"will not."

Liu Ziji's answer to the purple-clothed girl's question was straightforward.

At this time, the girl in purple had already walked in front of the two of them.

"Aren't you Taoist priests? Why can't you tell a fortune?"

Liu Ziji said: "Not all Taoist priests can tell divination."

Hearing this, the girl in purple sized up Liu Ziji and Yan Lingji several times.

She suddenly put her hips on her hips and said with a unique accent: "You are lying! Just looking at your clothes, you can tell that you are not an ordinary Taoist priest! Quickly help me do the divination and find someone!"

Yan Lingji looked at the girl in purple, and said with a smile: "Little sister, this is not the attitude of begging for help. Besides, you are so cruel and ruthless, do you think we will help you?"

"You know you're afraid?"

The girl in purple said with a fierce face on purpose: "Tell you! I am the saint of the Wandu Cave! If you know that you are afraid, do as I tell you! Find someone for me!"

Liu Ziji glanced at the purple-clothed girl, and said calmly, "Girl, the old man is already quite old, so don't bother him. It would be bad if he got angry."

Hearing this, the girl in purple couldn't help looking at Liu Ziji in surprise.

"You! You know?"

Seeing the reaction of the girl in purple, Yan Lingji was a little puzzled.

She turned to look at Liu Ziji, and said, "What do you know?"

Liu Ziji said: "If nothing unexpected happened to this old man, he must have fallen into some kind of illusion."

Yan Lingji was a little surprised by these words.

She sized up the purple-clothed girl carefully, and said with interest: "Could it be that she can also perform illusions?"

"What illusion? This is not an illusion!"

The purple-clothed girl said proudly: "This is the ecstasy Gu of our Ten Thousand Poisons Nest! How is it? Is it powerful?"

As she spoke, she patted her palms lightly.

After the applause fell, the old man's expression froze.

Immediately, his eyes became confused.

This kind of lost lake does not refer to a lost lake that is in a state of confusion, but rather a lost lake that is similar to just waking up.

The old man's eyes quickly changed from sleepy to sober.

He looked around, scratched his head, frowned and said, "Hiss~ No, where is this place? Why am I here?"

He looked around at the surrounding terrain, and suddenly clapped his hands.

"It's broken! The pot at home is still burning!"

After speaking, he ran away in one direction.

Seeing the old man's actions, the purple-clothed girl couldn't help reminding loudly: "Hey, you are running wrong! Your home is in the direction behind you!"

The old man turned his head when he heard this.

He thanked the purple-clothed girl, and then hurried towards home.

Seeing this outrageous scene, Yan Lingji couldn't help being a little surprised.

Because the old man seemed to have completely forgotten everything he had just said.

What killed my wife and children, wiped out my whole family, and slaughtered my whole village seemed to have never happened at all.

He even thanked the girl in purple!

Could this be the effect of ecstasy Gu?

Yan Lingji couldn't help but think of some gadgets played by the Hundred Poison King.

This ecstasy Gu and a certain Gu worm offered by the King of Hundred Poisons should have the same effect.

After the old man left, the girl in purple stretched out her arms and stopped Liu Ziji and Yan Lingji.

"Okay, the fake Taoist priest who can't tell fortunes is gone, now it's up to you to help me find the bad guy! Quickly help me with fortunetelling!"

Liu Ziji looked at the purple-clothed girl in front of him, and said, "We really don't know how to tell fortunes."

"I don't believe it!"

The purple-clothed girl Shui Lingling rolled her eyes, and suddenly said: "Let me see if you really don't know how to tell a fortune teller!"

After finishing speaking, the plump lips of the girl in purple moved slightly.

Liu Ziji blinked, only to see a small black shadow flying towards him.

There was also a faint hum.

This is obviously from the little black shadow.

And the target of this little black shadow turned out to be Liu Ziji's chest.

Is this trying to trick myself?

Liu Ziji pondered for a while, but only raised his inner strength secretly, a black-colored aura appeared all over his body, and instantly knocked out the insects.

Seeing this, the purple-clothed girl's eyes widened suddenly.

"you you!"

"Girl, please let me go, Pindao is in a hurry."

The purple-clothed girl said angrily: "You killed my worm, and you still want to leave? See if I don't teach you a lesson!"

Before the words were finished, the girl in purple jumped up, holding the flute horizontally in her hand, and rushed towards Liu Ziji.

As soon as Liu Ziji exerted strength on his legs and feet, he just got off the horse and flew into the air.

The purple-clothed girl just flitted over and missed Liu Ziji's clothes at all.

Immediately, Liu Ziji fell from the air leisurely, with his feet on the saddle and his hands behind his back.

He glanced at the purple-clothed girl, and said calmly: "You little demon girl, you were the one who did it first, why are you still blaming me?"

The girl in purple turned around and looked at Liu Ziji on the saddle with surprise in her eyes.

"Your martial arts are not bad!" She snorted coquettishly, and said, "So what if I do it first? Let me tell you, I am the saint of Wandu Cave. If you are sensible, you can quickly help me figure it out. Then I will give you..."

Before the girl in purple finished speaking, Liu Ziji sat on the saddle again and drove forward.

"Hey, I'm talking to you, do you hear me?"

Liu Ziji ignored her, but continued to walk in the direction of Bianzhou City.

"You stop for me!"

Seeing Liu Ziji ignoring her, the girl in purple frowned.

The horse under Liu Ziji's crotch did not stop, but his voice came out.

"Girl, this is the Central Plains, it's best not to say that you are from the Ten Thousand Poison Den, or you will only bring trouble to yourself."

"Are you looking down on Wandu Cave?"

Hearing the words, the girl in purple immediately put her hips on her hips, stood behind and shouted loudly: "Don't underestimate people, let me tell you, the insect and poison techniques of our Ten Thousand Poison Cave are very powerful!"

Hearing this, Liu Ziji was suddenly blessed, and an idea popped up.

In fact, he had already guessed the identity of this purple girl.

Because the girl's dress is indeed recognizable.

She has long purple-red hair, her child's hole is also purple-red, and there is a little red between her full lower lip.

And on her head and neck, she wears a kind of silver jewelry with a strange shape.

In addition, there are two gourds hanging around her waist, and a flute with a strange shape in her hand...

Such a dress is obviously the dress of a Raojiang person.

If there is no accident, she is Chi Meng, the daughter of King Wandu Cave King!

Chi Meng is the saintess of Wandu Cave.

If he can take this opportunity to become a disciple of Wandu Cave, wouldn't he be able to understand and learn those miraculous voodoo techniques and poison techniques?

For witchcraft, Liu Ziji has always kept a respectful distance.

Because people who are proficient in witchcraft can take the lives of others inadvertently.

In the original plot that Liu Ziji knew, even the ghost king whose martial arts had already surpassed the Great Heavenly Rank was instantly bewitched by the Gu insects and took his life...

After thinking about it, Liu Ziji reined in.

Seeing this, Yan Lingji also stopped her horse.

"what happened?"

"Take this little girl, how do you like it?"

Yan Lingji immediately showed contemptuous eyes.

"Are you too anxious? Didn't you just meet?"

Liu Ziji said sternly: "I'm here for business. Maybe I can learn some insect techniques from her. Know yourself and the enemy, and you will never be defeated. Only by understanding those magical insect techniques and poison techniques can you have a better way to deal with them!"

Yan Lingji looked him up and down, and said with a teasing smile: "Why do I feel that you have another purpose?"

"In my heart, you are still the most beautiful."

Hearing this, Yan Lingji's pink cheeks were stained slightly, she couldn't help biting her lips and said with a smile: "The mouth is so sweet, it must be rape or robbery!"

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