Legendary basketball manager

Chapter 85 Important Battle Intent, Shen Fei's Arrangement!

"I know that the Blazers are also a young team aiming to win the championship"

"If Roy can retreat bravely and leave the opportunity to Wesley Matthews on the bench, let the latter grow up as soon as possible, your strength may not drop too much."

"We are willing to sell players with immediate combat power in the team to help you transition Matthews during this period of growth"

Shen Fei said lightly.

"Whether it is immediate combat power or not is not the most important thing. Our core players are still very young and will remain competitive for many years to come."

"Since the Rockets want Roy, they have to come up with chips of equal value."

Pritchard said warily.

As the saying goes, a lean camel is bigger than a horse.

Although it is difficult for Roy to stay healthy, he is also an All-Star shooting guard and the trump card of the Blazers in the past two years!

Leaving aside how long he can maintain his level, if he sells the core of the team at a low price, he will definitely be criticized by all walks of life.

This is what Pritchard does not want to see.

Hearing this, Shen Fei smiled slightly, and resolutely gave up the plan of using Hayes as the main bargaining chip.

"I do have a crush."

Pritchard took the initiative to mention, somewhat guilty in his tone.

"Appreciate further details."

Shen Fei said lightly.

"Your team's Courtney Lee's playing style is quite suitable for our Trail Blazers."

"Paul George should be back soon, right? At that time, who of the two of them will start the game, how do you plan to solve it?"

"Two outstanding young people, I'm afraid no one is willing to be a substitute."

"Of course, if you are willing to play Paul George, I welcome it very much."

Pritchard said with a smile.

As a professional manager, his vision of people is naturally different from that of ordinary fans.

Although Courtney Lee is in the limelight now, George's performance in the first 5 games of the season has established his status in the eyes of insiders.

Given one of the two, Pritchard would choose pickled peppers without hesitation!

"It seems that you have studied our team a lot, Manager Pritchard."

Shen Fei joked.

"However, George is not for sale."

"Courtney Lee is also young and full of potential. If the price is right, we will consider selling him, but this is also because the Rockets can't let them both start at the same time."

The Asian youth's tone suddenly became serious.

At present, the team's starting five tigers are basically not for sale.

The Yao-Mai combination is the core of the team.

At the beginning of joining the Rockets, Shen Fei set a goal to help the two of them win the championship and even establish a dynasty.

This is also a long-cherished wish of his previous life as a fan.

The three young men Lowry, Paul George, and Griffin will ensure that the Rockets will maintain their championship strength for a long time in the future.

In other words, unless a superstar (such as Curry) joins in the future, Shen Fei will not easily move this starting lineup.

"I see."

"How about this, the Rockets currently have a lot of salary space, and they can even force Brandon's contract."

"Why don't you get Courtney Lee, we get Roy, and everyone gets what they need?"

Pritchard came up with his own proposal.


Shen Fei couldn't help laughing out loud.


Pritchard felt embarrassed: "Manager Shen Fei, you..."

"Sorry, sorry."

"I'm trained to laugh, no matter how funny it is...unless we can't help it."

Shen Fei explained casually.

"I'd like to add another second-round pick, how about that?"

Pritchard added.

"Manager Pritchard, I feel that you may not understand the value of Courtney Lee enough."

"He is less than 25 years old now. Since becoming the starter, he has averaged 20+5+3 per game in four games."

"When Roy was in his third grade, the data was only 22.6+5.1+4.7."

"If trained properly and given enough team status, it is entirely possible for Courtney Lee to become the next Roy."

Shen Fei directly reported the data of the two of them, and said solemnly.

Pritchard was taken aback when he heard the words, and once again lamented that the other party had done a lot of homework.

"Well, seeing is believing."

"You may have seen the highlights of Courtney Lee on the Internet, but you have not seen his current strength in the field."

"In the next game, we will face the Timberwolves at home. If there is no accident, Courtney Lee will face this year's No. [-] pick-Wesley Johnson."

"Come to watch the game live, and you will know his value."

Shen Fei invited.

Pritchard was silent for a moment, then readily agreed.

Wesley Johnson has also known about him. He is a rookie with strong athletic ability and a good defense.

If Courtney Lee can continue his strong performance in the matchup with him, it will prove that the former's data during this period has no water.

"Then we'll see you the day after tomorrow."

After finishing speaking, Shen Fei hung up the phone.


The next game is very important. It not only decides whether to get the task reward of 20 billion US dollars, but also concerns Roy's transaction.

Therefore, that afternoon, Shen Fei drove again and came to the Toyota Center.

When he arrived, the team had finished routine training and some players had left the arena.

Shen Fei first found the head coach - Mark Jackson.

"Manager, why are you here?"

Mark Jackson greeted with a smile.

"Come and see everyone."

"How is it, has the training been going well recently?"

Shen Fei asked casually.

"Very good. The atmosphere of competition in the team is strong. Whether it is a starter or a substitute, everyone wants to show their value."

"Especially the two kids, Paul and Jeremy, they have beaten the main team hard in the two days of confrontation!"

Mark Jackson said with a smile.


"Aren't they in the 'rehabilitation' stage, are they not afraid of suspicion from their teammates when they play so hard?"

Shen Fei asked curiously.

"When I first played, I pretended, but I couldn't help it when I played the game."

"Especially George, he's at 120% when he's playing against Courtney Lee."

"Once the game was over, he just pretended to touch his ankle and pretended it wasn't healed."

Mark Jackson couldn't help but smile all the way.

"It's also difficult for him."

"However, it should be back to normal soon."

"In the next game, there are two tasks."

Shen Fei cut to the chase, and said solemnly: "First, no matter what, to win, 10 consecutive victories is too important for a young team like ours!"

[It's like this, it has nothing to do with whether it is 10 billion or not! ]

The Asian youth spoke secretly in his heart.

"Second, if the game goes well, Courtney Lee will usher in an explosion in the third quarter."

"If the score is tight, he will explode in the tiebreaker of the fourth quarter."

"Be sure to let him appear on the court in one of these two periods."

Shen Fei ordered.

At some point, Mark Jackson took out a pen and paper and began to record.

"Understood, manager."

"It's up to me!"

Mark Jackson closed his notebook and said with a smile.

"If nothing else, you can have a super sixth man very quickly."

Shen Fei patted the other party's shoulder and said.


Two days later, Toyota Center Arena.

The game between the Rockets and the Timberwolves is coming as scheduled!

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