Start from bad people and add some practice

Chapter 210 It's Unusual in King Qi's Mansion


Liu Ziji changed into casual clothes and rushed towards Fengxiang City single-handedly.

As soon as he arrived at the gate of Fengxiang City, Liu Ziji was turned away.

It seems that because of the Jin army, Fengxiang City is now under martial law throughout the city.

The people inside the city couldn't get out, and the people outside the city couldn't get in.

Liu Ziji had no choice but to run to the foot of a city wall.

Immediately, Liu Ziji exerted enough internal strength, stepped on both feet, and lifted himself off the ground.

Canglang footwork, rushing to the wolf and leaping to the spring!

The Qibing guard near the city wall was still distracted with his spear, but then a man suddenly jumped onto the city wall from outside.

The guard's eyes flickered, and he suddenly jumped up.

He was taken aback.

Where did this guy come from?

The guard rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

But then he reacted, holding the spear in his hand, pointing the tip at Liu Ziji.

At the same time, more and more Qi soldiers also surrounded them.

"You! Who are you?"

"Say it quickly, or we will do it!"

Liu Ziji said: "Take me to meet your King Qi."

"What do you see our King Qi doing?"

"You, a person of unknown origin, also want to meet our King Qi? Delusion!"

Seeing that he couldn't explain it to the other party, Liu Ziji didn't say much.

Immediately afterwards, the surrounding Qibing immediately stabbed the spear in their hands.

The six gun heads pierced directly into Liu Ziji's body.

But then, Liu Ziji's body dissipated like a cloud of smoke.

There is no doubt that this is just an illusion.

But the real Liu Ziji had already used the secret method of He Guang Tong Chen to take the opportunity to run down the city wall.

As the largest building in Fengxiang City, Prince Qi's Mansion was not difficult for Liu Ziji to find.

Liu Ziji soon arrived in front of Prince Qi's mansion.

Now that he's already here, Liu Ziji has no intention to force his way this time.

He said to the guards in front of King Qi's mansion: "The north of Xichuan in the Jin Kingdom is recruiting envoys, come to see King Qi."

Liu Ziji said that all the north of Xichuan in the state of Jin recruited system envoys, which was actually an official position.

This identity was naturally obtained by Liu Ziji from Meng Zhixiang.

People have to bow their heads under the roof.

Meng Zhixiang didn't dare to refute Liu Ziji at all, so he obediently gave Liu Ziji the military post.

Therefore, Liu Ziji is now both a recruitment envoy and a system envoy, but it has not been announced to the soldiers in the army.

Although it was a military position temporarily set up during the war, Liu Ziji's rights in the entire army were unquestionable.

Logically speaking, Liu Ziji, the northern part of Xichuan, has the right to envoy envoys, second only to Meng Zhixiang.

The guard at the door, Qi Bing, looked at each other in blank dismay, and then several people walked in to report.

About a quarter of an hour later, a woman wearing a black and white short skirt and yellow socks came out.

This woman is naturally one of the Nine Heavens Saintesses of Huanyinfang, Yang Yantian.

After looking at Yang Yantian's attire, Liu Ziji's expression was a little strange.

This Nine Heavens Saint Princess of Huanyinfang looks good, and her figure is also extremely graceful. She should be upturned, but the pair of sledgehammers in both hands is very impressive.

At this time, Yang Yantian held a pair of sledgehammers and gave Liu Ziji a faint look.

"It's you who asked to see King Qi?"


"follow me."


The main hall of King Qi's Mansion.

Under the leadership of Yang Yantian, Liu Ziji stepped into the hall.

There are many maids from Huanyinfang standing around the hall.

In the center of the hall, sitting in a gorgeous brocade robe, King Qi Li Maozhen.

In other words, she is an empress disguised as a man.

Li Cunli was sitting in the guest seat below.

Behind Li Cunli stood Ba Ge, Baye, and Baer from Tongwen Hall.

At this time, no matter in front of the empress or Li Cunli, there were delicacies from mountains and seas, jade liquid and golden waves.

In the middle is a chorus of music.

Liu Ziji looked around, collected his mind, and then clasped his fists towards the empress and said, "I've met King Qi. I'm taking the liberty to come here. Please forgive me for being so abrupt."

The empress immediately cast her gaze over.

Liu Ziji didn't deliberately avoid looking away.

He is here to negotiate this time, if he doesn't even dare to look at him, it will only give people a cowardly feeling.

The two eyes met for an instant.

Seeing Liu Ziji's burning eyes, the Empress felt a chill in her heart.

This man is so bold!Could it be that they came prepared?

But the Empress frowned only for a moment, and then nodded and smiled at Liu Ziji to show her friendliness.

"The king seems to have seen you before."

Liu Ziji said: "King Qi, we met at Fengxiang City last time."

The empress pondered for a moment, then suddenly said loudly: "Are you someone next to Li Cunxu?"

Liu Ziji nodded. "I came here today to talk to King Qi about the army's excuse. If there is any presumptuousness at that time, please don't blame King Qi."

The Empress didn't speak, but Li Cunli who was beside her spoke.

"I said that Xichuanbei from wherever it came from is recruiting envoys, but I didn't expect it to be you!"

Liu Ziji sat down on the seat opposite Li Cunli, and said with a smile, "Master, long time no see, don't come here to be safe!"

Li Cunli said slowly: "Don't come here without any problems. But if you appear here with such a big fanfare, I'm afraid you will be in trouble next time."

These words were full of gunpowder, but Li Cunli's tone did not seem to be targeted.

It's like he's talking about something straight.

Since Liu Ziji dared to show his true colors, he would be hunted down by Li Siyuan soon.

Liu Ziji himself knew this truth.

But at this moment, he thought to himself that he was not afraid of Li Siyuan.

He glanced at Ba Ge behind Li Cunli, then turned to look at Li Cunli, and said with a faint smile, "Thanks to the sect master for his concern. However, personal well-being is insignificant in front of the important affairs of the family and the country."

Li Cunli said indifferently: "I'm still here to discuss with King Qi about borrowing the way, so you don't need to intervene."

Liu Ziji said: "This is a major national event, everyone is responsible."

Hearing this, Li Cunli calmly picked up his teacup, took a sip of tea silently, and remained silent.

"Dare to ask King Qi, what is King Qi thinking about the matter of borrowing the way from the army?"

"This king is discussing this matter with the head of the Lizi Sect." The Empress said.

"What was the result?" Liu Ziji asked.

The empress didn't reply immediately, she picked up the teacup leisurely, then hooked her fair fingers, took a sip of the tea, and calmed down.

After a while, the empress said calmly: "This king still needs to think about it."

That is, we haven't talked about it yet.

Seeing Li Cunli's leisurely and indifferent appearance, Liu Ziji thought he had settled the deal.

Liu Ziji turned his head to look at the Empress, and said, "King Qi, this opportunity must not be missed, and the time will never come again. Right now, there is a heaven-sent opportunity in front of you, but I don't know if you can grasp it."

These words made the Empress a little surprised.

"What kind of a godsend opportunity?"

The Empress wanted to talk more, but Liu Ziji smiled and said, "I would like to ask King Qi to speak a little more."

Hearing this, the Empress raised her brows and said, "What kind of god-given opportunity is it? Could it be that we can't talk about it here?"

Liu Ziji's eyes were sharp, and he said in a deep voice, "Naturally, the fewer people who know about this matter, the better."

Hearing this, the empress became a little interested, she narrowed her eyes and smiled and said: "It seems that this king really needs to listen to what you want to say."

"This general, please invite me inside."

After finishing speaking, the empress stood up by herself and walked towards the hall.

Li Cunli's eyes were a little stunned.

He really didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Liu Ziji's gourd.

In fact, what Li Cunli is wondering now is: Why is Liu Ziji, who was wanted by Li Siyuan, able to become the envoy of the northern capital of Xichuan?

Could it be that there has been a change in the army?

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