Yandang Mountain.

This mountain is located in the southeast of Jiangbei City, only forty kilometers away from the city.

It took nearly an hour to drive.


The Mercedes-Benz off-road vehicle arrived at Tianxin Town, where Yandang Mountain belongs.

Through the car window.

The first thing that catches the eye is an endless mountain range, surrounded by clouds and mist, which always gives people a feeling of fairyland on earth.

Among them, the highest peak of the mountain range is at least 2000 meters above sea level, and there is the final destination of this trip - Yandang Mountain!

But just as he was about to leave.

At this time.

Ye Tianhong suddenly called.

"Mr. Chu, where are you now? The hero meeting is about to begin. I'll pick you up right away!"

Ever since I learned that Chu Yang is a strong man who has been on the list of masters.

Ye Tianhong's attitude has long since undergone a great change, how dare he behave so casually like before.

No wonder he never cared about revenge against the Wang family. It turned out that Chu Yang's real strength was so powerful.

At the same time, he was secretly grateful in his heart.

Fortunately, after Chu Yang offended the Jiangbei Wang family, the Ye family did not choose to disown the other party immediately.

All this is also due to the unique vision of his brother Ye Tianhai!


Facing Ye Tianhong's proposal, Chu Yang flatly refused and said, "There's no need to make it so troublesome. I'll drive there by myself and just meet up at Yandang Mountain when the time comes!"

"Mr. Chu, this year's Heroes Conference is no different than before, and even the province attaches great importance to it. Therefore, all vehicles entering and exiting Yandang Mountain must be registered in advance. If you drive there by yourself, it may be more troublesome. !"

Following Ye Tianhong's explanation.

Chu Yang hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay, I'm right here in the old city of Jiangbei, call me directly when you arrive!"


Chu Yang quickly hung up the phone.

About two 10 minutes later.

A Mercedes-Benz SUV appeared in an old neighborhood in an instant.

He saw Chu Yang waiting at the gate of the community.

Ye Tianhong didn't dare to delay, so he hurriedly called the other party to get in the car.

After Chu Yang got into the car, he sat side by side with Ye Tianhong in the back seat.

This time the driver was Ye Tianhong's exclusive driver, and Ye Zhong sat in the passenger seat.

A group of four people can be regarded as light and simple.

"By the way, isn't such a grand event in the ancient martial arts world usually under the jurisdiction of the ancient martial arts league? Why did the government intervene this time?" Chu Yang asked puzzled.

"Mr. Chu doesn't know that the previous hero conferences are not just about simply selecting a person to speak about ancient martial arts in Lingnan, but it is also closely related to the secondary distribution of profit resources and market share of our secular families!"

After a slight pause, Ye Tianhong continued to explain: "After all, this is not the era of fighting and killing. No matter how strong the ancient warriors are, as long as they enter the WTO, they will be supervised by the official organization!"

"What's more, in order to prevent ancient warriors from violating the ban with martial arts, the Dragon Kingdom issued an unwritten rule a long time ago, that is, children of ancient martial arts families are not allowed to enter politics!"

"In this way, if these ancient martial arts families want to continue to develop in the secular world, they cannot do without establishing deeper cooperation with some local business and political tycoons!"

"However, as long as there are people, there will be rivers and lakes, involving their own interests, and there will inevitably be some friction between different business and political clans!"

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