An unpleasant matter, because of Han Lang's appearance, is not a perfect solution, but at least those people left with a smile.

In the background, fell into a kind of silence.

"That, Xiao Han, no, Mr. Han, thank you."

Head Hu said with a smile.

He is also a little confused about the origin of the young man from his hometown in front of him.

In fact, it's not just Head Hu who is confused. Aren't all the actors present here like this?

But no matter what he said is true or not, it is enough that the fat man surnamed Huang just left.

"It's not a big deal, and it's hard for Captain Hu."

"I'll arrange a car in a while and take everyone back."

Han Lang said with a smile.

The others continued to pack their things, Han Lang walked up to Xiao Qiuyue and gave her a thumbs up.

Although this girl doesn't talk about the door, she is very principled.

Xiao Qiuyue shook her head arrogantly and continued to work.

Sui Xiamian remained silent, but there was an unspeakable feeling in her heart.

Han Lang didn't say much, but said that he went out to find a car.

He walked out, called a few taxis, told them to wait, and began to charge the taxi.

Then he just waited there.

After a while, people from the troupe came out, and each of them took some luggage.

After all, all singers have some props.

Sui Xiamian stayed alone, and the others didn't say anything.

Everyone is not a fool, Han Lang's kindness to Sui Xiamian can be seen by anyone with a discerning eye.

Sitting in the co-pilot of Han Lang's car, Han Lang drove to the hotel.

Sui Xiamian was silent, and Han Lang was also silent.

"Aren't we in this line of work, so humble?"

Sui Xiamian suddenly said with a smile.

"No, any profession should be respected. We can't think that all the truths in this world are on the side of the rich just because some rich people are used to it."

"This world is somewhat unfair, but it may not be absolutely unfair."

Han Lang said with a smile.

"Will what happened tonight cause you trouble?"

Sui Xiamian asked again.

"No, even if you do, it's okay. People will encounter some things in their life."

"How to solve these things is the most important thing."

"For me, I will not give up what I want to do just because I have to encounter something."

"There must always be some things in life, and we should not care about the lost ones."

"If all things are calculated and weighed, then what is the difference between a human and a machine?"

"The reason why human beings feel advanced is that human beings have many thoughts or decisions, which are different from animals and machines."

Han Lang smiled again and said a lot of truths.

Sui Xiamian savored these life philosophies of Han Lang carefully.

Are these words considered chicken soup?she does not know.

But at this moment, she felt that Han Lang's words seemed very sincere.

"To be honest, it's hard for me to imagine that you are a man who has just entered college."

"You are too mature."

Sui Xiamian continued.

"Are you mature?"

"Actually, I'm not mature at all. I often do things impulsively."

"However, I think there is nothing wrong with being impulsive. After all, as a human being, sometimes you can do whatever you want. There is nothing wrong with doing things that do not violate the law or harm others."

Han Lang replied.

"We're leaving tomorrow."

Sui Xiamian didn't comment on Han Lang's answers.

Instead, he said something else.

"Well. If one day you feel that you don't want to sing opera anymore, or feel that the opera you insist on is no longer what you want. You can call me, and I may be able to help you with something."

"You think you like singing, and you want to stick to it, and I support you. But remember to protect yourself. A woman who is too beautiful is sometimes troublesome. Since ancient times, men have said everything, and beauty is a disaster. That word is very bad."

Han Lang didn't say goodbye, nor did he say anything reluctant.

"Do you think you are the savior?"

Sui Xiamian suddenly said with a smile.

"No, but if you can, be your savior, I think it's feasible."

Han Lang said confidently and shamelessly.

Sui Xiamian suddenly didn't know how to respond to Han Lang's words.

If the man in front of him is honest, he can't tell.

Said he was smooth and greasy, it seems that he is not.

It's not right to say that he likes to brag, and it seems a little wrong to say that he is sincere.

In short, she couldn't see through Han Lang.

"If you do this, you may not get anything. I shouldn't like someone because I am moved."

Sui Xiamian said solemnly.

"Ok, I know."

"Actually, when I do this, I never thought that I must make you like me. It's just that in my thoughts, I feel that I have to do this."

"That's how I am. When I decide to do something, I don't consider the gains and losses and the cost. Perhaps this is also my Achilles' heel."

Han Lang didn't seem to be surprised by Sui Xiamian's answers.

Sui Xiamian continued to remain silent, just looking forward.

"When you arrive, I won't send you down. Have a good rest."

"Tomorrow, there should be no time to see you off. Tell Xiao Qiuyue for me that I won't be angry with her anymore."

The car stopped at the entrance of the hotel, Han Lang smiled and said to Sui Xiamian.


Sui Xiamian unbuckled her seat belt, she didn't need to bring luggage, at least in the troupe, she has always had this privilege.

Han Lang watched Sui Xiamian enter the hotel and drove away.

Sui Xiamian walked to the door of the hotel, and suddenly looked back, but Han Lang's car had already left.

She suddenly felt some indescribable sense of loss in her heart.

What was the cause of this sense of loss, she couldn't figure it out.

Then, she strode forward and coughed a few times.

. . . . . . .

Han Lang drove away, he planned to find a hotel near the school to stay.

It's about time, I'm late at school, I don't want to bother.

As for going to Sister Fang's side, I don't seem to be in the mood tonight either.

Proper solitude may not necessarily be a bad thing for him.

Tomorrow morning, there are a few professional courses that he values ​​more, and he still has to go to school.

As for the chats with Sui Xiamian tonight, they should all come from the heart.

Regarding Sui Xiamian, Han Lang thought about it carefully.

Does he like her very much?The two of them have been together for such a short time, and they don't know each other well, so there is nothing they like in particular.It was nothing more than her appearance and temperament that made him intoxicated.

But he really wanted to do something for her, even if he didn't get anything, it was from the bottom of his heart.

There is a feeling, perhaps not the attainment of that desire, but an impulse to resonate spiritually triggered by a visual resonance.

He respects women's wishes.

Forget it, don't think too much about it, no one can figure out what the future will look like.

. . . . . . . .

Not long after, Xiao Qiuyue called.

"Why did you leave, didn't you send Sister Xia Mian to the hotel?"

On the other end of the phone, Xiao Qiuyue asked.

"It's not appropriate to deliver it to the door or to the hotel."

Han Lang said with a smile.

"Why do I think sister Xia Mian, something is wrong tonight, what did you guys talk about, I will analyze it for you."

Xiao Qiuyue asked gossip again.

"What do you ask me for? Ask her."

"Driving, don't talk about it, hang up."

At this moment, Liu Qiaoqiao's exclusive mobile phone rang.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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