Legendary basketball manager

Chapter 90 Concentration first, Shen Fei's acting skills are online!

"Excuse me, I'll take a call."

Shen Fei motioned to Pritchard.

"It's okay, you're busy first."

The Blazers manager responded.

Then, Shen Fei got up and took two steps to the side, lowered his voice, and made a phone call.

Pritchard waited, watching the ball, but as he waited, he overheard something on the phone.

"Interested in our Courtney Lee?"

"Your team's Lou Williams is a very good player who can come off the bench and help the team get a lot of points... But, it's not the player we need."

"Ju-Holiday? That can be discussed!"

"The first round? Sorry, we have no plans to sell the draft right now."


The more Pritchard listened, the more startled he became.

From these few words, he was able to roughly confirm that the person who called Shen Fei was the manager of the Philadelphia 76ers.

Pritchard was a little surprised that the 76ers were willing to play Louis Williams.

After all, the Blazers just played against Philadelphia a few days ago, and he knows Lu Wei's strength very well.

But... Shen Fei didn't even think about it, so he directly refused!

What surprised Pritchard even more was that in order to get Courtney Lee, the 76ers even put Holiday on the shelves!

You know, the latter is the first player born in the 90s to become an All-Star!

The moment he heard Holiday's name, Pritchard once thought that the negotiation between him and Shen Fei was over on the spot.

After all, Shen Fei was very clear about Roy's injury.

Compared with the younger and equally outstanding Holiday, Shen Fei has no reason to choose a player who may be reimbursed for the season at any time, or even retire directly.

Fortunately, the 76ers should have made a request for 1-2 first-round picks, which made the deal fall through.

[Courtney Lee will soon become a hot commodity in the trade market after his outstanding performance in this game. ]

[There should be many team managers who will see that he overlaps with Paul George and propose a deal with the Rockets...]

Pritchard thought to himself.

He has a premonition that if he wants to get Courtney Lee, he must make a quick decision, and it is best to finalize the deal today.

Otherwise, with the involvement of other teams, it will be difficult to ensure whether Shen Fei will "transfer love".

With this thought in mind, Pritchard immediately figured out which bargaining chips in the team are suitable for this transaction to increase the success rate of the negotiation.


Soon, Shen Fei hung up the phone and returned to his seat.

"Excuse me, where were we talking?"

The Asian youth said with a smile.

"We are about to formally discuss the transaction."

"For Courtney Lee of your team, we really want to trade."

Pritchard went straight to the point.

When Shen Fei heard the other party's urgent tone, he secretly rejoiced in his heart.

He was about to respond when the phone rang again.

"A call from the general manager of the Kings, this..."

Shen Fei showed Pritchard the incoming call page with embarrassment.

"Manager Shen Fei, I think that transactions should be done on a first-come, first-served basis. I have worked so hard to come to the Toyota Center all the way, and you should know my sincerity."

Pritchard said seriously.

The implication is...you don't answer other teams' calls, talk to me first.

Hearing this, Shen Fei almost couldn't help laughing.

As a businessman with two lifetimes, this is the first time he heard that when talking about business, first come, first served.Isn't it better to shop around and choose the best deal?

Of course, Asian youths will not speak out to refute.

Because the former "76ers manager" was played by his assistant.

Including the phone call from the manager of the Kings just now, it was also made by Shen Fei.

Courtney Lee performed very well today, but it did not make the managers of other teams come to ask the price in such a hurry.

The reason why Pritchard has no doubts is that firstly, Shen Fei's acting skills exploded, and the performance was too natural; Falling is nothing more than normal.

Combining the two, Pritchard firmly believes in the setting that "Courtney Lee is being sought after by all teams".

"Well, Manager Pritchard, you are right."

"As long as the chips are right, I am willing to give priority to the offer from the Blazers."

"So... what are you willing to give for Courtney Lee?"

Shen Fei asked with a smile.

"Roy plus a first-round pick!"

Pritchard gritted his teeth and threw out a thoughtful offer.

If you had traded him for Courtney Lee a year ago, Pritchard would have thought he was crazy.

Not to mention, it comes with a first-round pick!

"With the current strength of your team, even if Roy is always absent, there is a high probability of reaching the playoffs."

"In other words, your first-round pick is a non-lotter pick."

Shen Fei said calmly.

He clearly remembers that the Trail Blazers still reached the playoffs (sixth in the West) in the strong West under the leadership of Aldridge despite Roy's long-term injury!

This makes it impossible for their picks to be advanced, and it also means that if Roy can be replaced with a viable force in time, the Blazers may be able to go further in the playoffs!

"He is Roy! If there is no injury, he may even become the next Kobe!"

Pritchard exclaimed excitedly.

"No, no, no, Brandon is very good, and he has a high spirit. But compared with Kobe, the gap in talent is still too big."

"And...his injuries are a fait accompli."

Shen Fei said lightly.

"Then... what do you want?"

"Aldridge, Batum, Wesley Matthews, and Rudy Ferrandez are not for sale."

Pritchard said.

When Shen Fei heard it, he called him a good guy.

Asked me what I wanted and left out all the high value players on the Trail Blazers...  

How do I choose?

But Shen Fei didn't want to embarrass Pritchard.

After all, his goal for today's negotiations is very clear-to get Brandon Roy.

If the conditions put forward are too strict, it may be self-defeating and ruin the deal.

[However, who else on the Trail Blazers is worth adding to the trade...]

Shen Fei thought about it, and suddenly had a flash of inspiration.

"Or, you can add another 'sick guy' of your team, oh no, players who are plagued by injuries to the deal."

The Asian youth said with a smile.

"You mean, Oden?!"

Pritchard couldn't believe it.

This man's situation is even worse than Roy's.

He has been recuperating since a knee collision with Aaron Brooks last year.

A few days ago, the Blazers received news from within that Oden's knee injury had recurred and required another operation.

In other words, he may have to rest for a whole year, or even longer...

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