Xiaoyao Xiaoyao in the mountains

Chapter 446 Battle in the Graveyard!

With a gloomy face, Yang Xiaobao turned to look at the group of guys holding batons and shovels.

At first glance, these people were local ruffians and rascals that the Pan family had specially spent money to find.

"People say that hooligans are helping the developers to demolish and relocate. I didn't expect you people to shamelessly dig up the graves of your ancestors. It's really bad." Yang Xiaobao said coldly.

"Who the hell are you?"

asked one of the guys with yellow hair, a floral shirt, and tattoos on his arms.

Yang Xiaobao snorted, and said, "I'm from Shitou Village, and there's my parents' cemetery here, I'll see if any of you dare to move!"

"Boy, don't you know? This mountain has been contracted by our boss, and this cemetery must be demolished, otherwise don't blame us for being rude!"

Yang Xiaobao knew that they came here on purpose.

Otherwise, Wang Guoxi told them that they would come here to clear the grave, and would not give Stone Village any time at all.

Yang Xiaobao snorted, shrugged, and said, "Your bosses are Pan Hanhai and Pan He, right?"

Hearing what Yang Xiaobao said, these people glanced at each other.

The same yellow hair said: "Who is our boss, there is no need to tell you country bumpkins, hurry up and get acquainted, and move the grave now, or we will give you peace!"

He waved his hands and said, "Brothers, go up to me and level these cemeteries for me."

After hearing what he said, they rushed forward immediately.

A guy walked quickly in front of Yang Xiaobao, and was about to bump into Yang Xiaobao.

Yang Xiaobao raised his foot and kicked him directly in the lower abdomen.

Yang Xiaobao didn't use any force in this kick, he just wanted to teach them a lesson and didn't want to kill him.

But this kick still kicked the guy out and hit the tree, causing a bird standing on the tree to watch the fun fly up.

Seeing that his man was being beaten, the yellow-haired man immediately yelled, "Brothers, beat this bastard for me! Beat him until he kneels and begs for mercy!"

These people held up the things in their hands and rushed towards Yang Xiaobao.

Seeing this scene, Liu Wenzhu also shouted: "They dig our ancestral graves, let's fight for them!"

As he spoke, he raised the pitchfork in his hand and rushed towards those local hooligans.

Other people in Shitou Village also rushed up, shouting.

A scuffle was about to break out.

At this time, Yang Xiaobao stretched out his hand and said, "Wait a minute, all of you step back, and let me deal with them alone."

"Little Treasure, can you do it? There are twenty or thirty of them." Liu Wenzhu said worriedly.

"Don't worry, they still have nothing to do with me."

Liu Wenzhu and Wang Tieshu looked at each other, and they all retreated silently.

They have seen Yang Xiaobao's skills before.

Seeing this scene, the yellow-haired man shouted again: "What are you still doing? Fuck me, kill this bastard!"

These people screamed and rushed towards Yang Xiaobao.

Yang Xiaobao kicked a guy with a baton flying away, and then punched another guy with a shovel.

Just like that, Yang Xiaobao combined his punches and kicks, and within a short while, all these people were beaten to the ground.

The screams echoed in the valley, and the smell of blood filled the cemetery.

In the end, only the yellow hair was left standing there, watching what happened in front of him with a look of horror.

When the villagers of Shitou Village saw Yang Xiaobao beat these people to the ground so neatly, they couldn't help screaming.

Yang Xiaobao walked towards that yellow hair.

When Huang Mao knew it was over, he immediately turned around and wanted to run down the mountain.

He knew that if he didn't run away, he might have to confess here.

But he only took two steps away when his neck seemed to be clamped by pliers, and a stabbing pain spread all over his body in an instant.

"Alas, alas!"

Yang Xiaobao snorted, and with a flick of his hand, he threw this guy to the ground fiercely, and a dog ate shit.

This guy was just about to get up from the ground, but Yang Xiaobao walked over and stepped on his arched buttocks.

"Don't move." Yang Xiaobao said coldly.

Then he put the point of the shovel on his neck.

Huang Mao felt the cold sharp edge of the shovel, and couldn't help shivering.

"I don't move, I don't move." Huang Mao said immediately, "I will do whatever you ask me to do."

At this moment, Wang Wen also rushed over.

Seeing the messy battlefield in front of him, he gasped and shouted: "Xiaobao, don't be impulsive!"

He was afraid that Yang Xiaobao would kill someone.

Yang Xiaobao looked at Huang Mao and asked, "Tell me, did the Pan family ask you to come?"

"Yes, yes, Master Pan He and Pan asked me to come. You know that's the case, and you won't come no matter how much money you give us." Huang Mao said in a mournful voice, "Just forgive me, I won't dare again Or, I'll give you all the money Pan Shao gave us."

"Hmph, do you think I'll care about your money?"

As he spoke, Yang Xiaobao raised the shovel, and then lowered it again.

The yellow hair screamed.

Everyone was startled, thinking that Yang Xiaobao was really going to kill him.

In fact, Yang Xiaobao's shovel just hit Huang Mao's shoulder.

Blood flowed directly down Huangmao's shoulder, and it didn't take long before it soaked his clothes red.

Huang Mao screamed, his body kept shaking, and he didn't know whether it was because of fear or pain.

Yang Xiaobao took two steps back, and said to him coldly: "Take your people, get out of here, go back and tell Pan He, let him stop thinking about the cemetery and mountain temple on this mountain, otherwise he will feel bad of."

Hearing what Yang Xiaobao said, Huang Mao endured the pain as if he had been amnesty, got up from the ground, and ran down the mountain even crawling and rolling.

The people he brought along also ran down.

The people in the village laughed when they saw their embarrassment.

Wang Wen walked up to Yang Xiaobao and asked, "Xiaobao, are you okay?"

"I am fine."

"This man is really bad enough, even our ancestral graves will not be spared." Wang Wen sighed.

"I believe they dare not come again." Yang Xiaobao said, "Let's go down."

Wang Wen nodded, and walked down the mountain with Yang Xiaobao and the villagers.

It was already night when Pan He saw Huang Mao.

Seeing the bandages on Huang Mao's shoulders, with a bitter expression on his face, he snorted.

"Young Master Pan, this Yang Xiaobao is really formidable." Huang Mao said, "None of the twenty or thirty of us are his opponents."

"Okay, okay, I know about this, get out!"

Pan He waved his hand, as if waving away a fly, and drove the yellow hair away.

After Huang Mao left, Pan He took a deep breath, turned around and opened the door, and walked in.

"Well, how are things going?"

Pan Hanhai, who was sitting on the sofa, asked.

Pan He shook his head and said, "It didn't work out, they were beaten up by Yang Xiaobao, and they came back in a state of embarrassment."

"This is also expected." Pan Hanhai said, "Let's ignore this matter and go pick up Liu Lao's people now."

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