Legendary basketball manager

Chapter 97 The Powerful KD, Roy's Analysis


The basketball hit the net empty-handed, turning the net upside down.

8:5, the Rockets continue to lead!

After scoring the goal, George still kept following the shot, and his eyes kept looking at KD's position.

Instead of being angry, Durant nodded towards Paul George, as if affirming the wonderful three-pointer just now.

McGrady was also very happy, ran to the little brother with a smile, reached out and stroked George's crew cut a few times.

"Not bad, very angry."

&nbc joked.

George smiled lowly, a little shyly.

The game continues.

Durant didn't give up, and went on to attack.

But this time, he did not choose to play with the ball on the outside, but relied on the cover of his teammates to get a jump shot from outside the three-point line.

At 8:8, the Thunder tied the score again.

"Durant made three of three shots and scored 8 points alone! Is this the strength of the strongest scorer of the younger generation?!"

Yu Jia commented.

At this time, the Rockets' coaching bench.

Mark Jackson held out his hands and made a gesture.

The players on the field immediately understood that this was asking them to double-team.

George was not happy about this.

He never thought that his single defense would fail at the very beginning of the game.

[It seems that we still can't underestimate the heroes of the world...]

George thought so.


At the same time, Shen Fei, who was far away in Houston, was watching the game in real time through the TV in the general manager's office.

Beside him, also sat the Rockets' new aid - Brandon Roy.

Shen Fei specially invited Huang Mamba to watch the football together today.

After all, he has already accumulated 500 reputation points. As long as the Rockets win five more games, the Asian youth can buy [Holy Light Healing] again to heal Roy.

Today, Shen Fei wanted to take the opportunity of watching the football together to have some communication with Roy.

"Brandon, what do you think of George?"

Shen Fei asked casually.

"Paul's talent is very high. But it's his first year, and it's too early for him to deal with Durant now."

"However, I can see that he has a high spirit and is not afraid to confront a strong opponent head-on, which is very important."

Roy analyzed seriously.

"Well, you think about the same as I do."

"Actually, I take this game very seriously."

"Durant, Westbook, and Harden will all grow into superstars in the future. Therefore, the Thunder may not be a stumbling block on our way to winning the championship this year. But in the future, if we want to break out of the West, we must You have to get past them."

"Among them, Durant is the most difficult to deal with."

Shen Fei said lightly.

Although the system only issued him the task of winning the championship this season, Shen Fei has always been a very ambitious person.

Now that he has become a professional manager, he wants to take the Rockets to a higher level - to build a dynasty!

In the next few years, Shen Fei believes that there are three teams that are most competitive--Heat, Spurs and Thunder.

Among them, the Thunder is the most variable team.

In the original space, the detonators, mainly Presti, chose to trade Harden in order to save money.

But if they don't be stupid and keep this young Big Three, then once the three young players with mvp potential grow up, the Thunder is bound to become a very scary team. !

But Shen Fei is a perfectionist and likes to minimize risks.

The Rockets he wants to build must be able to defeat the Thunder in "ideal state"!

So, how to restrict the Thunder's three young players, especially Durant, has become a big problem.

"It is impossible to completely prevent him, but to limit it as much as possible."

"George may not be able to defend now, but with his talent and diligence, he may be able to wrestle with Durant in the future."

"And there are other defensive champions in our team, such as Tony Allen and PJ Tucker. I think these two are very suitable for defending kd."

Roy replied.

Shen Fei couldn't help but nodded when he heard that.

Roy is worthy of being an All-Star player, and his vision is indeed unique.

When Shen Fei signed these two from the free agent market during the offseason, he considered that the Rockets would face super giant small forwards like Durant and James in the future.

Therefore, flank defense becomes even more important.

Among the two, Tony Allen's defense against "young" Durant is a must!

Shen Fei believes that once Paul George's defense is unfavorable, Mark Jackson will replace Mr. Tony.

After all, once KD can be limited, the probability of the Rockets winning this game will be greatly improved!


Sure enough, while Shen Fei was talking to Roy, Durant still succeeded frequently under George's defense.

When kd feels hot, even a double team can't stop it.

A few times Lowry just rushed to the defense position, Durant has chosen to force the shot, and he can still hit.

In just 5 minutes of the first quarter, he scored as many as 15 points by himself, and the explosive power of scoring is terrifying!

Mark Jackson had no choice but to send Tony Allen on the field ahead of time and replace Lowry; he also replaced Yao Ming with Tucker to improve the team's defensive mobility.

"With this lineup, the Rockets may want McGrady to play point guard."

Yang Yi commented in a timely manner.

If you ask McGrady, what have you gained from these two years of wandering?

&nbc may answer - organizational skills.

With the loss of physical function, McGrady can't break through and complete the finish like in the past, and can only rely on the vision brought by static talent to create opportunities for teammates.

Now that he has returned to his peak form, he still has good organizational skills, and it is more than enough for him to play as a point guard.

"Also, have you noticed that the Rockets' current lineup is very average in height."

"McGrady, Tony Allen, Paul George, Griffin, Tucker, all about two meters tall, it's a bit of a 'magic fortune teller' - what Pat Riley called the 'ultimate basketball' lineup !"

Yu Jia added.

The so-called ultimate basketball lineup was proposed by current Heat general manager Riley.

To put it simply, it is to put out five players with a height of about 2 meters.

A player of this height not only has enough size to protect the frame, but also maintains mobility to deal with the opponent's perimeter.

The most important thing is...you can play unlimited defenses!

In this way, all pick-and-roll attacks can be invalidated!

"I don't know what effect the Rockets' version of Ultimate Basketball will have. Let's wait and see!"

Yu Jia said excitedly.


The game continues.

After Tony Allen came on the field, he immediately began to mark Durant closely.

His defense is extremely aggressive, starting from the backcourt and waving his teeth and claws around kd.

Moreover, Tony Allen's defensive style is very different from George's, which made it difficult for Durant to adapt for a while.

In the first round, kd barely received a pass from his teammates after a series of physical confrontations.

But his hasty shot failed to hit under the interference of Allen.

In the second round, Durant didn't believe in evil and continued to single out Tony Allen.

This time, he chose to play singles with the ball on the outside.

Regrettably, although Durant possesses rare ball-handling skills at the small forward position, his height close to 2 meters determines that his center of gravity must be high.

Under Tony Allen's hand-to-hand combat, kd made a mistake and was directly intercepted by the former.

The failure of these two rounds of offense also gave the Rockets a chance to switch offense.

During the fast break, McGrady shot cold arrows one by one, broke through the inside line one by one, and scored 5 points in a row in a short period of time, helping the Rockets to open the score in one fell swoop.

At the critical moment, another core member of the Thunder stepped forward!

"Kevin, take a break. Leave the rest to me!"

It was Turtle who spoke—Westbrook!

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