Hot Xiaodi himself is the most popular character to watch lively.

She looked at the “wooden kite” and asked, “Can it really fly??”

“It’s like flying a kite??”

“Why don’t we give it a try!!”

Han Haoran smiled: “I can’t guarantee it, after all, I have never tried it.” ”

“But we can give it a try. ”

“Xiaodi, if you want to see it so, then find someone to help me move this “wooden kite” to the open space outside the villa. ”

Re Xiaodi is a man of action, she and Song Xinran directly lifted the “wooden kite” and walked out of the villa.

Because the “wooden kite” is made of wood, the density of the wood is actually not high, and this “wooden kite” looks not small, but it is actually very light.

If Re Xiaodi didn’t want to look weak in front of Han Haoran, she would be able to carry the “wooden kite” alone!!

Soon, the “wooden kite” was moved to the open space outside the villa.

Not only the female guests and male guests, but even the team of the program team couldn’t help but come out with the camera.

They want to take a look, what kind of medicine did Han Haoran buy in this gourd??

“Wooden kites” can still fly??

They saw with their own eyes the process of making “wooden kites”.

Isn’t 223 a model with a more complex design and more precision?

How is it possible to fly??

Han Haoran said to Tong Yaya: “I’m going to try now whether the “wooden kite” made by the two of us can fly.” ”

After speaking, Han Haoran sat in the “wooden kite”.

Re Xiaodi was stunned all of a sudden: “Brother Haoran, why did you sit in the “Wooden Kite”??”

“You don’t want to sit in there and control the Wooden Kite to take off, do you?? It’s too dangerous, right?”

Han Haoran said with a smile: “This is a “wooden kite”, not a kite, nor a drone, can’t I press the remote control button on the side to operate it and fly.” ”

“There must be people sitting inside to control the take-off and landing and direction!!”

Re Xiaodi hurriedly said: “This can’t work!!This is too dangerous!!”

“It’s okay if this “wooden kite” can’t fly. But what if something happens when it flies into the sky??”

“Brother Haoran. You’d better not try it, right?”

Song Xinran, Tong Yaya and Qi Yuhan also said at the same time: “Yes, Han Haoran, come out quickly.” ”

“People sit in there, and they look dangerous. ”

Although the staff of the program team really want to see it.

If Han Haoran really sat in this “wooden kite” made of wood and flew up.

That’s really awesome!!

It’s definitely another exciting attraction!!

But at this time, all of them knew that Han Haoran’s safety was the most important thing.

So, the chief cameraman who followed the shot said, “yes!!It’s too dangerous, so don’t try it.” ”

Han Haoran has a desperate heart for the “wooden kite” he made.

Moreover, his strength, speed, and endurance values now far exceed those of normal people.

Even if you fall from a height, you won’t have much of a problem, after all, the “wooden kite” won’t really fly very high.

So Han Haoran smiled and said to everyone, don’t worry, this is a “wooden kite”, and it is not a real plane, and it will not fly at an altitude of several thousand meters. ”

“At most, it can fly to a height of several meters, which is much lower than the altitude of a drone. ”

“I’m at this height, even if I fall, I’m not in danger. ”


The girls were still gossiping to persuade Han Haoran to come down.

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Han Haoran rode the “wooden kite” and knocked it a few times at the organ.

After having power, the “wooden kite” really flew out of thin air!!

Re Xiaodi: ????

Tong Yaya: ????

Qi Yuhan: ????

Xu Siyu: ????

Song Xinran: ????

Li Mengyao: ????

Wang Congcong: ????

Li Feng: ?????

The BHEG is staffed: ???

Everyone couldn’t believe what was happening in front of them.

As Han Haoran spoke, he really controlled the “wooden kite” to fly into the air.

Although it was only three or four meters high, it was true that this “wooden kite” flew in mid-air out of thin air without using an engine or any power system.

Everyone has a gene that loves stimulation, and so does Han Haoran.

Discovering that this self-made “wooden kite” could really fly, Han Haoran couldn’t help laughing.

Under the stunned and nervous gaze of everyone, Han Haoran controlled the “Wooden Kite” to wander around a few times, and finally controlled the “Wooden Kite” to fall.

After all, without an engine, relying on clockwork and gears, being able to hang in mid-air and half-hang for so long is already the limit!!

When Han Haoran landed, the nervous hot Xiaodi’s heart almost jumped out!!

She couldn’t believe what was happening in front of her!!

Even if Han Haoran landed safely, Re Xiaodi couldn’t help but complain: “Brother Haoran, such a dangerous thing, how can you say that you can fly!!”

Han Haoran smiled: “Because I am very confident in my work!!”

“More than 2,000 years ago, we invented this “wooden kite” during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. ”

“So, we Huaxia people are the first people to fly in the air!!”

“This is actually the inheritance of our country’s thousand-year-old skills and the crystallization of the wisdom of our predecessors.”

Re Xiaodi stuck out his tongue and said, “That’s not the point, right??”

“The point is, Brother Haoran just now, what you did was too dangerous, right??”

“Don’t do that again. ”

Han Haoran looked at Re Xiaodi with a smile: “Xiaodi, it’s really not dangerous at all.” ”

“Would you like to give it a try??”

“I’ll teach you how to control this “wooden kite” to rise and fall. ”

Without waiting for Re Xiaodi to answer, Wang Congcong was a little eager to try: “I want to play a little!!”

Hot Xiaodi’s head shook like a rattle: “No!!No!!”

“I don’t want to try, and I don’t want to see people try something so dangerous again. ”

“I’m going to bring this ‘wooden kite’ back. ”

Re Xiaodi is a man of action.

She didn’t ask Song Xinran for help this time, and walked to the villa alone with the “wooden kite”.

Han Haoran smiled helplessly and said to everyone: “Let’s call it a day and go back to the villa.” ”

Han Haoran just wanted to try whether the “wooden kite” invented by Mozi could really fly as recorded in historical records.

Now that it has been proven, Han Haoran has no intention of taking this “wooden kite” into the sky again.

After all, Boeing’s aircraft manufacturing technology is so advanced today, and this “wooden kite” must have been a high-tech product more than 2,000 years ago.

But now, rockets can carry people into space, and this “wooden kite” has no commercial development value at all.

Han Haoran chatted with the female guests all night.

Finally, the last night of the “Love Hut” was over!!_

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read – collect and push

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