Legendary basketball manager

Chapter 99 The curtain falls, the strength of the Rockets!

Kevin Martin goes to the free throw line.

At this time, the Ford Center arena booed everywhere, and the Thunder fans were obviously very dissatisfied with Martin's deliberate foul.

"This ball is called a foul. Didn't the referee see that it was that nasty Rocket No. 12 who deliberately stuck it on someone else?"

"Ugly! So ugly! Basketball isn't supposed to be played like this!"

Fans, you talk to me, and finally it turns into a wave of voices:

"referee. sucks (black whistle)!"

"referee. sucks!"

"referee. sucks!"


Fortunately, Kevin Martin has been on the battlefield for many years. He has been booed all over the sky and made free throws steadily.

Interestingly, just as he was turning around to return to defense, he suddenly saw Harden's fiery eyes.

Martin was shocked all over, and thought to himself: "This man is not right, we are straight men", so he quickly avoided Deng's gaze and devoted himself to defense.

Offensive and defensive transition, Harden singles again with the ball.

Through the matchup in the last round, he has a general understanding of Martin's defensive ability.

So this time, Brother Deng didn't call his teammates to play pick-and-rolls, but directly initiated singles at the top of the arc.

I saw him dribbling the ball continuously under the crotch while observing Martin's defensive position.

Seeing that the latter was standing to the right, Harden suddenly started and accelerated to the left of Martin.

Martin quickly moved sideways, and immediately, their bodies collided.

Although Harden is a fledgling, he is far stronger than the "thin" Martin in terms of strength.

After the confrontation, the latter staggered back a step.

Harden took advantage of the situation and turned around, and then connected the movement of turning around and shooting.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Martin swooped over and took off to block the shot.

But...you have to pay it back sooner or later.

Harden actually made a fake shot!

[Damn it...]

Martin thought to himself, but the person was already too empty to be remedied.

Harden looked at the timing and waved his hand to the person who came...


The referee's whistle sounded again, and the Rockets made a defensive foul!

Harden smiled and walked to the free throw line.

"Wow~ Smart play! This ball is shot directly, and it may not be possible to score."

"This way of making fouls is very old-fashioned. Like Kobe and Wade, they like to make fouls like this. It is completely different from Martin's way of leaning on others!"

"Harden's learning ability is good! I haven't seen him make fouls in previous games, it seems that the arsenal has been updated again!"


In this way, Harden made two free throws amidst the cheers of the audience.

And after 1 minute, a dramatic scene happened.

Yao Ming finished his rest and returned to the court.

As soon as he played, he took the initiative to pull to the outside line and set up a pick-and-roll for Martin.

Just as the latter was about to pass the screen, Harden suddenly took a lateral step and squeezed past the pick-and-roll.

Ever since, the two had physical contact again.

A gentleman's tricks, pay attention to one point until the end.

Harden and Martin pulled back when they realized they were about to collide.

But at the next moment, the two fell backwards at the same time, and then covered their faces in pain at the same time.

This stunned Yao Ming.

He first glanced at his teammates on the ground, then turned his head to look at Harden who was rolling.

At this moment, Yao Ming, who was a little embarrassed, suddenly had a strange idea in his heart——is it more appropriate for me to pour it too?

Fortunately, even if the referee appeared, he called Harden for a foul, avoiding Yao Ming's embarrassment.

But this time, the bearded golfer quit.

He excitedly asked the referee why it was not an offensive foul.

But... it didn't work, and the referee was unmoved.

Coupled with the Thunder's foul count in this quarter, the Rockets entered the bonus time, and Martin once again walked to the free throw line.

This time, not only did the point difference continue to widen, Harden also received a second foul.

After playing for less than 5 minutes, he had to return to the bench, so naturally he was extremely depressed.

After the first quarter, the Rockets led the Thunder by 35 points 25:9.

In the second quarter of the game, Durant went into battle again.

Relying on Reaper's outside firepower, the Thunder gradually recovered some points.

But Yao Ming also stood up at this time, scoring consecutive singles in the interior to help the Rockets stabilize the situation.

Between you and me, the two sides have reached a deadlock.

There are 5 minutes left in the second quarter.

The coaches of the two teams replaced all the main players at the same time.

Of course, Harden is still on the court.

He replaced Sefolosha as the No. [-].

In other words, both teams have sent their strongest lineups at this time!

After the game restarted, McGrady, who had been silent for a quarter and a half, began to exert his strength!

&nac played Durant in the low post again.

He suddenly dribbled the ball behind his back, and at the same time his shoulders shook slightly, KD lost his center of gravity.

McGrady seized the opportunity, turned over and leaned back...


Come on!

In less than 1 minute, McGrady scored 5 points, once again helping the Rockets expand their advantage.

At the same time, this wonderful goal also attracted the exclamation of CCTV commentator Yu Jia:

"McGrady deserves to be called the 'Basketball Poet' by domestic fans!"

"For the ball just now, he actually dribbled the ball behind his back, which is equivalent to exposing the ball directly in front of the opponent."

"I can only describe this goal as being bold!"

And the morale of the Rockets also rose rapidly following McGrady's two singles!

George, who was "violently beaten" by Durant in the first quarter, finally successfully blocked the former's offense on the defensive end.

Then, Paojiao seized the opportunity of the Thunder team's unstable retreat, broke into the basket, spread its wings and soared...


He used a powerful one-handed dunk, which instantly silenced the originally noisy Ford Center Arena.

After the ball, the difference between the two sides came to 20 points.

And this gap lasted until the end of the first half.

After the halftime break, the Thunder made a comeback, and under the leadership of Durant, they launched a counterattack again.

But no matter how hard they try, the Rockets always maintain an advantage of about 20 points.

Whenever Lei Ting hits a small climax and is about to see the dawn, one of the Yao Mai team will stand up and respond.

After several failed attempts to counterattack, the Thunder head coach, Brooks, called out and withdrew all the main players just 4 minutes into the fourth quarter.

In the end, the Rockets beat the Thunder, who were also young guards, by 125 points 107 to 18!


After the game, Shen Fei asked Roy: "If you return to your peak and replace Martin as our sixth man, what level will the Rockets reach?"

"In the league, there is no team we can't beat!"

"Whether it's the Spurs, the Lakers, or the Heat in the East, we have the strength to compete with them."

Roy gave his own answer.

Hearing this, Shen Fei nodded, and the corners of his mouth could not help but rise slightly.

Calm and rational as Roy, he gave such a high evaluation, which shows that the strength of the Rockets has indeed reached a good level.

This is the best reward for the hard work of Asian youths in the past few months!

"Prepare well, the day when you get rid of your injuries is not far away!"

Shen Fei patted Roy's shoulder and said with a smile.

"I will train hard and get ready!"

Roy responded confidently.


After bidding farewell to Roy, Shen Fei watched the night from the office on the 22nd floor through the window sill (nba games are usually played at local nights).

"Now we are waiting to play against the Mavericks and the Heat to test our quality..."

The Asian youth muttered to himself.

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