelligence.

Watson's intelligent production line does not have as high requirements on the production workshop as Huashan Pharmaceuticals, so it can be used as long as it is simply redecorated. After the New Year's holiday, the production line can be installed.

Other companies under his name are almost on the right track.

Huaneng New Energy has already started production. At the branch in Lin Tianwen's hometown, Li Tianze has also sent someone to contact the local town ZF. If the action is fast, the ground can be broken in the beginning of the year.

Huaxin Company also has a production line in operation. However, the chips produced are all wrapped up by Huaxin Technology. Other factories are delivered one, and a production line is installed, and customers outside are anxiously waiting.

After reading the report and looking at other emails, he realized that Liu Jiayun had sent him an email in the morning.

Hangzhou Baima Lake Princess Paradise, this project has been launched, and the winning bid for the infrastructure part is Modu Liujian, which is usually connected to the subway and other projects.

However, they also take over ordinary projects, the point is that Lin Tianwen's projects are very profitable.

The project manager of Liujian has brought various construction machinery and a large number of workers to Baima Lake. In order to complete the project as soon as possible, the workers will not have a holiday during the Spring Festival. Of course, Lin Tianwen also gave enough red envelopes.

The earliest performing arts center has already broken ground for almost half a month. The third uncle Lin Tianwen's company won the bid for the infrastructure part, and the construction period is also in time. Cost, he only requires quality clearance, as fast as possible, money does not matter.

The companies under his name are all advancing on their own tracks, so he doesn't have to worry about it, instead he has to worry about their own progress.

After reading the email, he was about to turn off the computer when Situ Jin sent him a video call.

After connecting, I saw Situ Jin's beautiful face, looking at the background behind her, she should be in her room.


"Brother Tianwen. Where are you?"

"I'm in the study. Are you in your own room?"

"Well. I miss you so much."

"I miss you too. By the way, when are you going back to school?"

"I want to come back on the fifth day. I just don't know if my mother will let me come back."

"You can have a good talk with Auntie. Auntie will understand you."

"Well. I hope. By the way, I received a gift from Sister Xuan Xuan. I sent her a message just now, but she didn't reply."

"She was walking in the community. She probably didn't bring her mobile phone."

"Well. Brother Tianwen, my mother called me. I'll go down."

"it is good."

After speaking, the two ended the call.

Lin Tianwen glanced at the time.

Tomorrow is New Year's Eve, and another year has passed.

He lit a cigarette and reviewed his achievements in the past few months, only to realize that he had done a lot of things and affected a lot of people.

Taking another look at the silently transformed Salted Fish system, he also did not expect how a good system could become a high-tech shopping website.

However, he likes it very much. He doesn't like to start a company, but he can make money and benefit mankind, which is good.

After only taking a few puffs of cigarettes, the fresh air system worked diligently to absorb all the smoke in the study and replaced it with fresh air.

Xuan Xuan, who came back from the walk, saw Lin Tianwen sitting in the tea room drinking tea, and came over and said, "You still drink tea at night, aren't you afraid that you won't be able to sleep?"

"Coffee and tea are just like water to me." Lin Tianwen said with a smile.

"Ten Tian, ​​didn't you go to your classmate's wedding when you were in the eighth day?"

"Yes, I almost forgot to tell you about this, we'll all go there then."

"Both go?"

"Yes, it is estimated that there is no time, she is too late. Everyone else should go together."

"Aren't you afraid that our affairs will be known by your classmates?"

"It doesn't matter. People don't believe it if they say it."

"Okay. I'll listen to you anyway. It just so happens that I haven't attended other people's weddings for a long time, and I'm taking the baby in my belly to feel happy."

"Yeah. The two Mirages I ordered in Yanjing on the sixth day have also arrived. On the seventh day, we will leave early in the morning."

"Listen to what you mean, are you planning to arrange 12 cars to go there? Some sisters can't drive at high speed?"

"Let Liu Wenwen help prepare the trailer to haul it over."

"Okay. Go to bed early. Mom says she's going to worship her ancestors at home tomorrow morning, so let's get up early."

"Go, go to sleep."

On the 30th day of the twelfth lunar month, on February 4, the Wuxu year, the weather was fine and the temperature was gradually rising.

Lin's father and Lin's mother got up at six o'clock.

Mother Lin commands, Father Lin acts.

"Put the Eight Immortals table in the living room. Xiao Hu had already prepared the sacrifice yesterday, so it should be in the kitchen," said Mother Lin.

"Go and wake them up when you're ready."

Father Lin did not speak and worked silently.

After all the preparations were done, Mother Lin went upstairs to wake up Lin Tianwen.

Unexpectedly, she only came to the second floor and saw the two of them come out of the bedroom.

"I want to come and wake you two up."

"Xuan Xuan told me about it yesterday."

Mother Lin was a few steps and helped Xuan Xuan downstairs.

New Year's Eve, the last day of the lunar year.

According to the tradition of the Lin family, they will worship their ancestors on this day, which means saying goodbye to the past year and preparing for the new year.

Ancestor worship is held twice a year, once on New Year's Eve and once on Qingming Festival.

Although there are some estrangements between the brothers Lin's father, it does not affect that they were filial sons in the past.

Even though it has been many years since Lin Tianwen's grandparents passed away, what should persist is to persist.

Parents are there, there is still a way to go in the world, and when parents go, there is only a way back in life.

After offering sacrifices to his ancestors, Lin Tianwen saw a few strands of white hair beside Lin's father's temples, and suddenly felt that time was too fast.

He hugged Xuan Xuan and said, "Thank you for appearing in my life."

"Why did you say this all of a sudden?" Xuan Xuan touched Lin Tianwen's hair, her eyes were red, as if thinking of something.

"It just feels like life is too short."

"Then cherish it."

"You're right. Cherish it."

At noon, the family had a reunion dinner, and Lin's father and Lin's mother went to the third uncle's house in Lin Tianwen's Cullinan.

Hu Wen and Wei Jing were busy, preparing refreshments and fruits, as well as various freshly squeezed juices and teas.

Xuan Xuan woke up after an hour nap.

After all, it is the eldest sister, and the younger sisters come to the house, and it is always difficult to fall asleep in bed.

Sisters and sisters are coming.

Immediately, Villa 21 was full of chattering voices. The more girls there are, the more words they can talk. Anyway, the decibel is not small.

Not counting Xuan Xuan, there were eight, and Lin Tianwen was exactly one table.

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