Xiaoyao Xiaoyao in the mountains

Chapter 486 Robbing the Safe!

Xue Jinglun frowned, his face became very ugly.

"I believe that Pan Hanhai will definitely have some information, otherwise he would not have exposed some in the media, so you still have to continue to investigate, besides the company, to see where he often goes."

"Except for the company..." Hua Zi pondered on the other end of the phone.

Xue Jinglun snorted and said, "You have been secretly investigating in the county for so long, did you not find out?"

After Xue Jinglun said this, Hua Zi patted his thigh and said: "I know, I know! Xue Jinglun also has a club."

"Then go to the clubhouse and have a look."

"Okay, I'll go see it now." Hua Zi said immediately.

When Xue Jinglun was about to hang up the phone, Huazi said again: "I was in Pan's house and almost ran into someone."

"who is it?"

Hua Zi said, "It's Yang Xiaobao."

"He, isn't he in Spring City?"

"It must have returned to the county seat overnight from Chuncheng. It is probably the same as our purpose, which is to find Pan Hanhai."

Liu Guangyu sighed for a long time, he couldn't be in a good mood this morning.

"Okay, you go to the clubhouse quickly, I guess Yang Xiaobao doesn't know about this clubhouse."

Huazi said good and hung up the phone.

Just as Huazi and Ajin were driving towards Pan Hanhai's clubhouse, Xue Jinglun also sent two of his men to the clubhouse.

Yang Xiaobao was not in the mood to chat so much with Pan He at this time, he asked for the password of the safe, and was about to leave.

"Yang Xiaobao, I wish you success." Pan He looked at Yang Xiaobao and said coldly.

"Young Master Pan, is there anything else I can do?" Yang Xiaobao asked Pan He before leaving.

Pan He shook his head, sighed, and said, "No, Yang Xiaobao, I hope you can avenge my father."

Yang Xiaobao laughed and said, "Even if I kill the person who killed your father, it's not to avenge your father."

After speaking, Yang Xiaobao opened the door and walked out.

Pan He looked at the door closed by Yang Xiaobao, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

This time, he hoped that Yang Xiaobao could get the laptop in the safe.

In this way, the Liu family will not let Yang Xiaobao go.

Regardless of whether Yang Xiaobao killed his father or not, he wanted Yang Xiaobao to die!

This time, Yang Xiaobao and the Liu family killed each other, which he really wanted to see.

If Yang Xiaobao could kill the Liu family, there would be nothing left to say.

If the Liu family killed Yang Xiaobao, that's exactly what he would like to see.

Yang Xiaobao pulled Ah Jun up from the bed and said, "Let's go back to the county."

Ah Jun had not been lying on the bed for a long time, and was still in a dazed state. He didn't expect to go back to the county again.

But he couldn't say anything, he could only follow Yang Xiaobao to the outside of the guest house with a confused face.

"You sleep, I'll drive." Ajun said.

Yang Xiaobao shook his head, and said: "No need, you continue to sleep, I will drive, and you will drive when you arrive in the county."

"But you haven't slept all day and night, can you do it?"

Yang Xiaobao grinned and said, "Don't worry, I'm fine."

After he finished speaking, he pushed Ah Jun and asked him to be the co-pilot.

Ah Jun had no choice but to obey.

He sat in the co-pilot, and fell asleep again not long after.

When he woke up again, he had already got off the high speed.

"How was it? How did you sleep?"

Ah Jun smiled shyly, and said, "It's not bad. The biggest advantage of me is that I can fall asleep at any time. This is also a result of practicing in the mixed society. After a short sleep, I will feel very refreshed."

Yang Xiaobao nodded, and said: "Then you drive, just off the highway."

The two changed places.

Yang Xiaobao sat on the co-pilot, took out his mobile phone, and made a call.

The call was to Mr. Xue.

Mr. Xue picked up the phone and immediately said, "Xiaobao, my people have already got the lockbox."

"Wow, that's great. Where are they?"

"I just came out of the clubhouse and got on the bus. It will take about 15 minutes to get to my place."

"Then let them drive to meet me." Yang Xiaobao said, "I just got off the highway."

Yang Xiaobao felt that it was impossible for the Liu family to allow him to get the safe so easily.

The person who killed Pan Hanhai must still be in the county seat, maybe he has already arrived at the clubhouse.

Yang Xiaobao was right.

When Huazi and Ajin arrived at the entrance of the clubhouse, they saw two people carrying a safe and throwing it into the trunk of a car.

The two looked at each other, jumped out of the car immediately, and walked towards the two of them.

Xue Jinglun's two subordinates also saw Hua Zi and A Jin at this time.

Realizing that something was wrong, they immediately jumped into the car, slammed on the accelerator, and left the clubhouse.

Hua Zi said to Ah Jin: "Drive, chase!"

After speaking, he ran back to the car, opened the door, and jumped on it.

Five minutes later, Yang Xiaobao and Ah Jun were driving on the road when they saw a black Land Rover knocking over a Toyota SUV.

The collision between the two cars happened right in front of their eyes, and it was real.

Yang Xiaobao immediately realized that something was wrong, and said to Ah Jun: "Rush over!"

Ah Jun nodded, slammed the steering wheel, and rushed towards the opposite lane.

It was Huazi and Ajin who were sitting in the Land Rover.

When they knocked over the car belonging to Mr. Xue, they were just about to open the door and get out of the car when they saw a BMW x7 rushing towards them.

"No, hurry up!" Huazi shouted to Ah Jin.

A Jin snorted, stepped on the accelerator, rushed out, and left the scene of the accident.

When the BMW x7 arrived in front of the overturned car, Ah Jun stepped on the brakes, and the car stood there firmly.

"Brother, are you chasing him?" Ah Jun asked.

Yang Xiaobao shook his head and said, "There's no need to chase, the most important thing now is to save people."

The two of them opened the overturned car door and pulled out two of Mr. Xue's subordinates.

Fortunately, the two sat in front, both wearing seat belts, and they were all fine.

"Where's the safe?" Yang Xiaobao asked.

"In the trunk."

Yang Xiaobao winked at Ah Jun, and Ah Jun immediately opened the trunk and pulled out the safe with all his might.

Yang Xiaobao carried the safe into his car.

Only then did he let out a long breath.

Finally, the safe and the computer in the safe were in his hands.

The Land Rover ran a long way, and when it saw that there was no chasing car behind it, it slowed down slowly.

"Huazi, why did you ask me to drive away? I don't believe they can catch us. Seeing that the safe is in hand, it's over!"

Hua Zi sighed, and said: "Yang Xiaobao is not ordinary, we two are not his opponents at all."

"Hmph, I really want to fight him."

Huazi chuckled, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "There are opportunities, and you will definitely meet him in the end."

Ajin, like Shitou, is Liu Guangyu's thug.

However, Ajin and Shitou are opposite in terms of body and personality.

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