, Vice President Deyun, after quitting the mainstream and after the show ended, there were many encores according to the rules.It was almost ten o'clock when the audience left with their faces full of satisfaction, but when they returned to the backstage lounge, the two of them were already exhausted.Chen Huanyu rubbed her sore thighs and shoulders and changed back into her casual clothes, listening to everyone discussing casually. "What are the arrangements for everyone at night? Do you still want to eat barbecue?" Chang Yuan touched his empty stomach and asked everyone. "Just barbecue. There aren't many restaurants that are still open at night. It just so happens that there are still more than 1000 in the membership card." This is Li Jing. "Oh... I read in the news that barbecue is carcinogenic and you can't eat it often. Then you can't barbecue every day, or let's eat some stir-fried vegetables." He Yunwei said after thinking about it, looking back at Chen Huan who was on the side.Opinions are raised by everyone, and the final decision still depends on the person with the most right to speak.Chen Huanyu thought about it for a while and was about to nod in agreement, but at this time the foodie Shaobing's eyes lit up and said: "Oh, that's right, uncle! I heard from the elder sister of the convenience store at the door that there is another sheep and scorpion restaurant in the east of our theater. It's not bad." , which one shall we go to try later?" "Sheep Scorpion...that's okay, what do you think?" Chen Huanyu thought for a while and thought it was feasible.The name of this sheep scorpion sounds scary, but it is a Shandong dish, which has nothing to do with the terrifying scorpion in the public impression.The main material is the complete sheep spine with tenderloin and spinal cord. Because its shape is similar to that of a scorpion, it is commonly known as sheep scorpion. It is usually used to make clear soup hot pot or spicy soup hot pot. It tastes delicious, and the bone soup is also particularly calcium-rich.Everyone thought about it and didn't have any opinions, so they agreed to speed up the speed of changing clothes.However, the sending of a text message at this time made Chen Huanyu's movements stiff, and when he looked up again, he was already full of joy. "I'm waiting for you at the entrance of the theater, I'm hungry!" - Lin Baiwei.Or else it really belongs to Cao Cao, last night I missed her on the phone and asked, Lin Baiwei also said that she would not come back, but just after talking about it for a while, a text message from here came today.After a while, the mobile phone sent a text message: "Didn't you say that you won't be back today? I have an appointment with seven or eight beauties to go tonight..." "Huh??? Say it again??? And seven or eight beauties , don’t you still remember that you had a beautiful, kind, lively, lovely, cheerful and generous girlfriend in the imperial capital???(#“皮??)&a;a;a;al;lt;angry fury furious anger!!!” Lin Baiwei's message came back quickly, with amazing hand speed, even with facial expressions, she was typing fast. Chen Huanyu smiled helplessly and joked: "I used to think you were very quiet and elegant when we met for the first time, but it's a pity …………""pity? ? ?What a pity? ? "Chen Huanyu replied the text message again: "It's a pity that you have a mouth and hands, and typing can easily reveal the truth that you are a fool!" ! ! "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ! ! o(*rдq)o!!” Chen Huanyu: “……………” “Everyone, go and eat in a while, I have something to do temporarily, everyone, eat and drink well, look for Chang Yuan for dinner in the evening Pay the bill! "Chang Yuan: "?" ? ? ""It's not me, he's so good at saying that he wants to treat guests, so do you need to make a wish for me?" ? ? "(皮#) "Hey, I can't afford to pay for the coat next time! ! ! Looking at Chang Yuan's expression, Chen Huanyu added another sentence. "Isn't this what he should be doing?" ? ?Who would say that cross talk isn't just a joke? How about you silly boy? ? ? "Chang Yuan said speechlessly. Chen Huanyu waved his hands and said solemnly: "Hey!I've always advocated flattery and equality, everyone splits 40-[-], so it would be boring to mention such bad feudal habits! "Chang Yuan: "He......... tui! ! ! "It's not uncle, you really don't want to eat

ah?What's the matter? Do you need any help? Luan Bo asked kindly. "Yes, uncle, what's the matter? Can we help?" ""Yes, it's okay to have dinner next time, let's get down to business first." "Everyone also echoed. Chen Huanyu waved his hands and smiled: "Don't make trouble, it's business, but I'm going on a date with my girlfriend, so why do you help? Just don't make trouble, you eat yours. "Um..." Everyone looked at each other with pale faces, a little embarrassed and a little curious. Uncle Chen's girlfriend, the legendary rich woman, everyone is not curious. "Master, that teacher Where is Aunt waiting for you? "Shaobing is not too tall now, looked up at Chen Huanyu excitedly and said." Yes, where is Auntie, can we meet too! "Yes, we juniors should say hello anyway." "Everyone agreed. Chen Huanyu thought for a while and said: "That's okay...... She's waiting for me outside the theater. See you if you want. "But don't call me auntie when the time comes. If you are ashamed to call out, people are ashamed to beat you. Which little girl can bear auntie." "And your mouth, don't be poor at that time, just look at it, don't talk nonsense." "Yes, yes, then we must not be that kind of people." "That's right, that's right..." "Speaking of Aunt Master... Um, is your girlfriend beautiful?" ? ? "Luan Bo asked curiously. Chen Huanyu thought for a while and pretended to be flat: "I'm not pretty. You can see that I am a few years older than you, but I am actually a very mature person, so in fact, my requirements for the other half Saying high is also high, saying that it is not high is not high. ""This thing is like a spiritual fit. The most important thing is the resonance of the soul. No matter how good-looking you are, there will always be a day when you get tired of looking at it. ""If you want to stay together for a lifetime, the exchange of ideas is actually the most important thing. Do you think Zhuge Liang's wife, Huang Yueying, is so pretty?"The famous ugly wife, but she gets along very well with her, uu You really study hard after reading books, you can't just judge people by their appearance. "..." "..." After a long silence, several crosstalk actors nodded in agreement, with a little embarrassment in their expressions, obviously feeling that the problem and behavior just now were indeed wrong. Some are too naive. However, only Chang Yuan, who was on the side, watched Chen Huanyu's serious performance on the side with cold eyes, and couldn't help but sneered until the end. No matter how good-looking you are, there will always be a day when you get tired of watching it. Pursue spiritual harmony and soul resonance. He and Chen Huanyu have been together for the past few years, how can he not know the bastard's aesthetics! Pure face control, foot control, leg control, black silk control lsp!!! Vice President De Yun, who provided you with the snow-colored champagne of the Great God, started from withdrawing from the mainstream, so that you can read this book next time, please be sure to save the bookmark! Chapter 260 Chapter [-] lsp free reading.https://

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