Under the close attention of Hua Su and Zhang Hua, Soros’s press conference ended.

From beginning to end, Soros did not mention Han Haoran as a person.

It’s as if the person who has been fighting against Soros for so long and has let Soros endure a rout suddenly no longer exists.

Although Hua Su and Zhang Hua were puzzled by Soros’s thoughts.

But they knew that what they feared most was not happening.

Since this time, Soros denied Han Haoran’s existence in front of so many people at the press conference.

This means that Soros will never mention Han Haoran’s matter to anyone in the future.

Otherwise, isn’t this just a slap in the face?

And if Soros is really so inconsistent, it will greatly reduce the credibility of his words.

The crisis on Soros’s side has been temporarily lifted.

Citigroup, “Two-Two-Three” Wall Street.

After Soros held a press conference, he saw Druckenmiller with a surprised face.

Druckenmiller stared at Soros and asked suspiciously, “George, why did you suddenly deny the existence of that H Xia’s trader?” ”

“So many of us are really aware of the existence of that H mysterious person!”

“Although we don’t know who he is, we don’t know if he’s a person, or if it’s actually H’s ZF team. ”

“But why do you deny his existence?”

“So many of us can prove it for you … ”

Soros interrupted Druckenmiller: “Stanley. ”

“You have to trust my judgment. ”

“You also have to remember my words, forget this H Xia trader, when he doesn’t exist!!”

“From today onwards, what I said at the press conference is the truth!!”

“There is no H Xia trader, there is no mystery person!”

“It’s just an excuse for me to snipe at Soft Girl Coin. ”

Druckenmiller was still very puzzled: “Okay, George, I’ll do what you tell me.” ”

“But I was still very puzzled in my heart. ”

“I wonder why ???”

Soros laughed, “Why do I want you to think that mysterious person doesn’t exist??”

“It’s easy!!, because this is an opponent that none of us can defeat. ”

“This time, our quantum fund, along with the huge hedge fund owned by Citigroup, is also an investment bank, plus the world’s floating capital is on the opposite side of him. ”

“How ??? the results”

“Our invincible force, which is even H Xia ZF, was defeated by him alone!!”

“And it’s a rout!!”

“Lehman Brothers won’t last long and will file for bankruptcy”

“Bear Stearns could have a Morgan handicap. ”

“Merrill Lynch, the White House side may let Citibank accept it. ”

“Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley also lost money, and I don’t know if they can get through it. ”

“The world’s top five investment banks are almost alone”

“And what about hedge funds?? The ‘quantum fund’ is the least lost, but it is also a big loss of vitality, and the funds on hand have evaporated at least a third. ”

“A lot of hedge funds are about to disappear on Wall Street. ”

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“Of those who were involved in our alliance before, and who were with us in the battle conference room just half a month ago, two of them jumped off the building, and three have been put in prison. ”

“What happened to them??”

“That’s what happens when you’re on the opposite side of that person!!”

“So, Stanley, trust me and remember what I said to you today. ”

“That H’s mysterious man doesn’t exist. ”

“I believe that if we don’t provoke him, he will be as if we don’t exist. ”


Druckenmiller was a very wise man.

Soros has said this, and Druckenmiller understands: “I understand, I know what to do.” ”

By the time Druckenmiller left, Soros was alone in the boss’s chair in his office.

It was his last day at the “Quantum Fund”.

In the past few days, after knowing Han Haoran’s identity, Soros did think about revenge.

made Han Haoran’s identity public, and said the speculation that Han Haoran was the culprit of Citigroup’s subprime mortgage crisis.

However, after thinking about it again, Soros still overturned this idea!!

Although Soros knows that if he says everything, it is very likely that Han Haoran will stand on the opposite side of the entire Citigroup country……..

However, when Soros and his alliance that can compete with the world stand on the opposite side of Han Haoran, they will end up in a crush!

If Citigroup stands on the opposite side of Han Haoran.

Could it be that the whole country will also be defeated by Han Haoran? ?

The collapse of stock markets and housing prices in response to the current subprime mortgage crisis is not enough to shake Citigroup’s economy.

It may take a few years of pain relief for Citigroup’s economy to pick up again.

However, what if the terrible Han Haoran once again shot at Citigroup’s economy??

Will there be more consequences that are more difficult to estimate?

Soros calculated Han Haoran’s gains in the exchange rate market and finally the Citigroup stock index futures market.

Soros can be sure that the richest man in the world today is no longer Warren Buffett, but Han Haoran!!

After thinking about it, Soros decided that he still couldn’t drag the whole country and stand on the opposite side of Han Haoran.

In the face of such a formidable opponent, there is only one right choice.

It’s like the wise Warren Buffett, be friends with him and get on his big boat.

Instead of bursting with confidence, he felt that he had the possibility of defeating Han Haoran.

Soros had already begun to regret it at this point, and it would have been nice if he had realized it earlier.

Then themselves, their own alliances, will not be so badly lost.

Perhaps, this time the subprime mortgage crisis will not come so suddenly, so violently, and cause such big consequences!!4.6

However, everything that happened, regret is no longer useful!

The past cannot be changed, but the future can be made by yourself!!

Therefore, when Soros retires, he plans to hide everything related to Han Haoran.

Soros believes that this is the best choice for himself, for the Quantum Fund, and for the country of Citigroup!!

Soros muttered to himself: “I, George Soros, have been speculating in the market all my life, and I have encountered such a terrible opponent. ”

“From an outsider’s point of view, my life on Wall Street was imperfect, even uneventful. ”

“But isn’t that the real life??”

“Until the end, no one knows what will happen. ”

“Han Haoran, although I am retired, I am looking forward to it, how many things will you do in the future that can shock the world??”

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