Han Haoran hurriedly said modestly: “Don’t dare to be, I really don’t dare to be.” ”

“Actually, I invited Mr. Lei to my company this time, because I wanted to know if Mr. Lei was interested in joining my company and achieving a career with me?”

Compared with going around the bend, Han Haoran, who has “Zhang Yi’s negotiation skills” and 11 points of eloquence, chose to go straight to the point.

Lei Jun was also a little surprised by Han Haoran’s directness.

He also said honestly: “Mr. Han, the main purpose of my meeting with you this time is to talk to you. ”

“But to be honest, I don’t plan to join someone else’s company at the moment and work for someone else. ”

“Otherwise, I wouldn’t have left Jinshan, where I have been for 16 years. ”

“In addition to being an angel investor, I also have plans to start a business. ”

Han Haoran said with a smile: “I naturally know your great ambition Mr. Lei, but I don’t know if you have the time to listen to “two-two-three” and listen to my thoughts??”

Lei Jun nodded: “Please speak.” ”

Han Haoran looked directly into Lei Jun’s eyes and said, “Mr. Lei, I know that you are now a very successful angel investor who has helped countless entrepreneurs realize their dreams. ”

Lei Jun replied with a smile: “I can’t say that I have succeeded, after all, most of my investments have not yet received a return.” ”

Han Haoran continued: “I also know that if a person like you can choose to start your own business, you will not be subservient. ”

“So in Jinshan, even if you are the president and CEO in the end, you will eventually choose to leave. ”

Lei Jun smiled: “In fact, I left Jinshan simply because after the IPO, I found that I didn’t have anything to do. ”

“I just want to try a new life and enter a new industry. ”

“To tell you the truth, I want to start a business, and in the past few years, I have always had a prototype in my head. ”

“Maybe in another year or two, when I’m completely ready and the time is right, I’ll start my own business. ”

“So, Mr. Han, you want me to join your kindness, I understand it. ”

“But I already had my life plan. ”

Han Haoran looked at Lei Jun and said with a smile: “Mr. Lei, let me guess, what is the direction of entrepreneurship in the field you are so optimistic about?”

Lei Jun nodded.

Although he had already begun to have a plan in his heart, he had not mentioned it to anyone for the time being.

Lei Jun also didn’t believe that Han Haoran would guess the direction of his next venture.

A smile appeared on the corner of Han Haoran’s mouth: “You leave from Jinshan.” Naturally, they will not create a company similar to Kingsoft to compete with Kingsoft. ”

“So, I can rule out the direction of the software. ”

Lei Jun nodded: “You’re right. ”

Lei Jun was not surprised that Han Haoran was able to judge this.

If you can’t even analyze this, Han Haoran will not be able to become the richest man in H today.

Han Haoran pretended to be speculating.

In fact, what Lei Jun was thinking about in his head, Lei Jun started a business, Han Haoran already knew!

In less than a year, Lei Jun will create a small!


Han Haoran continued: “Mr. Lei, some of your recent votes are still in the Internet industry. ”

“It’s a sign that you’re still going to invest in what you know. ”

“So for the brick-and-mortar industry, you’re rarely going to be involved. ”

“Since you will choose the field you know about investing, you will also choose the field that you are familiar with when you start a business. ”

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“That is, the Internet field!!”

Han Haoran’s analysis surprised Lei Jun a little, and he was even in awe.

Being able to judge these, Han Haoran is really amazing!!

So, Lei Jun looked at Han Haoran with a smile and asked, “So, Mr. Han, what do you think I will do next?”

Han Haoran knew that his acting was very good, and he had fully aroused Lei Jun’s curiosity.

At this time, it is time to close the net.

So Han Haoran said with a smile: “Since it’s not software, then it’s definitely hardware.” ”

“Mr. Lei said that you have been preparing for so long and are still waiting for the opportunity, so I can infer that Mr. Lei is definitely not making a fuss. ”

“And the threshold for Lei to enter the industry is also very high, which is why it takes such a long time to prepare. ”

“And right now, the company I’m most optimistic about is Apple. ”

“The most promising area for me is the smartphone industry. ”

“I read a report and found that Mr. Lei, like me, admired Jobs very much, and even you were a loyal admirer of Joe’s help. ”

“I think your next step should be to enter the smartphone industry…”

Then, maybe you will follow the example of Apple and Steve Jobs and create your own ecological chain. ”

“Looking at Mr. Lei’s expression now, I know that my guess is correct. ”

“However, in fact, the industry’s requirements for technology and investment are very high, and the entry threshold is quite high. ”

“Mr. Lei is really a bold person. ”

Lei Jun didn’t speak for a long time.

His heart was in awe of Han Haoran.

The ideals and aspirations that he had buried deep in his heart and had never mentioned to others were actually guessed by Han Haoran at once.

To know. Han Haoran is just a young man in his twenties!! At such a young age, he is so good in insight and analysis!

Han Haoran also patiently waited for the churning in Lei Jun’s heart.

After a long time, Lei Jun finally looked at Han Haoran with a smile: “What Mr. Han said is not wrong at all. ”

“My next goal is to make smartphones. ”

“Since Mr. Han knows this, he still wants to win me over, does it mean that you also have a great interest in this industry?”

“Do you want to work with me to make smartphones??”

Lei Jun is also very smart and immediately found the point.

Han Haoran nodded and said, “That’s nature. ”

“I said it all, I am very optimistic about this industry, I think in the future, the profit of the smartphone market is extremely large!!”

“And now, the brands in this market, except for Apple, 4.6 I don’t think are worth mentioning. ”

“Even if brands such as Shanxing and LG have absolute advantages in hardware technology, such as chips. ”

“But this financial crisis will seriously delay their layout in the smartphone industry!”

“So, I think as long as we get into the market fast enough, we can share the smartphone market with Apple!!”

“Although I may not be like Mr. Lei, I started planning to enter the smartphone industry a few years ago. ”

“But, in fact, I may have been one step ahead of Mr. Ray in doing this. ”

“The first generation of smartphones I’m about to launch is already in development. ”

“At the same time, I have two very good teams working on chips and operating systems. ”

“I don’t just want to imitate Apple. ”

“What I’m going to do is surpass Apple!”

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read – collect and push

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