Chen Huanyu said: "Why don't you just talk about this matter, isn't it how old is your wife???" Chang Yuan said: "How old is my wife... one year younger than me, what's the matter?" Chen Huanyu clapped his hands and said "Otherwise, your fate is like this. It's not good to be one year younger!" Chang Yuan said dumbfounded: "Ah? What's the point of this???" Chen Huan said, "It's not good to marry a younger daughter-in-law! Your daughter-in-law should compare You are older, marrying a younger daughter-in-law, fate will be restrained." Chang Yuan said: "Yes?" Chen Huan said: "And you don't have much time to get married, the best age for you to get married is 73 and 84, you Married too early!" "73...84...Then Hades won't let me go? Isn't this the best age for me to marry, or the best age for my wife? ?? Come and divide the family property directly, right???" Chang Yuan said with pain on his face.Chen Huan said: "Anyway, after you beat and marry this daughter-in-law, your fate is not good! Your fate! There is a comparison." Chang Yuan said: "What is the comparison?" Chen Huan said: "Going downstairs from a tall building, your fate "Chang Yuan said: "How about going downstairs?" Chen Huanyu said: "Simply speaking, one step is not as good as one step, one year is not as good as one year, one month is not as good as one month, one day is not as good as one day, and one moment is not as good as one moment. A while is not as good as a while, and a while is not as good as a while. Chang Yuan said: "What the hell, I'm done!A while is not as good as a while? ? ? "Chen Huan said: "That's it, fate!"One step higher and one step lower, one step wet and one step muddy; the spider web is in front of the eaves, and half of it is blown by the strong wind, half of it is broken and half is straightened, and half of it is straightened and reunited.No matter how much money you earn, you can't save it. The money coming in is like the Yangtze River, and the money going away is like wind and clouds. In the left hand, he holds the rake holding the money, and in the right hand, he holds the bottomless box. "" This is called hugging a rake and leaking a box. It looks like you are making a lot of money, but in fact you didn't keep a penny. " "Isn't it? This is so true!" "Chang Yuan echoed again and again with a crying face. Chen Huan said: "Fame and profit, nonsense and white injustice, come and go three steps if you are not sick!"Go forward! " "Take three steps?" "Chang Yuan didn't understand, but he walked around the table and took three steps forward. Chen Huan said: "Go back and stand in your original position." ""How about it?Can you see something? "Chang Yuan asked curiously. Chen Huanyu shook his fan pretentiously and sighed: "I'll just go at you. It's not going to get any better with this appearance." "You walk, dangling!"Not only is it swaying, but it also has a sound, steaming!Stepping like a circle, walking like a pull, no breakfast and no dinner. "Walk here and go there. To put it bluntly, it is called "defeating the way"! In the photo book, this is called "snake walking", "Snakes run like mice, and the margin is no more than three days. ""It's not what's wrong, I just walked a few steps and there are three days left?" ? ? Chang Yuan was taken aback. Chen Huanyu patted Chang Yuan's chest and found the problem again: "Oh!Your speaking voice is not right either. If your voice is louder, your voice will be quieter.The speech is divided into three paragraphs, and there is no Zhun Han in it.Speech should be calm and gentle, noble people speak late and many villains, keep silent and move your lips erratically, don't leave the poor and humble tormented, let's talk hard!Work hard! "Chang Yuan was in a hurry but didn't understand, coughed hurriedly: "Ah—cough!Chen Huanyu said: "It's over, everyone can hear that you have no confidence! It's all fistulaed!" Chang Yuan said: "Good guy, I can't live if you say that..." Chen Huanyu said: "This Cough, it distinguishes the rich and the poor! The rhyme of the rich and the noble comes out of the dantian, the throat is wide and sharp, and the poor and the humble are on the lips and tongue. It is unspeakable to run around for a lifetime. You! Nothing is worth it! It’s like this fish pond with flower and tree railings, embarrassing yourself Yes; some people say that you are happy, but you are wronged and embarrassed. You are a donkey dung ball—only the appearance is left!" "That's true, it's not easy at home anyway." Chang Yuan nodded.Chen Huan said: "That's for sure, as the old saying goes, the first female college girl holds a golden rooster; the second female college student holds a golden pot; the third female college student holds a gold brick;

Jiangshan; Women's University [-] give away golden pills; Women's University [-] ranks in the fairy class! ! ! "Good guy...then where can I find such a big old goblin..." Chang Yuan said with a painful face. "Hahahahaha!" ! ! "Woooooooo..." The audience laughed loudly and applauded. Chen Huan said: "Anyway, it's good for this big wife. She's like your little daughter-in-law. Not only can't hold anything, but she can also restrain you." , and not only you, but even the community where your home is located will be conquered by her! ! ! ""My god... isn't it my daughter-in-law who is so powerful that she can overwhelm the entire community?" ? ? "Chang Yuan said dumbfounded. Chen Huan said: "If you don't believe me, you can tell me the neighborhood you live in. Everyone just checks to see if there is anyone in the same neighborhood as you. Hurry up and move!" "Forget it, how much hatred I arouse for speaking out." "Chang Yuan waved his hands again and again. Chen Huanyu said: "Anyway, I'm telling you that, if you want you to keep her, your life will be over!" Chang Yuan said anxiously: "Isn't there any solution to this?"I'm married, right? ? ? "If you want me to tell you, why don't you just give your daughter-in-law to..." Chen Huanyu patted himself on the chest with a proud face... "Oh, what do you mean?" ? ? "Chang Yuan squinted his eyes and wanted to hit someone." Hahahahaha! ! ! "Hey hey..." The audience in the audience booed. Chen Huanyu waved his hands and said, "I can't hold it back. The only way is to suffer like this. As long as you can survive this year, tomorrow's On the first day of the new year, I will send you four characters! ! ! "Chang Yuan interjected and said, "Where is the end of suffering? "Chen Huanyu said with a smile: "The family is broken and people are busy!" "I'll go to you!" ! ! Chang Yuan scolded with a smile. "Hahahahaha!" ! ! "Woooooooo..."Okay, okay! ! ! ""well said! ! ! ""another one! ! ! "As Chen Huanyu and Chang Yuan bowed to express their gratitude, there was a sea of ​​applause from the audience again. The official performance was over, and then there was an encore. Originally, Deyun Club estimated that it was about ten o'clock before, It must be over. However, with the enthusiastic calls of the audience and applause over and over again, Chen Huanyu and Chang Yuan, who always said in their hearts that it was the last time, did not end until nearly twelve o'clock. Forgive me, don't let the world make money! With such a group of lovely and enthusiastic audiences, how can we not let the actors be moved. Deyun Club is on the verge of losing the cross talk show. The opening performance on Monday, Chen Huanyu and Chang Yuan joined hands to take Down.(

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